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Short Definition : refuse to give; hold back; Ex. withholding tax

(verb) hold back; refuse to hand over or share
Synonyms : keep back
Example Sentence
  • The father is withholding the allowance until the son cleans his room
(verb) retain and refrain from disbursing; of payments
Synonyms : deduct recoup
Example Sentence
  • My employer is withholding taxes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for withhold

with+hold....if you hold back the library book and refuse to return it on time...you are withholding it.


Short Definition : stand up against; resist successfully

(verb) resist or confront with resistance
Synonyms : defy hold hold up
Example Sentence
  • The politician defied public opinion
  • The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear
  • The bridge held
(verb) stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for withstand

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With + stand...you firmly stand your ground (withstand) even though there is strong opposition.


Short Definition : lacking intelligence or wit; foolish; idiotic

(adj) (of especially persons) lacking sense or understanding or judgment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for witless

witless = WITh LESS brain, means foolish

wit(clever perception)+less....a person lacking the ability to percieve things cleverly.

think of WITTU oru wittum ellatha jeevidam endhu maduppanu????? really stupid one


Short Definition : witty saying; wisecrack(clever joking remark)

(noun) a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
Synonyms : humor humour wit wittiness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for witticism

Witticism rhymes with critisism. Witticism is a clever remark and critisism is a critical remark, pointing of a fault.

witch will make clever joking remark about her magic

"cis" means to cut... to cut something, you must be sharp so witticisms are sharply witty.


Short Definition : sorcery; magic

(noun) exceptional creative ability
Synonyms : genius
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wizardry

focus the word Wizard...similar as a software PARTITION WIZARD..which is same as partition MAGIC. Hence its a MAGIC

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Wizardry is the same as sorcery... a wizard is a person who performs sorcery (magic).


Short Definition : shriveled; withered; Ex. wizened apple/old lady

(adj) lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness
Example Sentence
  • the old woman's shriveled skin
  • he looked shriveled and ill
  • a shrunken old man
  • a lanky scarecrow of a man with withered face and lantern jaws
  • he did well despite his withered arm
  • a wizened little man with frizzy grey hair
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wizened

wizened - old people are experienced and WISE... and they are FEEBLE, WEAK, they SHRIVEL, WITHER

wizened = wise+end wise (old) people reach their end as death & their body decays

relate it to the word WISE... think of a lady who has gained wisdom as she has aged and grown old and shriveled up.

widened <-- --> wizened --> <-- get it??

YZend...when you have Y,Z written on your face as tatoo, you faace is WIZENED


Short Definition : great sorrow; deep inconsolable grief; affliction; suffering; Ex. financial woes

(noun) misery resulting from affliction
Synonyms : suffering
(noun) intense mournfulness
Synonyms : woefulness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for woe

when ur mourning u sing "woh lamhe"

woe - when our favourite batsmen gets out... we, while watching cricket shout OH!!!! sadly

if a friend becomes a foe, its a matter of great woe

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Woe and sorrow both sound as well as mean the same...distress, misfortune.

remember "woh" in hindi. a girl is in sorrow because she is thinking that "mera woh (lover) marr gaya".

WOE and BOW rhyme....I don't like to bow...if the day comes when I have to BOW, I will be in WOE....i.e I will be in great sorrow or distress....

because of our FOE we have to suffer WOE.


Short Definition : sad; (of something bad) deplorable; deplorably bad; Ex. woeful housing conditions

(adj) affected by or full of grief or woe
Synonyms : woebegone
Example Sentence
  • his sorrow...made him look...haggard and...woebegone
(adj) of very poor quality or condition
Example Sentence
  • deplorable housing conditions in the inner city
  • woeful treatment of the accused
  • woeful errors of judgment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for woeful

woe+ful....full of woe..that is distressed, a feeling of sadness.


Short Definition : (the stated person's) habit or custom; habitual procedure; ADJ. wonted: customary

(noun) an established custom
Synonyms : habit
Example Sentence
  • it was their habit to dine at 7 every evening
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wont

What won't leave is habit or wont

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You won't leave this bad wont

you won't avoid wont

In the beginning you wont, but after you get used to it, you will

WANTON means casual, unrestrained. WONT means established, structured.

If you wan't something, make it your wont!

You wont forgot your daily habit easily.

Wont is similar to want... you want (wish) to do something and in wont you are accustomed to do something.


Short Definition : engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual; of the material world

(adj) characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world
Synonyms : secular temporal
Example Sentence
  • worldly goods and advancement
  • temporal possessions of the church
(adj) very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world
Synonyms : blase
Example Sentence
  • the blase traveler refers to the ocean he has crossed as `the pond'
  • the benefits of his worldly wisdom
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for worldly

Worldly and earthly both sound and mean the same... concerned with material gains, not a spiritual person.

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