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Short Definition : roundabout

(adj) marked by obliqueness or indirection in speech or conduct
Synonyms : roundabout
Example Sentence
  • the explanation was circuitous and puzzling
  • a roundabout paragraph
  • hear in a roundabout way that her ex-husband was marrying her best friend
(adj) deviating from a straight course
Synonyms : devious roundabout
Example Sentence
  • a scenic but devious route
  • a long and circuitous journey by train and boat
  • a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for circuitous

circuit-ous -> like circuit;

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circuit + ous.. Deviating from the circuit..

car race, there are circuit(paths), so they follow a circuitous route

circ(circle)tous(tour) circle+tour=round about path. which isn't straight

cir sounds like sir . sir is very cute with round face


Short Definition : indirect or roundabout expression (by using an uncecessarily large number of words esp. when trying to avoid answering a difficult question directly)

(noun) a style that involves indirect ways of expressing things
Synonyms : ambage periphrasis
(noun) an indirect way of expressing something
Synonyms : indirect expression
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for circumlocution

circumlocution -> circle + locution (loqui means to speak), speaking vaguely so as to avoid the topic.

in short ..ghuma fira kar bolna ;)

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CIRCUM means circular..not straight..ghuma fira kar... and LOCUT .. means to talk ( as in locquacious:talkative) so... CIRCUMLOCUTION.. ghuma fira kar bolna :)

circum (circumference of a circle) + locution (elocution or to talk) meaning...to talk indirectly... in tamil we say it as touching the nose from behind the head


Short Definition : limit; confine; draw a line around

(verb) draw a line around
Example Sentence
  • He drew a circle around the points
(verb) restrict or confine,
Synonyms : confine limit
Example Sentence
  • I limit you to two visits to the pub a day
(verb) to draw a geometric figure around another figure so that the two are in contact but do not intersect
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for circumscribe

circumscribe -> circle + scribe(a writer of manuscripts); so circumscribe means a person writing around the same lines or topic.

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remember circumference..we restrict ourself around a circle..

Lakshman drew a circle around Sita's hut to circumscribe(LIMIT,RESTRICT) her

scribed in a circle,or limited region

circumscribe=circle+describe....you have to describe the things only with in circle...limited,restrained,boundary

circum is somthing like a circle,, and if u chk the word crib here,,that means to stop or check.

circumscribe means drawing a circle around triangle or square or any other polygon. which also means that we are limiting the region confined for scaling the polygon.


Short Definition : prudent; cautious; acting after careful thought

(adj) heedful of potential consequences
Synonyms : discreet
Example Sentence
  • circumspect actions
  • physicians are now more circumspect about recommending its use
  • a discreet investor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for circumspect

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circum(means circumstance)...spect(means to inspect)...so a kind of person who inspects circumstances before speaking, and such people are generally considered as prudent.

when a circle inspector inspects u, the nu would become prudent and cautious in ur action and thought..

Circum(circular i.e 360 degrees)+spec(spectacles)....when you watch things or circumstances from all angle, it means that you are wary and unwilling to take risks....

circums - sounds like circumference of circle...go round...means who is cautious he ll not take shortcuts...he will go circuspect

Circumspect also means wary or cautious...circum(circumstance)+spect(spectacles)....when you see a circumstance with your spectacles, you are cautious....

One who is cautious will SUSPECT trouble and go around it: CIRCUM SUSPECT.

A clever person suspects around i.e circum+suspect=circumspect


Short Definition : outwit; defeat by behaving more cleverly; outsmart; baffle; avoid; get around

(verb) surround so as to force to give up
Example Sentence
  • The Turks besieged Vienna
(verb) beat through cleverness and wit
Example Sentence
  • I beat the traffic
  • She outfoxed her competitors
(verb) avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)
Example Sentence
  • He dodged the issue
  • she skirted the problem
  • They tend to evade their responsibilities
  • he evaded the questions skillfully
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for circumvent

circle + prevent => to form a CIRCLE or a boundary around the target so as to OUTSMART your opponent. lyk abhimanyu did!!!

think all knows the story of ganesh who goes around the parents (shiva and parvati circularly) . he outsmarted muruga and got the sacred mango. circum (in a circle) vent (went around) for mango

he WENT tru the situation by AVOIDing it

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circum (circle) + vent (went) = he went through the circle of fire!

CIR-CUM-VENT: imagine u r given a problem to solve by your SIR(CIR), u solve it fast and then tell him to COME(CUM0, so that u show him the answer...in short u have outsmarted all ur friends, and are clever

CIRCUM(circular)+VENT(opening)...you have made a circular vent to FIND WAY(solve a problem or a difficulty)....

circum+went the person took an indirect path and went to kill the enenmy thus outsmarting him grrrrrrrrrrr......

How to circumvent a stupid angry professor, the student says Sir Come but the student is gone Went very cleverly and duped the stupid professor aghast (while the student was very clever and outsmarted the professor)


Short Definition : reservoir or water tank

(noun) a sac or cavity containing fluid especially lymph or cerebrospinal fluid
Synonyms : cisterna
(noun) a tank that holds the water used to flush a toilet
Synonyms : water tank
(noun) an artificial reservoir for storing liquids; especially an underground tank for storing rainwater
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cistern

cistern- the initial part of the word,resembles cister(sister)..yeah,,..wen u hit ur sister, then genrally a reservoir of water will flow as tears..[ general phenomenon of gals]...lol...!!

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remember quant part of gre. calculate the length of the CISTERN if it filled with 1/6 th of water and blah blah blah

remember pipes and cistern chapter

circum (circumstances) + vent (preventing)....so it is like someone who can prevent bad circumstances to happen, because he is a step ahead and outwitting conditions


Short Definition : fortress

(noun) a stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle
Synonyms : bastion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for citadel

cita(Seeta) was captured by Ravana and was confined to his fortress with all his sena del(dal) protecting her...

cita-del is similar to city -Delhi in India which has many old fortress.

Seetha+ dwell= seetha matha’s dwellind place is fortess.

citadel ,,,remind us with CASTLE which has the same meaning =D

sit+idle..or tadel(TIDEl)..so to avoid destruction from tides , go for shelter in bastions. :)

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if any of u have played the game called thief were garrot always tries to loot the money from the citadel.....i am sory this mnemonic might not be useful to many


Short Definition : quote; commend; Ex. cited for bravery in an official record

(noun) a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage
Example Sentence
  • the student's essay failed to list several important citations
  • the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book
  • the article includes mention of similar clinical cases
(verb) make reference to
Example Sentence
  • His name was mentioned in connection with the invention
(verb) commend
Synonyms : mention
Example Sentence
  • he was cited for his outstanding achievements
(verb) refer to
Synonyms : reference
Example Sentence
  • he referenced his colleagues' work
(verb) repeat a passage from
Synonyms : quote
Example Sentence
  • He quoted the Bible to her
(verb) refer to for illustration or proof
Synonyms : quote
Example Sentence
  • He said he could quote several instances of this behavior
(verb) advance evidence for
Synonyms : abduce adduce
(verb) call in an official matter, such as to attend court
Synonyms : summon summons
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cite

recite means to tell something :like recite a poem: root is cite.. which means to quote

Cite sounds like site you should get some reference or acknowledgement.

CITE:=SITE= land for sale, and when land is for sale, u have to QUOTE a price for it.

mnemonics ll help a lot if u study thm along with the cite(d) examples sentences for lang usage

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CITE also means summon....SITE....I purchased new site for new office, hence I summoned all my friends to see it......


Short Definition : having to do with citizens; not military or religious; courteous and polite; Ex. married in a civil ceremony; Ex. civil strife/disorder/law; N. civility; CF. civic

(adj) applying to ordinary citizens as contrasted with the military
Example Sentence
  • civil authorities
(adj) not rude; marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others
Synonyms : polite
Example Sentence
  • even if he didn't like them he should have been civil
(adj) of or occurring within the state or between or among citizens of the state
Example Sentence
  • civil affairs
  • civil strife
  • civil disobedience
  • civil branches of government
(adj) of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals
Synonyms : civic
Example Sentence
  • civil rights
  • civil liberty
  • civic duties
  • civic pride
(adj) (of divisions of time) legally recognized in ordinary affairs of life
Example Sentence
  • the civil calendar
  • a civil day begins at mean midnight
(adj) of or in a condition of social order
Example Sentence
  • civil peoples
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for civil



Short Definition : having foresight; fortuneteller; N. clairvoyance

(noun) someone who has the power of clairvoyance Definition
(adj) perceiving things beyond the natural range of the senses Definition
(adj) foreseeing the future
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for clairvoyant

take it like this.......clair----clear for voyant derive meaning from voyage which means a long journey so clairvoyant is a person who can take a clear journey into the future and see whats in there

having clear vision

clairvoyant=clair(clear)+voyant(voyage)...one who foretells that voyage is clear to travel is a clairvoyant

clear + voyan -> boyan(speech); so clairvoyant means who can SPEECH CLEARLY about the future.

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