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Short Definition : having a common center

(adj) having a common center
Example Sentence
  • concentric rings
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for concentric

Think of Con(com)Center...Com - Center...COMMON CENTER!!!


Short Definition : beginning; forming of an idea; fertilization; V. conceive: form an idea in the mind; devise; become pregnant; CF. inception

(noun) an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances
Synonyms : concept construct
(noun) the act of becoming pregnant; fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoon Definition
(noun) the event that occurred at the beginning of something
Synonyms : creation
Example Sentence
  • from its creation the plan was doomed to failure
(noun) the creation of something in the mind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conception

conception is coming to a concept..or forming an idea..

sounds like "inception" and is same in meaning too.

sounds as in reception...its about to begin


Short Definition : mutually agreed on; done together by agreement; Ex. concerted effort; CF. in concert: working together

(adj) involving the joint activity of two or more
Example Sentence
  • concerted action
  • the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind
  • the conjunctive focus of political opposition
  • a cooperative effort
  • a united effort
  • joint military activities
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for concerted

### CONCERTS ### every on knows that concerts are done in a planned and determined way, especially by more than one person, government, country, etc,Synonyms: combined, joint, mutual, prearranged

concer(CONCERN)+TED...SO if you are concerned about your company's performance ,you will even AGREE WITH your enemy to work TOGETHER ,BECAUSE you love your organization.

At a concert everybody dances together in a agreeable way so that nobody gets hurt.

co certified


Short Definition : an act of yielding; conceding; something conceded; point, right, etc. given unwillingly; privilege of maintaining a business in a certain place; Ex. oil concessions in the North sea; CF. concessionair

(noun) a contract granting the right to operate a subsidiary business
Synonyms : grant
Example Sentence
  • he got the beer concession at the ball park
(noun) the act of conceding or yielding
Synonyms : conceding yielding
(noun) a point conceded or yielded
Example Sentence
  • they won all the concessions they asked for
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for concession

Concessional, after a session it is YES for contract

CESSION means yielding or to CEDE (cede means yielding) remembr lyk- is loksabha CESSION(session) se kya mila(kya yield hua)... So concession means act of yielding


Short Definition : reconciling; soothing; V. conciliate: reconcile; soothe; win the friendly feelings (by removing anger)

(adj) making or willing to make concessions
Synonyms : compromising flexible
Example Sentence
  • loneliness tore through him...whenever he thought of...even the compromising Louis du Tillet
(adj) intended to placate
Synonyms : conciliative
Example Sentence
  • spoke in a conciliating tone
  • a conciliatory visit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conciliatory

Heyy thz sounds like CONSOLING...which means soothing...

concil is pronouncing like council,in council elections the standing candidate wants to win the feelings of others

Can remember this with the word reconcile. Once u have a fight with your friend, then you do something good to appease him....so as to get back to normal friendship (or you reconcile with him) So this can be taken as a conciliatory act.

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ConCILIAtory. Cilia line our lungs to prevent particles from being logged. In the end they are HELPing you. ConCILIAtory helps.

you can conciliate by counseling.

In India always for a dispute a council is elected, so as at least to solve a dispute with peace n goodwill.. Such things are called conciliatory... ;)

conciliatory[console the military] we have to console the military to stop the violance against citizens and discuss peacefully

It resembles "silly". If you are in a meeting if you dont give conciliayory speech it would be silly.

con(together)+silna=bring friendship back together

council is going take eat i.e making friendly relationship.


Short Definition : brief and compact

(adj) expressing much in few words
Example Sentence
  • a concise explanation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for concise

con(KAM MEANS LESS)) + cise(SIZE).......SO anything which is LESS in SIZE.



Short Definition : private secret meeting

(noun) a confidential or secret meeting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conclave

con+cave = conversation in a cave .. having a secret conversation in the cave

conclave- con in US resembles a convict or a prisoner, they have a private meeting in a cave(clave)..

COME+CAVE....come in the cave, we will have secret meeting there!!!!!

Memory aid : con (conference) + clave (cave); we are going to organize a secret conference (meeting) in a cave.

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conclave and collusion are synonyms. I thought I saw a con (convict) playing clave (musical instrument) in a secret inmate salsa band, but it was an illusion (rhymes with collusion)

(CON-)kaun(-CLAVE)clever.Everyone MEETS to decide whose cleverest.

Remember it as concave cave : people are having a meeting in that concave cave.

all the ppl (con) r in the cave for a conclave meeting


Short Definition : decisive; ending all debate

(adj) forming an end or termination; especially putting an end to doubt or question
Example Sentence
  • conclusive proof
  • the evidence is conclusive


Short Definition : prepare by mixing or combining; make up in concert; devise (something false) so as to deceive; Ex. concoct an elaborate excuse for being late; N. concoction

(verb) make a concoction (of) by mixing Definition
(verb) prepare or cook by mixing ingredients
Synonyms : cook up
Example Sentence
  • concoct a strange mixture
(verb) invent
Synonyms : trump up
Example Sentence
  • trump up charges
(verb) devise or invent
Example Sentence
  • He thought up a plan to get rich quickly
  • no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for concoct

coct - resembles a cocktail, prepared by mixing and combining. A conman is preparing it, in a concert disguised(make up) as a bartender.

con+coc+t con= combination (different items) coc= cocking so concoct= combination if different items in cocking means "prepare by mixing ingredients"

The con used a cocktail of make up kits to hoodwink the police...just about sums up the whole word's meaning


Short Definition : that which accompanies; Ex. Deafnes is a frequent concommitant of old age; ADJ: existing or happening together with something else

(noun) an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another Definition
(adj) following or accompanying as a consequence
Example Sentence
  • an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with attendant problems
  • snags incidental to the changeover in management
  • attendant circumstances
  • the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness
  • the ensuant response to his appeal
  • the resultant savings were considerable
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for concomitant

con(together) + comitant(sounds like commitment)..so if we have committed to each other, we'll go together.

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CON(continuous)+COMITANT(take it as a person who commits)....hence a person who is in continuous commitment is always with his GIRLFRIND....i.e associated,accompanying..

CONcurrent + acCOMpanying + attENDANT = CONCOMITANT.


comit(commited)- deafness, cataract,etc are some problems the accompany(commited),(concomitant) with that of the old age.

con+comitant con= common comitant=commitment As there is common commitment , they are accompanying

concomitant..split it into con,comit..con in root meaning is with..and make comit to comet..some say when hales comet appears it accompanies death of a big leader

concomitant = "can go mit" said his aunt as they are going out of home.

concomitant = con ( connection) + commit; when the girl or boy is commit means that he or she is with someone.

Remember those product promotion schemes, you purchase some product named something like "con" and along with it ("com") comes another thing called something like "tant", like with Colgate (con) comes (com) a "t"oothbrush (tant)

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