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Short Definition : participation; involvement (in a questionable act or a crime)

(noun) guilt as an accomplice in a crime or offense
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for complicity

complicity ac-complice.. complice root word, meaning a partner in crime.

come & play in the city i.e. participate.


compli(complicate)+city=> living in that city became complicate "after involving in the crime"

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To hit together with ply in city means accomplice in crime


Short Definition : element; ingredient

(noun) an abstract part of something
Example Sentence
  • jealousy was a component of his character
  • two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony
  • the grammatical elements of a sentence
  • a key factor in her success
  • humor: an effective ingredient of a speech
(noun) something determined in relation to something that includes it
Example Sentence
  • he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself
  • I read a portion of the manuscript
  • the smaller component is hard to reach
  • the animal constituent of plankton
(noun) an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system
Synonyms : constituent element
Example Sentence
  • spare components for cars
  • a component or constituent element of a system


Short Definition : bear one's self; behave; Ex. comport oneself; N. comportment

(verb) behave well or properly
Synonyms : behave
Example Sentence
  • The children must learn to behave
(verb) behave in a certain manner
Example Sentence
  • She carried herself well
  • he bore himself with dignity
  • They conducted themselves well during these difficult times
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for comport

comport = com + port. All staff and High class people behave in manner. When you come to the (air)port, you need to behave with dignity.

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Like Composure

If you comport then it will comfort all of us.

Comport = Come + Port When ships are landing on the port then they should be in maintained in proper positions.

when a request comes to the port of the process then process should behave properly to execute the request

come n port yourself in good manner

You might use honey form a BEE HIVE (behave) to make a sugary compote (sounds like comport)


Short Definition : mixture of decaying organic matter used as fertilizer; V: put or make compost

(noun) a mixture of decaying vegetation and manure; used as a fertilizer Definition
(verb) convert to compost
Example Sentence
  • compost organic debris
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for compost

sounds like "comfort". The farmer will be in comfort only if he gets good fertilizers for a rich crop.

compost sounds like decompos(t)e those materials r used as fertilizers


Short Definition : mental calmness

(noun) steadiness of mind under stress
Synonyms : calm calmness equanimity
Example Sentence
  • he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for composure

A R Rahman is a composer. He need all his composure to compose music.

composure is like calm posture..so mental calmness

Music composer needs composure to compose music

Composure sounds like ComeCloser. so as you comecloser to contemptous one, should maintain your composure(calmness).


Short Definition : combine; produce by combining; increase; make worse by adding to or increasing; exacerbate; Ex. compound an error; ADJ: consisting of two or more parts; N: combination of two or more parts; area enclo

(noun) a whole formed by a union of two or more elements or parts Definition
(noun) (chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight
Synonyms : chemical compound
(noun) an enclosure of residences and other building (especially in the Orient) Definition
(verb) make more intense, stronger, or more marked
Example Sentence
  • The efforts were intensified
  • Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her
  • Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness
  • This event only deepened my convictions
(verb) put or add together
Synonyms : combine
Example Sentence
  • combine resources
(verb) calculate principal and interest Definition
(verb) create by mixing or combining Definition
(verb) combine so as to form a whole; mix
Synonyms : combine
Example Sentence
  • compound the ingredients
(adj) composed of more than one part
Example Sentence
  • compound leaves are composed of several lobes
  • compound flower heads
(adj) consisting of two or more substances or ingredients or elements or parts
Example Sentence
  • soap is a compound substance
  • housetop is a compound word
  • a blackberry is a compound fruit
(adj) composed of many distinct individuals united to form a whole or colony
Synonyms : colonial
Example Sentence
  • coral is a colonial organism
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for compound

the pharmacist compounded the formulation


Short Definition : include; understand

(verb) get the meaning of something
Example Sentence
  • Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
(verb) to become aware of through the senses
Synonyms : perceive
Example Sentence
  • I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon
(verb) include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory
Synonyms : cover embrace encompass
Example Sentence
  • This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds
  • this should cover everyone in the group
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for comprehend

comp+rehend=remember advertisement i am a complan girl...complan makes ur memory sharp so u can grasp many things mentally


Short Definition : broad; including a lot or everything; thorough; inclusive

(noun) an intensive examination testing a student's proficiency in some special field of knowledge
Example Sentence
  • she took her comps in English literature
(adj) including all or everything
Example Sentence
  • comprehensive coverage
  • a comprehensive history of the revolution
  • a comprehensive survey
  • a comprehensive education
(adj) broad in scope
Example Sentence
  • a comprehensive survey of world affairs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for comprehensive

we always hear "comprehensive win" from cricket commentators.. it means the side wins making enough runs or with enough wickets.. so its covering n winning in all aspects over the opposition..

concentrate on "HEN"...wen yu try to cook it ..its says i understand..lol


Short Definition : force into less space; squeeze; contract; put into fewer words; N: thick mass of cloth pressed to part of the body to stop bleeding or swelling, reduce fever, etc.

(noun) a cloth pad or dressing (with or without medication) applied firmly to some part of the body (to relieve discomfort or reduce fever) Definition
(verb) make more compact by or as if by pressing
Synonyms : compact pack together
Example Sentence
  • compress the data
(verb) squeeze or press together
Example Sentence
  • she compressed her lips
  • the spasm contracted the muscle


Short Definition : include; consist of

(verb) be composed of
Synonyms : consist
Example Sentence
  • The land he conquered comprised several provinces
  • What does this dish consist of?
(verb) include or contain; have as a component
Synonyms : contain incorporate
Example Sentence
  • A totally new idea is comprised in this paper
  • The record contains many old songs from the 1930's
(verb) form or compose
Example Sentence
  • This money is my only income
  • The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance
  • These constitute my entire belonging
  • The children made up the chorus
  • This sum represents my entire income for a year
  • These few men comprise his entire army
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