This wordlist is generally used by students preparing for GRE.
Short Definition : quarrel noisily; obtain through arguing; herd cattle; N.
Short Definition : anger; fury
Short Definition : inflict; Ex. wreak one's vengeance on
Short Definition : twist; pull; strain; Ex. He wrenched the gun out of her hands.
Short Definition : obtain by pulling violently; pull away; take by violence; Ex. wrest victory from their grasp
Short Definition : miserable person; bad or despicable person; ADJ. wretched: miserable; bad; contemptible; vile
Short Definition : twist (to extract liquid); extract by twisting; wrench painfully (necks or hands)
Short Definition : small ridge on a smooth surface (face or cloth); V.
Short Definition : written command issued by a court (telling someone to do or not to do something)
Short Definition : twist in coils; contort in pain