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Short Definition : half-solid lump formed from a liquid (or blood); V.

(noun) a lump of material formed from the content of a liquid
Synonyms : coagulum
(verb) change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state
Synonyms : coagulate
Example Sentence
  • coagulated blood
(verb) cause to change from a liquid to a solid or thickened state
Synonyms : coagulate
(verb) turn into curds
Synonyms : clabber curdle
Example Sentence
  • curdled milk
(verb) coalesce or unite in a mass
Synonyms : clog
Example Sentence
  • Blood clots
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for clot

we say that blood clot huva


Short Definition : great influence (especially political or social); hard blow with fist

(noun) a target used in archery Definition
(noun) special advantage or influence
Synonyms : pull
Example Sentence
  • the chairman's nephew has a lot of pull
(noun) a short nail with a flat head; used to attach sheet metal to wood
Synonyms : clout nail
(noun) (boxing) a blow with the fist
Synonyms : biff lick poke punch slug
Example Sentence
  • I gave him a clout on his nose
(verb) strike hard, especially with the fist
Example Sentence
  • He clouted his attacker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for clout

clout sounds like cloud. cloud have gr8 influence over a region.

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call out(=clout) your ex girlfriend/boyfriend 's name on the crossroad. You will get a blow from his/her spouse.

~call+out: whenever a umpire calls out for a wrong decision it has a great influence and the batsman get's a hard blow

lout-l@#d@--resembles this argot,which is easily learned ,when u are influenced by social or political people.so wen u tell this to someone,u would get a hard blow ,with there fist..

cl(call) + out.In cricket match umpire will give out(decision). So they have great influence.

clout -> tout; tout has great influence to persuade some thing

Scout has great influence on school students so as clout has influence over something.

When a bowler "Calls out" by saying Howzzat it has a"Great influence "on the umpire.

clout=cl(ear)+out u hv enof influence to ask all to clear out!!


Short Definition : act stupidly; play the fool; N.

(noun) a rude or vulgar fool
Synonyms : buffoon
(noun) a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior Definition
(verb) act as or like a clown
Synonyms : antic clown around
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for clown

C+ low= common sense low. So he behaves stupidly.


Short Definition : distasteful (because excessive); excessively sweet or sentimental; V. cloy: become unpleasant through too much sweetness or excess

(adj) overly sweet
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cloying

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remember CLOVE--excessive addition of clove in the food makes the food distasteful..

sounds like toying means playing with someone like a toy. It is very sweet to that person but distasteful to the society.

cloy is like clay...which is distasteful

cloying sounds very close to annoying

cloying-loy- loy, a gr8 musician, his songs were gr8 to hear in the starting,but now,,its him everywhere,cz of which the true taste of his good music,has been lost..

cloying== coying we know coy means shy or excessively modest, if someone is too shy or modest than its distasteful!!!!!!

The cloying scent of popcorn at the fair is a PLOY to get you to buy more popcorn.

cloying,loyal ppl used to play with girls.which is unpleasent

cloying sounds like 'clawing' something to your mouth and then its sickening sweetness puts you off

closing the restaurant due to cloying food


Short Definition : congeal; thicken; clot; N. coagulant

(verb) change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state
Synonyms : clot
Example Sentence
  • coagulated blood
(verb) cause to change from a liquid to a solid or thickened state
Synonyms : clot
(adj) transformed from a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid mass
Example Sentence
  • coagulated blood
  • curdled milk
  • grumous blood
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for coagulate

Colgate - think about the "thick" paste

congeal- geal resembles gel,,ie this gel is a coagulant.

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the use of colgate toothpaste strengthens oue teeth without germs


Short Definition : combine; fuse; N. coalescence

(verb) mix together different elements
Example Sentence
  • The colors blend well
(verb) fuse or cause to grow together
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for coalesce

coal- combination of wood and charcoal.

coalesce: coa+LACE: lace is used to tie things together or mix things together

COALESCE = coal(cola)ESCE(essence )is made of mixture of various essence.


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Think of two koalas hanging together on a tree.


Short Definition : partnership; league; union of separate political parties

(noun) an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty Definition
(noun) the state of being combined into one body
Synonyms : fusion
(noun) the union of diverse things into one body or form or group; the growing together of parts
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for coalition

sounds like collision..in hindi films , when there is collision btw actor n actress , then they become PARTNER

coalition=you donkey ...why do you always search for mnemonic...you stupid...its very easy to remember...partnership,union,league....(i am sorry,but i bet that u cannot forget now)

unoin of seperate political parties led to collision


Short Definition : persuade by flattery

(noun) a transmission line for high-frequency signals Definition
(verb) influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
Example Sentence
  • He palavered her into going along
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for coax

Give cokes(coax) to make your friends happy.

rememebr "cajole" its same meaning...persuade some one by ur skills

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caox(axe) is used to flatter girls

coax cable used in tv

coax rhymes with coach who may have to sometimes persuade the players by flattery.


Short Definition : concluding section of a musical or literary composition

(noun) the closing section of a musical composition
Synonyms : finale
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for coda

ie ,conclusive part of the lunch ,is done by soda(coda) by watching music on television.

At the end of the musical performance everyone took pictures with their KODAk cameras.

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coda...imagine Devedas is drinking rum mixed with soda and listining paaro's song which she is about to end.

At the end of a musical or book, rank it by giving it a CODE.

c-closing o-of d-dias a-archestra

in the villages,people drink color soda after they have a heavy lunch for easy digestion.

discovery commercial song : boom de yada, boom de yada.... yada ~ coda....and boom de yada is closing/final passage of song

coda = conclusion + da


Short Definition : treat gently; indulge excessively; pamper; mollycoddle; baby; cook in water just below boiling point; Ex. coddled eggs

(verb) treat with excessive indulgence
Example Sentence
  • grandparents often pamper the children
  • Let's not mollycoddle our students!
(verb) cook in nearly boiling water
Example Sentence
  • coddle eggs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for coddle

Coddle - sounds like cuddle - cuddling is pampering kids, showing excessive love, indulge in excess of cuddling that is mollycoddle, which will spoil kids.

coddle ~ Noodle noodle are cooked in boiled water.

coddle sounds like CODDALU(Daughter in law in TELUGU) so generally a bridegrooms parents show a lot of care for their daughter in law just after marriage


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like cuddle

coodle sounds like toodlers(kids) who r treated gently without taste of disicpline

c+oddle(adollu)...we see adavallu with indulgence,we pamper them...

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