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Short Definition : persuade; lead to do something; bring about; N. inducement

(verb) cause to arise
Synonyms : bring on
Example Sentence
  • induce a crisis
(verb) cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner
Synonyms : cause get have make stimulate
Example Sentence
  • The ads induced me to buy a VCR
  • My children finally got me to buy a computer
  • My wife made me buy a new sofa
(verb) cause to occur rapidly
Synonyms : hasten rush stimulate
Example Sentence
  • the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions
(verb) reason or establish by induction Definition
(verb) produce electric current by electrostatic or magnetic processes
Synonyms : induct


Short Definition : place formally in office; install; admit as a member; initiate; N. induction: inducting; process of deriving general principles from particular facts

(verb) place ceremoniously or formally in an office or position
Synonyms : invest seat
Example Sentence
  • there was a ceremony to induct the president of the Academy
(verb) accept people into an exclusive society or group, usually with some rite
Synonyms : initiate
Example Sentence
  • African men are initiated when they reach puberty
(verb) admit as a member
Example Sentence
  • We were inducted into the honor society
(verb) produce electric current by electrostatic or magnetic processes
Synonyms : induce
(verb) introduce or initiate
Example Sentence
  • The young geisha was inducted into the ways of her profession
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for induct

Duct is a passage carrying cold air or anything....now IN+DUCT means you allow air to flow through ducts and you introduce or initiate....

placing something in duct... induct... place something in office or installing something

when we join engineering college we will have"INDUCTION PROGRAM" ON THE FIRST DAY


Short Definition : pertaining to induction or proceeding from the specific to the general

(adj) arising from inductance
Example Sentence
  • inductive reactance
(adj) of reasoning; proceeding from particular facts to a general conclusion
Example Sentence
  • inductive reasoning
(adj) inducing or influencing; leading on
Synonyms : inducive
Example Sentence
  • inductive to the sin of Eve
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inductive

Think of Duck in an --> Aviary : if I see a duck maybe there's other birds nearby- moving from specific facts to general conclusion


Short Definition : yield to; gratify; allow oneself a special pleasure; Ex. indulge one's every whim/a child/in a big cigarette; N. indulgence

(verb) give free rein to
Example Sentence
  • The writer indulged in metaphorical language
(verb) yield (to); give satisfaction to
Synonyms : gratify pander
(verb) enjoy to excess
Synonyms : luxuriate
Example Sentence
  • She indulges in ice cream
(verb) treat with excessive indulgence
Example Sentence
  • grandparents often pamper the children
  • Let's not mollycoddle our students!


Short Definition : humoring; yielding; lenient; showing indulgence

(adj) characterized by or given to yielding to the wishes of someone
Example Sentence
  • indulgent grandparents
(adj) tolerant or lenient
Synonyms : lenient soft
Example Sentence
  • indulgent parents risk spoiling their children
  • too soft on the children
  • they are soft on crime
(adj) being favorably inclined
Example Sentence
  • an indulgent attitude
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indulgent

INDULGENT= INDULGE+ GENTLE. Parents who Indulge in issues of there children and are very Gentle. So they lean to the wishes of their children.


Short Definition : diligent; hard-working; N. industry

(adj) characterized by hard work and perseverance Definition
(adj) working hard to promote an enterprise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for industrious

INDUSTRIous..if you want to be an INDUSTRIalist you have to be DILIGENT and HARD-WORKING.

Industry… Industry needs industrious person


Short Definition : make drunk; intoxicate; N. intoxicated person

(noun) a chronic drinker
Synonyms : drunk drunkard rummy sot wino
(verb) fill with sublime emotion
Example Sentence
  • The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies
  • He was inebriated by his phenomenal success
(verb) make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)
Synonyms : intoxicate soak
(verb) become drunk or drink excessively
Synonyms : hit it up soak souse
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inebriate

sounds like IN+eBEER+ate...hence drunken

INEBRIATE sounds like "in beer ate" ~ drink beer and eat food;

inebriate = in + ebr (beer) + i + ate;i.e. i ate beer drunken.


Short Definition : habitually intoxicated; drunk; N. inebriety

(adj) stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)
Synonyms : drunk intoxicated
Example Sentence
  • a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors
  • helplessly inebriated
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inebriated

inebriety sounds like celebrity , who always drinks

in+bar+ted ... what can ted do in a bar? drink

In+a+bra+ted Ted(male)in a bra wore bra when drunk..

In rehab ated...need to send for rehab due to drinking problem


Short Definition : unutterable; not to be uttered; taboo; that cannot be expressed in speech; indescribable; unspeakable; inexpressible; Ex. ineffable name/joy

(adj) defying expression or description
Example Sentence
  • indefinable yearnings
  • indescribable beauty
  • ineffable ecstasy
  • inexpressible anguish
  • unspeakable happiness
  • unutterable contempt
  • a thing of untellable splendor
(adj) too sacred to be uttered
Example Sentence
  • the ineffable name of the Deity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ineffable

in+ef+ fable. fable means story. story can be told. in-fable means something which can not be uttered such as the name of Lord Voldemort (from Harry Potter).

IN+ F(eff) + able--You cannot utter the letter F*** everywhere.There are places where it is unutterable.:)

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In Eff :In Eiffel tower,you feel great joy to visit it that you can't describe in words

She is an AFFABLE(friendly) but INEFFABLE (cant describe) beauty

effe sounds like affe (monkey), which stands for something undescribable, taboo, or beyond expression.


Short Definition : not effective; not having a desired effect; weak

(adj) not producing an intended effect
Example Sentence
  • an ineffective teacher
  • ineffective legislation
(adj) producing no result or effect
Synonyms : futile otiose unavailing
Example Sentence
  • a futile effort
  • the therapy was ineffectual
  • an otiose undertaking
  • an unavailing attempt
(adj) lacking in power or forcefulness
Synonyms : ineffective unable
Example Sentence
  • an ineffectual ruler
  • like an unable phoenix in hot ashes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ineffectual

IN = Not, effect sounds like effective. Thus, INEFFECTUAL = ineffective is UAL.

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