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Short Definition : restore to a previous condition or position

(verb) restore to the previous state or rank Definition
(verb) bring back into original existence, use, function, or position
Synonyms : reestablish restore
Example Sentence
  • restore law and order
  • reestablish peace in the region
  • restore the emperor to the throne
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reinstate

re(again)+in+state -> again in previous state.

a ruined state u get it back to reinstate (restore it to former position)


Short Definition : repeat

(verb) to say, state, or perform again
Example Sentence
  • She kept reiterating her request
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reiterate

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re+iterate—iterate means to repeat so RE+ITERATE

reiterate=re(again)+ it+rate(50 times/min) :)

Break it like = REITERATE= RE+UTTER+IT i.e to say again


Short Definition : reply; retort; comeback; V. rejoin: say in reply

(noun) a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one)
Example Sentence
  • it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher
(noun) (law) a pleading made by a defendant in response to the plaintiff's replication
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rejoinder

re + join + der (there) = re joining in d same place again.. = coming back..

You REJOIN the same conversation with a reply

the one which joins back. when people reply to each other then joins come into picture.

When we Re Join somewherepeople tend to ask questions we shud be ready toAnswer Back instead of REsORTing to other means


Short Definition : make young again

(verb) cause (a stream or river) to erode, as by an uplift of the land Definition
(verb) develop youthful topographical features
Example Sentence
  • the land rejuvenated
(verb) make younger or more youthful
Example Sentence
  • The contact with his grandchildren rejuvenated him
(verb) return to life; get or give new life or energy
Synonyms : regenerate restore
Example Sentence
  • The week at the spa restored me
(verb) become young again
Example Sentence
  • The old man rejuvenated when he became a grandfather
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rejuvenate

reJUVENATE...Juvenile means a young person..so making Younger

re(agian)+juve(sounds like yuva(hindi-young) so to make young again

re(agian)+juven(sounds like jawan(hindi-young) so to make young again


Short Definition : return to a former state (esp. after improvement); N.

(noun) a failure to maintain a higher state Definition
(verb) deteriorate in health
Synonyms : get worse
Example Sentence
  • he relapsed
(verb) go back to bad behavior
Example Sentence
  • Those who recidivate are often minor criminals
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for relapse

when a lap is completed you will be back to THE FORMER POSITION.


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re+lapse again collapse

lapse is to "pass by". relapse is to come back to original state and lapse.

Eminem's album Relapse released afta his avg album.


Short Definition : put into a lower or worse place; banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign; Ex. relegate the old furniture to the children's room; Ex. relegated to the second division

(verb) refer to another person for decision or judgment
Synonyms : pass on submit
Example Sentence
  • She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues
(verb) assign to a lower position; reduce in rank
Example Sentence
  • She was demoted because she always speaks up
  • He was broken down to Sergeant
(verb) expel, as if by official decree
Synonyms : banish bar
Example Sentence
  • he was banished from his own country
(verb) assign to a class or kind
Synonyms : classify
Example Sentence
  • How should algae be classified?
  • People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for relegate

relegate..split it like rele(relatives+gate)your relatives are crying at THE GATE because you are not allowing them to enter your house, you have put them in a worse place i.e the GATE WHICH IS ALMOST LIKE A FOOTPATH.

divide it like rail+gate. Earlier station Master is now appointed as a watcher of rail gate. so, in worse position.

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Being a delegate is an important position. Take care of it. Don't let anyone relegate you.

rele(relatives)+gate…...Bad rank of your RELATIVE in GATE examination has PUTTED HIM INTO A LOWER PLACE(department) of study

relegate is the opposite of delegate(usually of higher position ex:foreign delegate)

basically this word is taken from Latin legare which means to send.....so you send someone out of country...you put them in worse situation and place....you send pople to inferior positions.

relegate rhymes with delegate. Delegate as a verb means TRANSFER(of power esp)

re+legate.....IN ANCIANT ROME .LEGATE was a official representative of the king or governer of the state who use to ASSIST them..in work..and every legate was ASSIGNED HIS DUTY.

Rele-gate ...the word gate indicates something like a gate keeper or some job of low cadre

remember relegation team in the English premier league.

rally + gate all those who took part in rally near the University Gate are banned and some assigned to a lower rank

relegate = rele (sounds like rail) + gate. You will be in bad condition if u r without ticket and caught at railway station's gate by TT.

relegate ~ re-leg-gate: re-position(re-leg) to lower room(gate): to be downgraded

i will relegate you if you delegate your duties to him anymore.


Short Definition : become less severe; give in(surrender); ADJ. relentless: unyielding; continuously severe

(verb) give in, as to influence or pressure
Synonyms : soften yield
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for relent

re=re+lent, imagine you lent something to your friend, and you need it back but your friend needs it even more than you do, so you relent and lend the thing again.

u lend, he gives back. u lend again. he becomes less serious this time

relate it with relax means to calm down so when anything calm down it become less severe......

relent is to melt

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I resented that relentless asshole who didnt lend me some money


Short Definition : having importance; pertinent; referring to the case in hand; N. relevance, relevancy

(adj) having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue
Example Sentence
  • the scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for relevant

Having relevance with what i want

vant:want,le:offering.wanting something till it is offered(given) to u.u can achieve dis by being pertinent


Short Definition : surviving remnant (from an extinct culture); memento; keepsake; relics: corpse; Ex. ancient relics; Ex. relics of his travel; Ex. His relics are buried at X.

(noun) an antiquity that has survived from the distant past Definition
(noun) something of sentimental value
Synonyms : keepsake souvenir token
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for relic

associate with reel.. when we visit a place, the camera reel has all the memories, so pICk the REel and ur through

u relish memento

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Antiques are always RELIC since they are from ancient time

in 'age of empire' game we need to collect "relic". There it is some kind of old souvenir

The dog licked the relics on the places.


Short Definition : of religion; (of a person) pious; having reverence for a deity

(noun) a member of a religious order who is bound by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience Definition
(adj) concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church
Synonyms : spiritual
Example Sentence
  • religious texts
  • a member of a religious order
  • lords temporal and spiritual
  • spiritual leaders
  • spiritual songs
(adj) having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity
Example Sentence
  • a religious man
  • religious attitude
(adj) of or relating to clergy bound by monastic vows
Example Sentence
  • the religious or regular clergy conducts the service
(adj) extremely scrupulous and conscientious
Example Sentence
  • religious in observing the rules of health
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