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Short Definition : relating to stars; Ex. sidereal day

(adj) of or relating to the stars or constellations
Example Sentence
  • sidereal bodies
  • the sidereal system
(adj) (of divisions of time) determined by daily motion of the stars
Example Sentence
  • sidereal time
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SIDEREAL is pronounced as SY-DEE-RIAL and not SIDE+REAL, therefore CELESTIAL is a more appropriate suggestion, as it not only rhymes with sidereal, it also has the same meaning-relating to the stars or the constellation.

SIDE+REAL...the STARS by our SIDE are REAL

break it as side+reel, reel signifies something to do with movies, and movies=movie stars (actors), so eventually relating to stars :)

The real side of an axis is known as infinite space. The infinite space is related to stars or celestial bodies !!!

we dont know which side of a star is real... it's a sidereal question

Side+Real : visible beside the moon and are really illuminant

sidereal - see-ether-real = sidereal, when you see an ethereal body,it must be the stars!

SIDE sounds like the name 'Said' [pronounced: sigh-eed] => to keep it REAL, Said lost his Papa's watch so he learned how to tell time by looking at the stars.


Short Definition : switch (a railroad car) to a siding; divert from a main issue; N. CF. siding: short section of railroad track connected by switches with a main track

(noun) a short stretch of railroad track used to store rolling stock or enable trains on the same line to pass Definition
(verb) wander from a direct or straight course
Synonyms : depart digress straggle
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SIDETRACK is to DISTRACT from the main course or issue.

side+track= a track connected by switches with a main track

Sift is like SHIFT ,i.e shift fine particals away from the coarse ones


Short Definition : put through a sieve to separate fine from coarse particles; sort or examine carefully

(verb) move as if through a sieve
Example Sentence
  • The soldiers sifted through the woods
(verb) separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements
Synonyms : sieve strain
Example Sentence
  • sift the flour
(verb) check and sort carefully
Synonyms : sieve
Example Sentence
  • sift the information
(verb) distinguish and separate out
Synonyms : sieve
Example Sentence
  • sift through the job candidates
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leave - left sieve - seft

SIFT - SELECT or analyze, examine carefully.

Seperate IF Tea only good

le'ave : le'ft si'eve : si'ft


Short Definition : expressing a meaning; important; Ex. significant smile; N. significance: importance; meaning; V. signify: denote; mean; signal; make known; matter; be significant

(adj) important in effect or meaning
Synonyms : important
Example Sentence
  • a significant change in tax laws
  • a significant change in the Constitution
  • a significant contribution
  • significant details
  • statistically significant
(adj) fairly large
Synonyms : substantial
Example Sentence
  • won by a substantial margin
(adj) too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation
Example Sentence
  • the interaction effect is significant at the .01 level
  • no significant difference was found
(adj) rich in significance or implication
Synonyms : meaning pregnant
Example Sentence
  • a meaning look
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SIGNIFICANT or PROMINENT -something important or of importance.


Short Definition : sediment deposited by running water (at the entrance to a harbor or by a bend in a river)

(noun) mud or clay or small rocks deposited by a river or lake Definition
(verb) become chocked with silt
Synonyms : silt up
Example Sentence
  • The river silted up
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for silt

SILT is not exactly FILTH but sediment deposited by a river on course.

sounds like SEAL....excessive silt can seal passages....

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silt is similar to salt which is also deposited by running water

Remember those poor guys who Sift the Silt for gold


Short Definition : monkeylike; N: ape or monkey

(noun) an ape or monkey Definition
(adj) relating to or resembling an ape
Example Sentence
  • simian features
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for simian

simian like simi(lar)/SAME + an ( only one) and nearly similar to mankind is the monkey or ape and that is why simian.

SIMIAN - SIMI = SIMILAR and MIAN or MAN, therefore the word SIMIAN means something similar to man. As the ape, gorilla and the chimpanzee are ancestors of man they are termed as SIMIANS.

simian - like a semi man i.e a monkey

simian...think how cricketer symonds look.he looks like a monkey...ttherefore symonds is a simian...


Short Definition : comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as

(noun) a figure of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds (usually formed with `like' or `as')
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simile = similar

cognant to similar

SIMILE or AFFINITY is the likeness or comparison of two things.


Short Definition : smirk; smile in a silly way; smile affectedly

(noun) a silly self-conscious smile Definition
(verb) smile affectedly or derisively
Synonyms : smirk
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for simper

your smile should be simple...not simper

Simper=smile tampered(artificial)

Smile like "chimp"angee :)

simper.....simp(SIMPLE)+SI(m)P+..SO WHEN PRONOUNCED give the sounds of simp(le)& sip....so A VERY SIMPLE GIRL..SIPPING THE JUICE IN A VERY SILLY WAY..like while sipping she is making gd gdddd noice....so someone smiling on her..silly way of sipping j

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SIMPER - let's break the word - SI = SILLY + SIM = SMILE and PER (per (but)in Hindi). We can now explain it a little better - A SMILE PER dikhne mein SILLY kyunki aap us waqt self-conscious hote hain.



Short Definition : oversimplified

(adj) characterized by extreme and often misleading simplicity
Example Sentence
  • a simplistic theory of the universe
  • simplistic arguments of the ruling party
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simplistic means TOO SIMPLE...lacking insight...!!!

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SIMPLISTIC or EXPLICIT - something that is simple or clear-cut.


Short Definition : feign; imitate

(verb) reproduce someone's behavior or looks
Synonyms : copy imitate
Example Sentence
  • The mime imitated the passers-by
  • Children often copy their parents or older siblings
(verb) create a representation or model of
Synonyms : model
Example Sentence
  • The pilots are trained in conditions simulating high-altitude flights
(verb) make a pretence of
Synonyms : assume feign sham
Example Sentence
  • She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger
  • he feigned sleep
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for simulate

SIMULATE and EMULATE which are rhyming words also have the same meaning, i.e to imitate or copy.

(same + late) all students told the SAME reason for coming LATE...here two things should be noted...1)they copied the excuse 2)they r pretending...!!!


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Emulate Simulate two sisters Imitating each other !

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