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Short Definition : home; V. ADJ. domiciled: having one's domicile; Ex. He is domiciled in Britain.

(noun) (law) the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return; every person is compelled to have one and only one domicile at a time
Synonyms : legal residence
Example Sentence
  • what's his legal residence?
(noun) housing that someone is living in
Example Sentence
  • he built a modest dwelling near the pond
  • they raise money to provide homes for the homeless
(verb) make one's home in a particular place or community
Synonyms : domiciliate reside shack
Example Sentence
  • may parents reside in Florida
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for domicile

somthing that provides a kind of dome is domicile

You can easily obliterate a 'Domicile' by a 'Missile'.

Dome over pile (which is a house)

picture a typically drawn home, instead of the triangle.. at the top, its a dome and hence a domicile


Short Definition : exercising the most influence; high and easily seen; stronger than the other part of a system; not recessive

(noun) (music) the fifth note of the diatonic scale Definition
(noun) an allele that produces the same phenotype whether its paired allele is identical or different
Synonyms : dominant allele
(adj) exercising influence or control
Example Sentence
  • television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion
  • the dominant partner in the marriage
(adj) (of genes) producing the same phenotype whether its allele is identical or dissimilar Definition
(adj) most frequent or common
Example Sentence
  • prevailing winds


Short Definition : control; rule; enjoy a commanding position in; overlook from a height; ?????

(verb) be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
Example Sentence
  • Money reigns supreme here
  • Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood
(verb) be in control
Example Sentence
  • Her husband completely dominates her
(verb) have dominance or the power to defeat over
Synonyms : master
Example Sentence
  • Her pain completely mastered her
  • The methods can master the problems
(verb) be greater in significance than
Synonyms : eclipse overshadow
Example Sentence
  • the tragedy overshadowed the couple's happiness
(verb) look down on
Synonyms : command overlook overtop
Example Sentence
  • The villa dominates the town


Short Definition : rule over tyrannically

(verb) rule or exercise power over (somebody) in a cruel and autocratic manner
Synonyms : tyrannise tyrannize
Example Sentence
  • her husband and mother-in-law tyrannize her
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for domineer

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domineer-do+mine+er i.e) do whatever i say without any err


domineer(d+ominer) the ominer omites/cuts the right of people and rules as autocrate

do+ miner attitude is domineering attitude that is tyrannical attitude

dominary to rule


Short Definition : put on; OP. doff

(noun) a Spanish gentleman or nobleman Definition
(noun) teacher at a university or college (especially at Cambridge or Oxford)
Synonyms : preceptor
(noun) the head of an organized crime family
Synonyms : father
(noun) Celtic goddess; mother of Gwydion and Arianrhod; corresponds to Irish Danu Definition
(noun) a European river in southwestern Russia; flows into the Sea of Azov
Synonyms : don river
(noun) a Spanish courtesy title or form of address for men that is prefixed to the forename
Example Sentence
  • Don Roberto
(verb) put clothing on one's body
Synonyms : assume get into put on wear
Example Sentence
  • What should I wear today?
  • He put on his best suit for the wedding
  • The princess donned a long blue dress
  • The queen assumed the stately robes
  • He got into his jeans
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for don

DON used to 'PUT ON' diverse sorts of clothes to escape from the CBI or FBI.


Short Definition : condemnation to a severe penalty; ruin; fate (esp. a tragic or ruinous one); V.

(noun) an unpleasant or disastrous destiny
Example Sentence
  • everyone was aware of the approaching doom but was helpless to avoid it
  • that's unfortunate but it isn't the end of the world
(verb) decree or designate beforehand
Synonyms : designate destine fate
Example Sentence
  • She was destined to become a great pianist
(verb) pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law
Synonyms : condemn sentence
Example Sentence
  • He was condemned to ten years in prison
(verb) make certain of the failure or destruction of
Example Sentence
  • This decision will doom me to lose my position
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for doom

tink of DOOMs day where lot of bad things are in stock for u...:)

Doom rhymes with gloom.


Short Definition : sleeping; temporarily inactive; lethargic; latent

(adj) in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation
Synonyms : hibernating torpid
Example Sentence
  • dormant buds
  • a hibernating bear
  • torpid frogs
(adj) (of e.g. volcanos) not erupting and not extinct
Synonyms : inactive
Example Sentence
  • a dormant volcano
(adj) lying with head on paws as if sleeping
Synonyms : sleeping
(adj) inactive but capable of becoming active
Synonyms : abeyant
Example Sentence
  • her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dormant

see the word DORMant, DORM is a dormitory a place to sleep..so if you are sleeping you are inactive or lethargic..

Dormant is like DoorMat which SLEEPS on the floor...so INACTIVE

dormant-"DOOR"+"MAN" is mostly sleepy(inactive)...but becoms active if sumone comes...


Short Definition : window projecting upright from roof; CF. sleeping room

(noun) a gabled extension built out from a sloping roof to accommodate a vertical window
Synonyms : dormer window
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dormer

consider it to be a window in a dormitory(dorm)

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chor darr gaya dormer se gir ke marr gaya

Door like dormer.

door me ki window


Short Definition : relating to the back of an animal; Ex. dorsal fin

(adj) belonging to or on or near the back or upper surface of an animal or organ or part
Example Sentence
  • the dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals
(adj) facing away from the axis of an organ or organism
Synonyms : abaxial
Example Sentence
  • the abaxial surface of a leaf is the underside or side facing away from the stem
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dorsal

Dorsal-Door +Seal. So if the DOOR is SeAled you go from "BACK SIDE".

back of a shark. Imagine frm boat we threw a DOR and caught d shark 2 SAL(sell) for money. DORSAL-Back of a shark, d projection abv water.

Opposite of "VENTRAL" - Front of a primate

Like endorse=TO back.


Short Definition : file of documents on a subject or person; file; CF. bundle of papers labeled on the back

(noun) a collection of papers containing detailed information about a particular person or subject (usually a person's record)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dossier

Dossier sounds like BOSS+here.. so ur boss is here n he needs d file!

Through a 'Courier' he sent me his 'Dossier'

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file: which make u drowsy.

dossier - giving a 'dose' on a seer or subject

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