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Short Definition : freeze; coagulate

(verb) become gelatinous
Synonyms : jell set
Example Sentence
  • the liquid jelled after we added the enzyme
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for congeal

con + geal..geal...gelatinous..means to coagulate

con geal here geal sounds like jelly so congeal = co + jelly

CON(contract in size)+GELLY.....contract a substance which is in gelly(semisolid) form i.e to FREEZE it......hence congeal.....

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con(together)+geal(jell)...jell together..nothing but solidify

eal(eel)- eel is generally found in the frozen area,water that is coagulated..

congeal=con(become)+geal(gelly)...g=becoming thicker(gelatin type)....

SOUNDS LIKE ANGEER , which is a dry fruit so its thick


Short Definition : pleasant; friendly; in agreement with one's tastes and nature; Ex. congenial weather

(adj) suitable to your needs
Example Sentence
  • a congenial atmosphere to work in
  • two congenial spirits united...by mutual confidence and reciprocal virtues
(adj) (used of plants) capable of cross-fertilization or of being grafted
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for congenial

Genelia Desouza was suitable, appropriate ,compatible and pleasant for Jaane tu Janne na movie

con(same)+genial(gene jaise). Having same kind of genes. If genes are same then the nature and tastes may match.

its con +genial.... so remember genelia she's always 'pleasant'

congenial..think of genial..cordial which implies friendly.

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CANNED GENI = a friend in a can.

Congenial = con (connected) + gen ( general) + i + al; I have connected all general caste ppl.

consider "geni"..."genie" in alladin is frndly

Jack deniel is a premium whisky, and all the drinker feel better and pleasant when having Jack deniel.

con(call)geni(the genie of)alladin movie who is very friendly


Short Definition : existing at birth

(adj) present at birth but not necessarily hereditary; acquired during fetal development
Synonyms : inborn innate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for congenital

genetic mismatches lead to Congenital diseases.

con + genital = genes. Inherited through the genes.

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CON means "with." So CON + GENITALS means you are born with GENITALS.

congenital= can+genital => can be genetic (not necessarily)


Short Definition : corporation made up of several different companies in diversified fields; mass of various material gathered together; rock consisting of small stones held together by clay; V.

(noun) a composite rock made up of particles of varying size
Synonyms : pudding stone
(noun) a group of diverse companies under common ownership and run as a single organization
Synonyms : empire
(verb) collect or gather
Example Sentence
  • Journals are accumulating in my office
  • The work keeps piling up
(adj) composed of heterogeneous elements gathered into a mass
Example Sentence
  • the conglomerate peoples of New England
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conglomerate

finished A list. agglomeration means the same as conglomeration. collecting or grouping

Congo + mein + r-party .Imagine group doing party in congo.He he.. is it bad

Has glue+material in it.

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conglomerate : Oh People of the world, forget your differences, lets celebrate together, Come - Gather - Eat , lets become conglomerates - well come-globe-mates..

conglomerate : Oh People of the world, lets celebrate together, Come - Gather - Eat , lets become conglomerates - well come-globe-mates..

con(companies diverse) glo (glued together) merate (material)


Short Definition : mass of material sticking together

(noun) a rounded spherical form
Synonyms : conglobation
(noun) a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together
Synonyms : aggregate congeries
(noun) an occurrence combining miscellaneous things into a (more or less) rounded mass
Synonyms : conglobation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conglomeration

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conglomeration=conglomeration, which means uniting the globe

conglomeration is like agglomeration which means a collection of things


Short Definition : correspondence of parts; harmonious relationship; CF. congruity

(noun) the quality of agreeing; being suitable and appropriate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for congruence

In maths we have congruent triangle that completely agree which each other in every property.

congruence = con + gruence; Connection of grow together i.e similarity between them.


Short Definition : in agreement; harmonious; corresponding; coinciding exactly; CF. congruous

(adj) corresponding in character or kind
Synonyms : congruous
(adj) coinciding when superimposed


Short Definition : pine tree (usu. evergreen); cone-bearing tree; ADJ. coniferous; CF. deciduous; CF. evergreen

(noun) any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones
Synonyms : coniferous tree
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conifer

conifer refers to coniferous forests a typical forest bearing the same quality

conifer -> cone; so conifer means tree bearing cone like fruits


Short Definition : surmise; guess; V.

(noun) a hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or conjecturing (usually with little hard evidence)
Synonyms : speculation
Example Sentence
  • speculations about the outcome of the election
  • he dismissed it as mere conjecture
(noun) a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence Definition
(noun) reasoning that involves the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence Definition
(verb) to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds
Example Sentence
  • Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conjecture

sounds like 'lecture' ..assume you guess an answer for a question asked during a lecture

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conclusion drawn on base of junk... conjuction

Con+jector (Kon (who in hindi)+ actor): It is hard to infer on the basis of insufficient data, Ki KON ACTOR hai aur kon saccha hai.

conjecture:con(kon) hai jec(jack)...chal GUESS mar..

Abe! Kya? Kaun-jack-tour jaayega? Kabhi nai.. woh darpok hai. --- concluding without facts- con-jec-ture.:-)

almost looks like "conjure" (to make something up)

Sally did a conjecture and had to receive a lecture because of her guesswork

I object! Your lecture is pure conjecture.

c+on+jec+ture--- ON JUC(joke) of someone saying I haven’t studied, we cant deduce whethere he is saying truth or lie.. so we have to GUESS


Short Definition : pertaining to marriage

(adj) of or relating to marriage or to the relationship between a wife and husband
Synonyms : connubial
Example Sentence
  • connubial bliss
  • conjugal visits
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conjugal

in Indian music we have JUGALbandi, which is harmony of 2 different intruments...can imply marriage frm it

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con = together,and u+ur gal=u and ur girl want to stay together forever,you get married!!

in certain bacteria and algae, conjugation tube is a structure through which sperm is transfered to female body.

con+jugal.jugal bandi---> couple--->marriage

CONCERNING + YUGAL(HINDI word meaning couple or pair)

Con<together> + jugal.read it as hindi word yugal (couple)..so conjugal means the event in which the couple meet...i.e. ''MARRIGE''

ConJugal : you see a girl and you like her and wanna marry her.. then you say I wanna CON-U -GAL .. ( ask her for marriage- so conjugal: Pertaining to marriage arrangement)

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