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    devious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word devious

    (adj) indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way; misleading
    Synonyms : oblique
    Example Sentence
    • used devious means to achieve success
    • gave oblique answers to direct questions
    • oblique political maneuvers
    (adj) characterized by insincerity or deceit; evasive
    Synonyms : shifty
    Example Sentence
    • a devious character
    • shifty eyes
    (adj) deviating from a straight course
    Synonyms : circuitous , roundabout
    Example Sentence
    • a scenic but devious route
    • a long and circuitous journey by train and boat
    • a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for devious


DEVIOUS -- like DEVIATE....When you DEVIATE from the straight path, you go wandering ROUND and ABOUT.

Devious has devi as in devil in it and devils are devious, shifty,mean.

DEVIOUS also mean CUNNING.....a person who deviate our mind and then does tricks is a devious person i.e cunning,rambling..

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devious(devi+o+U.S) Devi on U.S. made round about flight to india

dev+i+o+u+s (your thanking god) dev i owe you something for making me tricky, oblique, shifty, etc all the synonyms of devious..lol

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