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Short Definition : flowing into

(noun) the process of flowing in
Synonyms : inflow
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Breaking influx as in - flu [flow], inflow.

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FLUX means flow as we know magnetic flux....now IN+FLUX means things that are in flux i.e continuous flow!!!!


Short Definition : violation (of a rule or regulation); breach

(noun) a crime less serious than a felony
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for infraction

a football player kicks someone and his bone is FRACTured. It's a violation, but not a crime hence infraction...

in + fraction... fraction means tukdon main todna (hindi)... so so infraction mean rule ko todna

human has cut world "into fraction" of continents...this is most probably the worst "violation" of rule of nature ..

People who violate laws are IN FRACTION of the total population....

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in- fraction 2/5 clearly breaks into 2..so to break damage something

Heart attack is called myocardial infraction probably bcoz there occurs a violation/breach of normal heart beat.

infraction-Leave in,give stress on "fraction" A fractious(disobeying)person always violate rules.

in exam u write integer(in) as sum of fractions(fraction) against the will of teacher...i.e. breach a law made by teacher.


Short Definition : violate (a law); encroach (the right of another person)

(verb) go against, as of rules and laws
Example Sentence
  • He ran afoul of the law
  • This behavior conflicts with our rules
(verb) advance beyond the usual limit
Synonyms : encroach impinge
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for infringe

INFRINGE can be read as IN FRIDGE.think that in the fridge there are many COCKROACH.COCKROACH rhymes with ENCROACH.so de meaning goes

if enemy violates or encroaches the border the infantry would start firing

in + fringe ,spel as fridge so always we search for food in fridge which is violated by parents

your on a diet and your searching IN the FRIDGE(fringe) your crossing your limit, and violating the law of dieting....

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IN+FRINGE - think of a FRINGE encroaching the area of the forehead and falling over the eyes


Short Definition : marked by inventive skill; clever; resourceful; N. ingenuity

(adj) showing inventiveness and skill
Synonyms : clever cunning
Example Sentence
  • a clever gadget
  • the cunning maneuvers leading to his success
  • an ingenious solution to the problem
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ingenious

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think of a genius

ingenious=engineers....in the FE(first year) all students are NAIVE and TRUSTING,YOUNG,UNSOPHISTICATED...but in BE(final year) they become CLEVER and RESOURCEFUL.............:)

Now i am telling the difference between ingenious and ingenuous...."I AM GENIOUS,U ARE FOOL".Please see the in ingenuous 'u' is there after 'n'.From this we can infer that ingenious--->clever... ingenuous---->fool


Short Definition : ing'enue; young innocent girl

(noun) an actress who specializes in playing the role of an artless innocent young girl Definition
(noun) an artless innocent young girl (especially as portrayed on the stage) Definition
(noun) the role of an innocent artless young woman in a play
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ingenue

Sounds like anne gen U. A girl named anne of the U generation. U stands for unspoiled

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as in a NEW (IngeNUous) girl..


Short Definition : naive and trusting; young; unsophisticated; candid

(adj) characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious
Synonyms : artless
Example Sentence
  • an ingenuous admission of responsibility
(adj) lacking in sophistication or worldliness
Synonyms : innocent
Example Sentence
  • a child's innocent stare
  • his ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ingenuous

In+genuine- In genuine relationship people are naive and trusting to each other.

naive and young ppl are generally genuine...

IN (suffix, means NO) + (genuous) (genius) ~ one who is not a genius artist and hence is artless ~ INGENUOUS

Now i am telling the difference between ingenious and ingenuous...."I AM GENIOUS,U ARE FOOL".Please see the in ingenuous 'u' is there after 'n'.From this we can infer that ingenious--->clever... ingenuous---->fool

it comes from ingenue which means a young naive young woman ingenue ~ genie and we know that genie is very childish

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like engine; no pretention.


INnocent+GENtle demeanour

its synonym is CANDID(spell as candy).. candy is eaten by NAIVE & YOUNG people..

ingenuous has sound of jejune which means child or naive

Ingenuous = Innocence makes you intuitive genius while being too smart leads you nowhere.


Short Definition : deeply established; firmly rooted; Ex. ingrained dirt/prejudice

(adj) (used especially of ideas or principles) deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held
Example Sentence
  • deep-rooted prejudice
  • deep-seated differences of opinion
  • implanted convictions
  • ingrained habits of a lifetime
  • a deeply planted need
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ingrained

if we divide this into three parts...in+grain+ed....we see that middle part...grain....which is the seed of a food plant,,,and we know that food plant is always deeply rooted in the soil before it matures and devlop seeds.

like wise ingrained habits are also deeply rootedand its difficult to change them untill strict action is not taken.

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GRAIN-sowed deep IN the soil,completely so-deep rooted


Short Definition : ungrateful person (not expressing thanks)

(noun) a person who shows no gratitude
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ingrate

ingrate: antonym of grateful

In latin 'in' stands for not.that is how in~grate = not gratefull;thankless

ingrate, sounds close to ungreat... so an ingrate person is an ungreat person

ingrate=ing+rate INGvisya bank does not show any gratuity in charging to interest on ur credit card and hence ingrate=showing no gratuity


Short Definition : become popular with; bring (oneself) in favor of another; Ex. ingratiate himself with the boss

(verb) gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ingratiate

ingratiate, take the word as intake of gratitude....so you do something to gain gratitude of others

INGRATIATE ~ in + grat(sounds like GREET) + ate (EAT) ... so when you greet somebody with both the hands and give something to eat......why do you do that ...you try to gain their favour .

IN+GRADUATE...In graduation state you get favor of people because you are educated and all and all that crap.....

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ingratiate->in "great""ate"..you say the guy is great and offer some food to eat..you do this so that he likes you


in gratify , make someone great.

In(deep)+gratification when you do excessive gratification of somebody, that is in order to gain favor.


Short Definition : firmly established by nature or habit; intrinsic

(adj) existing as an essential constituent or characteristic
Example Sentence
  • the Ptolemaic system with its built-in concept of periodicity
  • a constitutional inability to tell the truth
(adj) in the nature of something though not readily apparent
Synonyms : implicit in underlying
Example Sentence
  • shortcomings inherent in our approach
  • an underlying meaning
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inherent

in+ here

in heredity: habit that came as heredity...

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In heart.

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