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Short Definition : start; urge; provoke; incite; Ex. instigate a search/quarrel

(verb) provoke or stir up
Synonyms : incite set off stir up
Example Sentence
  • incite a riot
  • set off great unrest among the people
(verb) serve as the inciting cause of
Synonyms : inspire prompt
Example Sentence
  • She prompted me to call my relatives
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for instigate

I am always motivated whenever I see the Institute gate (relate to instigate) of "MIT".

instigate means bring about or initiate.....hence INSTIGATE=INITIATE.....

instigate = sounds like "investigate" = police "urge" you or "provoke" you to tell the truth

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relate it with ignite..with ignition smthngs start..


Short Definition : organization for a special purpose; V: establish

(noun) an association organized to promote art or science or education Definition
(verb) set up or lay the groundwork for
Example Sentence
  • establish a new department
(verb) advance or set forth in court
Synonyms : bring
Example Sentence
  • bring charges
  • institute proceedings


Short Definition : instituting; (building for the) organization; established custom, practice, or relationship in a society; mental hospital; Ex. institution of marriage

(noun) an organization founded and united for a specific purpose
Synonyms : establishment
(noun) an establishment consisting of a building or complex of buildings where an organization for the promotion of some cause is situated Definition
(noun) a custom that for a long time has been an important feature of some group or society
Example Sentence
  • the institution of marriage
  • the institution of slavery
  • he had become an institution in the theater
(noun) the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new
Example Sentence
  • she looked forward to her initiation as an adult
  • the foundation of a new scientific society
(noun) a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person


Short Definition : make into an institution; put or confine in an institution

(verb) cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution
Example Sentence
  • After the second episode, she had to be committed
  • he was committed to prison


Short Definition : disobedience; rebelliousness; ADJ. insubordinate

(noun) defiance of authority Definition
(noun) an insubordinate act
Synonyms : rebelliousness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insubordination

insubordinate: in + subordinate => Not ready to be a subordinate and hence being rebellious and disobedient.

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IN(not)+SUBORDINATION....subordinate means lower in rank or position...people who are NOT willing to be subordinate will do INSUBORDINATION...i.e they will be rebels and will not follow orders....

jo order ko subway main dal de.. i mean order ko faltu samajh ke fenk de

Like the subordinate is not good and does not do wht is told.. i.e disobedient ..


Short Definition : lacking substance; insignificant; frail; immaterial

(adj) lacking material form or substance; unreal
Synonyms : unreal unsubstantial
Example Sentence
  • as insubstantial as a dream
  • an insubstantial mirage on the horizon
(adj) lacking in nutritive value
Synonyms : jejune
Example Sentence
  • the jejune diets of the very poor


Short Definition : narrow-mindedness; isolation; ADJ. insular: of an island; isolated; narrow-minded; CF. peninsula

(noun) the state of being isolated or detached
Example Sentence
  • the insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insularity

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we insulate electrical wires.. by insulating , we are ISOLATING the wires from the environment...

insular = In Cellar...so u isolate

Insularity sounds like insulation. So narrow minded people are insulated i.e isolated from new thinking.

Insularity-Insult-when u get insulted in your friends group,u get detached from that group

Insularity sounds like insulted the narrow-minded people

jin logo ne jesus ko SULI par chadaya vo.narrow minded the bcoz they didn't get his ideas.


Short Definition : insurmountable; unbeatable; Ex. insuperable difficulties

(adj) impossible to surmount
Synonyms : insurmountable
(adj) incapable of being surmounted or excelled
Synonyms : unconquerable
Example Sentence
  • insuperable odds
  • insuperable heroes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insuperable

the root SUPER reminds us of superman, who is unbeatable

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Insuperable has IN, SUPER, ABLE in it. IN means 'not', SUPER means 'over'(root). If you are NOT ABLE to get OVER something, it's insuperable.

if you go IN SUPERmans costume in the fancy dress compition..then u will be ABLE to command respect amongst children as they shall treat you as INSURMOUNTABLE=UNBEATABLE....:D..


Short Definition : rebellious; N.

(noun) a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions) Definition
(noun) a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment Definition
(adj) in opposition to a civil authority or government
Synonyms : seditious subversive
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insurgent

a person (army man) who does not listen to the command of his sergeant is rebellious in nature therefore in-surgent = one who does not listen to his sergeant[ commander] thus is rebellious.

in(not)+surgen(surgeon)...SURGEON people obey rules in the hospital and during operation.But INSURGEON people does not obey rules

jiska sar na jhuke...

surge means to rise..in means against. RISE AGAINST = rebel

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Insurgent(Insure~insurance+gent)the gents those who ever insured their lifes and kept safe are REVOLTING AGAINST AUTHORITY as they dont fear of death, because they have already insured their lifes.insurrectionary


Short Definition : overwhelming; unbeatable; insuperable

(adj) not capable of being surmounted or overcome
Synonyms : unsurmountable
Example Sentence
  • insurmountable disadvantages
(adj) impossible to surmount
Synonyms : insuperable
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insurmountable

In (nahi)+sur (head/peak)+mountable.So the mountain peak on which one cannot reach is unbeatable and challenging.

Mountain Dew peenewale kabhi harte nahi

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