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Short Definition : protest; objection; V. remonstrate: say in protest

(verb) argue in protest or opposition Definition
(verb) present and urge reasons in opposition
Synonyms : point out
(verb) censure severely or angrily
Example Sentence
  • The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car
  • The deputy ragged the Prime Minister
  • The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for remonstrate

...sounds like demonstrate...so remember it like when you are demonstrative you can protest for something.

When women MENSTRUATE, they often REMONSTRATE.

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Think RE as in Real and MONSTRATE as in Monster. I would remonstrate (object) a claim that monsters are real.

Re+demonstrate:u repeatedly demonstrate only when u protest.

reman(military)+straight ie. straight word used by military forces...they criticize angrily..

REjection + deMONSTRATE, demonstrate that you reject/oppose something

If you demonstate infront of city hall and nothing happens what will you do? You will REMONSTRATE. (re-demonstrate.)

Mere Raymond's k suit mein treat mat lena,i am warning you


Short Definition : deep regret for wrongdoing; guilt; self-reproach

(noun) a feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for remorse

rem+(w)orse ....remembering(read recalling)the worse thing that u did ...u feel the guilt.

the ship was sinking, and I was filled with remorse that I didn’t know the Morse Code


Short Definition : (of work) compensating; rewarding; profitable; well-paid; V. remunerate: reward; pay (someone) for work or trouble

(adj) for which money is paid
Example Sentence
  • a paying job
  • remunerative work
  • salaried employment
  • stipendiary services
(adj) producing a sizeable profit
Synonyms : lucrative moneymaking
Example Sentence
  • a remunerative business
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for remunerative

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remunerative: re+money+iterative..make sense yourself


Short Definition : split; tear apart; N. rent; CF. heartrending: causing deep sorrow

(verb) tear or be torn violently
Synonyms : pull rip rive
Example Sentence
  • The curtain ripped from top to bottom
  • pull the cooked chicken into strips
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rend

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In most South Indian languages rend means two - i.e., split up.

rend ...relate to rent, and if you don't pay your rent the land lord will tear you apart

Rear END, front end....that means split into 2 parts...simple..!! :)

rend means in telugu rendu...means making it in to two..so it is tearing in to two...

r +end r we ending our relationship? r we seprating


Short Definition : give; deliver; provide; represent in verbal or artistic form; depict; perform; make; translate; Ex. render the song beautifully

(noun) a substance similar to stucco but exclusively applied to masonry walls Definition
(verb) cause to become
Example Sentence
  • The shot rendered her immobile
(verb) give something useful or necessary to
Synonyms : furnish provide supply
Example Sentence
  • We provided the room with an electrical heater
(verb) give an interpretation or rendition of
Synonyms : interpret
Example Sentence
  • The pianist rendered the Beethoven sonata beautifully
(verb) give or supply
Synonyms : generate give return yield
Example Sentence
  • The cow brings in 5 liters of milk
  • This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn
  • The estate renders some revenue for the family
(verb) pass down
Synonyms : deliver return
Example Sentence
  • render a verdict
  • deliver a judgment
(verb) make over as a return
Synonyms : submit
Example Sentence
  • They had to render the estate
(verb) give back
Synonyms : return
Example Sentence
  • render money
(verb) to surrender someone or something to another
Example Sentence
  • the guard delivered the criminal to the police
  • render up the prisoners
  • render the town to the enemy
  • fork over the money
(verb) show in, or as in, a picture
Synonyms : depict picture show
Example Sentence
  • This scene depicts country life
  • the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting
(verb) coat with plastic or cement
Example Sentence
  • render the brick walls in the den
(verb) bestow
Synonyms : give
Example Sentence
  • give homage
  • render thanks
(verb) restate (words) from one language into another language
Synonyms : interpret translate
Example Sentence
  • I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S.
  • Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries?
  • She rendered the French poem into English
  • He translates for the U.N.
(verb) melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities
Synonyms : try
Example Sentence
  • try the yak butter
  • render fat in a casserole
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for render

rhymes vendor who delivers ur goods

viRENDER Sehwag always performs well and delivers the required result.


Short Definition : meeting place; meeting at a set time or place; V.

(noun) a meeting planned at a certain time and place Definition
(noun) a place where people meet
Example Sentence
  • he was waiting for them at the rendezvous
(noun) a date; usually with a member of the opposite sex
Synonyms : tryst
(verb) meet at a rendezvous
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rendezvous

I will remember it with the program that used to come on Star World titled : " Rendezvous with Simi Gerewal " it was a famous program...

rende+zoos only two zoos are there for meeting place

RAINY+DAYS...in rainy days we have a meeting place(a hill station, a dam, a fort etc) where we meet our friends to celebrate rainy season

"rain + there's + bus" when it rains, you wait for the bus which comes at a specific time at a specific place (the bus stop, of course). Then you get to meet the bus and ride it.


Short Definition : rendering; translation; artistic interpretation of a song, etc

(noun) a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic role etc.
Synonyms : rendering
Example Sentence
  • they heard a live rendition of three pieces by Schubert
(noun) an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious
Example Sentence
  • the edict was subject to many interpretations
  • he annoyed us with his interpreting of parables
  • often imitations are extended to provide a more accurate rendition of the child's intended meaning
(noun) handing over prisoners to countries where torture is allowed Definition
(noun) the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance
Example Sentence
  • her rendition of Milton's verse was extraordinarily moving
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rendition

REND + AUDITION Rend means to split an Audition and When you split a thing you understand things better

relate it with audition.

RENDer(ie, provide) InterpretaTION

rendition sounds like RE-DICTION.DICION MEANS STYLE OF SPEAKING that relates to translating


Short Definition : deserter; traitor; ADJ.

(noun) someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw Definition
(noun) a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc. Definition
(verb) break with established customs
Synonyms : rebel
(adj) having deserted a cause or principle
Synonyms : recreant
Example Sentence
  • some provinces had proved recreant
  • renegade supporters of the usurper
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for renegade

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renegade sounds like grenade. A person who throws a grenade in his own country is a Traitor.

re+negade(sounds like negate....means deny...something) so a traiter ..DENIES to accept his children and wife.....betraying his loved ones.........LEAVING THEM ALONE TO SUFFER..deserting his family's faith....so a deserter .

"renego" means negate in Spanish. renegade means traitor.

Sally loved Harry too much but Harry REN(ran) EGEDE(gayed - like a gay) and proved to be a TRAITOR to her

rini thrown a grenade on his own society.. she is a renegade...

re+negade(sounds like NEGATE..i.e TO DENY SOMETHING) so someone who betrays his wife and DENIES to accept his children is a TRAITOR towards his loved ones.. and is also a DESERTER as he leaves them alone to suffer consequences….

rain a gate;normal way is open a gate ;so to rain a gate one is challenging a custom belief,so is a rebel;rain a gate to allow enemies in his own home;so disloyal

rangada firawla sarva tya mansachya angawarna... deserted karun takla tya mansacha life..


Short Definition : break a promise; deny; go back on; Ex. renege on the contract/paying off the debt

(noun) the mistake of not following suit when able to do so
Synonyms : revoke
(verb) fail to fulfill a promise or obligation
Example Sentence
  • She backed out of her promise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for renege

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renege : made of re+nege nege is a root for negative, go negative on ones own said words, which is the meaning.

renege seems lke rehne de.. so rehne de promise mat kar coz i the end you will renege it or sumthng

RENEGADE is a traitor of a country.. RENEGE is a traitor of his own words..

renege sounds like re-regage:when u want to re-engage it means that u ve denied ur previous engagement

renew your age. Go back on your commitment with nature

Ren(Renounce)+ ege(agreement)...go back on commitment,promise

re + neg. relate re to say + negative. negative of the words you say.

re-nege=nege sounds like "nahi"...denying

Pungent: pun-gent: (pun) rhymes with (non) and (gent) rhymes with gentle. It means not gentle or sharp/strong: pungent criticism; pungent cheese.

n + age >>> ladkiyan hameinsha aapana age chupati hai... DENY their age

renege: re(reply) + nege(negative):- When she was asked for marriage the answer was negative, so left her find out new girls for marriage.

renege = rene ( credit) + ge; I am credited at ge for their car loan.

RENEGE = RE + NEGATIVE = NEGATIVE AGAIN = He is negative again infront of people, as he failed to keep his promise

renege= Re Negotiate. {After the agreement, they renegotiated and reneged on their pledge}


Short Definition : abandon; give up (by formal announcement); disown; repudiate; Ex. renounce one's claim to the property/one's religion; N. renunciation

(verb) give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations
Synonyms : abdicate
Example Sentence
  • The King abdicated when he married a divorcee
(verb) leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily
Synonyms : give up resign vacate
Example Sentence
  • She vacated the position when she got pregnant
  • The chairman resigned when he was found to have misappropriated funds
(verb) turn away from; give up
Example Sentence
  • I am foreswearing women forever
(verb) cast off
Synonyms : disown repudiate
Example Sentence
  • She renounced her husband
  • The parents repudiated their son
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for renounce

re-announce something.abandon the previous announcement.Start afresh

satyam announce to renounce ramalinga raju(CEO)

if a minister "give up" another minister is renounce(d)

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