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    incite - Dictionary definition and meaning for word incite

    (verb) give an incentive for action
    Synonyms : actuate , motivate , move , prompt , propel
    Example Sentence
    • This moved me to sacrifice my career
    (verb) provoke or stir up
    Synonyms : instigate , set off , stir up
    Example Sentence
    • incite a riot
    • set off great unrest among the people
    (verb) urge on; cause to act
    Synonyms : egg on , prod
    Example Sentence
    • The other children egged the boy on, but he did not want to throw the stone through the window
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incite

rhymes with excite which also means arouse to action.

in site. if you work hard. ure name will appear on uni website. good incentive to work

incite sounds like inside.a person who has a inside revenge is provoked.

in + site >>> wot we cal 'andar ki aawaj' in hindi makes us do or provokes us to do things... thts t meaning here..

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