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Short Definition : senility; feeblemindedness of old age; Ex. In one's dotage

(noun) mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations
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DOT : Full stop, i.e the end... Thus Dotage is old age,near to death!

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Due to old age DOTS are not visible.

When u hav weak memory ie in old age, u tak dosage(relate it with dotage);-)

Dot.age Old Senile people cannot catch up with the dot.age(internet)

do + age

'Dot' after 60 years of 'age' you start to lose your brain!

dot(e) age - when someone is senile they have reached they age where they require doting from others

Do it at Age; self explanatory.

In the dotted age we loss our mental ability

dotage - in old age you dote on your grandchildren and act mad and child-like and senile. So it is 'dote''age' and also 'do old age'


Short Definition : be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline

(verb) be foolish or senile due to old age Definition
(verb) shower with love; show excessive affection for
Example Sentence
  • Grandmother dotes on her the twins
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dote

when you go on a date what will u do u shower her/him with love ri8 so dote=shower with love

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no Mnemonic

I am very fond of dotted dogs called dalmations

dote = do + te, then give something if you are want to give something.

he dotes her.. he needs to have an antidote.


Short Definition : sullen; gloomy; stubborn

(adj) stubbornly unyielding
Example Sentence
  • dogged persistence
  • dour determination
  • the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics
  • a mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it
  • men tenacious of opinion
(adj) harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance
Synonyms : forbidding grim
Example Sentence
  • a dour, self-sacrificing life
  • a forbidding scowl
  • a grim man loving duty more than humanity
  • undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw
(adj) showing a brooding ill humor
Example Sentence
  • a dark scowl
  • the proverbially dour New England Puritan
  • a glum, hopeless shrug
  • he sat in moody silence
  • a morose and unsociable manner
  • a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius
  • a sour temper
  • a sullen crowd
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dour

"Dour" looks like "sour." A person with a sour expression is clearly feeling very dour, that is, sullen and gloomy

He is so 'rude' he shows me the door (rhymes with dour) everytime I come to talk.

Dour can be pronounced as DOOR(i.e hard)->stubborn->determined

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DO UR when ur parents scold u DO UR HOMEWORK,,, u feel dour,,, gloomy and sullen

DOUR sounds like TOUR Children stubbornly(unyieldingly) asks for going on Tour

DOUR rhymes with BORE.(gloomy,sullen)

People generally stay Dooor (Distant in Hindi) from gloomy people.

dour - a sour dog is nothing but a dour

do it for sure

dour~door :a person keeps lookin at d door wen he is bored in d lec..


Short Definition : plunge into water or liquid; dip; immerse; drench; wet throughly; extinguish; throw water over; dowse

(verb) put out, as of a candle or a light
Synonyms : put out
Example Sentence
  • Douse the lights
(verb) wet thoroughly
Synonyms : dowse
(verb) dip into a liquid
Synonyms : dip duck
Example Sentence
  • He dipped into the pool
(verb) immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate
Synonyms : dip dunk plunge souse
Example Sentence
  • dip the garment into the cleaning solution
  • dip the brush into the paint
(verb) lower quickly
Example Sentence
  • douse a sail
(verb) slacken
Synonyms : dowse
Example Sentence
  • douse a rope
(verb) cover with liquid; pour liquid onto
Synonyms : dowse drench soak sop souse
Example Sentence
  • souse water on his hot face
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for douse

when u r drowsy, u throw water on ur face

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In The blOUSE sth...gets WET after washing.

Dont play with WATER in d HOUSE u'll DOUSE yourself(drench,wet)

Douse rhymes with Down- so to put something down - like put fire down by pouring liquid over it

douse=do+use....do use water or get drenched..do use co2 to extinguish fire :-)

bipasha bashu got doused in her many cinemas :-p

Douse: Do Use plenty of water daily....

DOUSE like DOUT, which rhymes with "do out" (extinguish).


Short Definition : untidy (of a woman or clothes); slovenly; dressed in an unattractive way; shabby; CF. unattractive woman

(noun) British marshal of the RAF who commanded the British air defense forces that defeated the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain (1882-1970) Definition
(noun) deep-dish apple dessert covered with a rich crust
Synonyms : pandowdy
(adj) lacking in smartness or taste
Example Sentence
  • a dowdy grey outfit
  • a clean and sunny but completely dowdy room
(adj) primly out of date
Synonyms : frumpish frumpy
Example Sentence
  • nothing so frumpish as last year's gambling game
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dowdy

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a ROWDY person is DOWDY

DOWDY somewhat sounds like DOWRY-a person who gets DOWRY is untidy

sounds like howdy....cowboys says that and they are untidy

Dowdy sounds like Daadi (granny)- not well versed with today's fashion, out of date therefore

Dowdy sounds like doubt. So I doubt that the person who wears dowdy clothing is very up to date with fashion.

Al DOWDY and Princess Diana.. Think of them, Dowdy was probably a very dirty guy, never changed his Underwear he he so Diana found that sexy.

daddy always scolds because we live an untidy life

you wont say howdy to a dowdy girl


Short Definition : disheartened; dejected; sad; directed downward

(noun) a ventilation shaft through which air enters a mine Definition
(adj) directed downward
Example Sentence
  • a downcast glance
(adj) filled with melancholy and despondency
Example Sentence
  • gloomy at the thought of what he had to face
  • gloomy predictions
  • a gloomy silence
  • took a grim view of the economy
  • the darkening mood
  • lonely and blue in a strange city
  • depressed by the loss of his job
  • a dispirited and resigned expression on her face
  • downcast after his defeat
  • feeling discouraged and downhearted
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Downcast = Down + Cast; if a man is from low 'caste', he will remain sad among high caste people.

CAST means actors and crew in a movie ,imagine u r an actor but in the movie u r not given chance to ACT so ur down and so ur DISCOURAGED


Short Definition : money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage

(noun) money or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage
Synonyms : dower dowery portion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dowry


Short Definition : use a divining rod to search for underground water or minerals

(noun) searching for underground water or minerals by using a dowsing rod
Synonyms : dowsing rhabdomancy
(verb) wet thoroughly
Synonyms : douse
(verb) use a divining rod in search of underground water or metal Definition
(verb) slacken
Synonyms : douse
Example Sentence
  • douse a rope
(verb) cover with liquid; pour liquid onto
Synonyms : douse drench soak sop souse
Example Sentence
  • souse water on his hot face
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dowse

DOWn SEa :used for searching down sea

dowse, or (Doves) live in water and they wet thoroughly


Short Definition : sleep lightly; nap

(noun) a light fitful sleep
Synonyms : drowse
(verb) sleep lightly or for a short period of time
Synonyms : drowse snooze
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for doze

Relate "doze" with "dozen" means 12 :- if u eat dozen bananas , u will get slight asleep due to overeating.



Short Definition : dull; lacking color; cheerless ; Ex. drab coat/life

(noun) a dull greyish to yellowish or light olive brown
Synonyms : olive drab
(adj) lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise
Synonyms : dreary
Example Sentence
  • her drab personality
  • life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas
  • a series of dreary dinner parties
(adj) lacking brightness or color; dull
Synonyms : sober somber sombre
Example Sentence
  • drab faded curtains
  • sober Puritan grey
  • children in somber brown clothes
(adj) of a light brownish green color
Synonyms : olive-drab
(adj) causing dejection
Example Sentence
  • a blue day
  • the dark days of the war
  • a week of rainy depressing weather
  • a disconsolate winter landscape
  • the first dismal dispiriting days of November
  • a dark gloomy day
  • grim rainy weather
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for drab

rhymes with crab, which is a dull creature.

With out RAB(love) life is dull remnant of the movie" Rab Ne Bana Di jodi"

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Sounds like drag, if a movie is dragged unnecessarily it becomez boring or dull

drab - sounds close 2 dara(in hindi.. 2 make sme1 fear) so darane ke liye u switch off lights ,becomes dull n lacking colors! :D

sounds like "drav" means "pani"..water.. which is "lacking in color" and wen it is in form of tears it shows dat u r "cheeerless'...

dra , dara hua lookin pale or dull or laking colors on her/his face.. so kisi ko mat darao aur wo bhi B dikha ke.. :D

drab is DReary and is the opposite of FAB (common abbreviation for Fabulous).

dr+ab—as DOCTOR AB(a person) docators are usually said to be nerdy, BORING, LACKING BRIGHTNESS(NO OFFENSE TO DOCTORS)

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