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Short Definition : bully; intimidate

(verb) be bossy towards
Example Sentence
  • Her big brother always bullied her when she was young
(verb) discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate
Synonyms : bully swagger
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for browbeat

imagine like dis..hav u ever tasted crow meat...never taste it..its dangerous n yuck..m indimidating u!!

bro+w/+beat,a brother likes to beat his siblings...like bullying them

brow+beat->THE rock raised HIS BROW(do u smell wat the rock is cookin)and intimidated and beat the opponent

browbeat..sounds like crow meat rght??hav u ever tasted it(no one tastes ofcos)..am INTIMIDATING r WARNING u al never eat it ,its yuc n dangerous ..

Salman "bro" beat one guy and was bossy or intimidating for the rest of villians


Short Definition : graze; feed on growing grass; skim or glance at casually

(noun) vegetation (such as young shoots, twigs, and leaves) that is suitable for animals to eat
Example Sentence
  • a deer needs to eat twenty pounds of browse every day
(noun) reading superficially or at random
Synonyms : browsing
(noun) the act of feeding by continual nibbling
Synonyms : browsing
(verb) shop around; not necessarily buying
Synonyms : shop
Example Sentence
  • I don't need help, I'm just browsing
(verb) feed as in a meadow or pasture
Synonyms : crop graze pasture range
Example Sentence
  • the herd was grazing
(verb) look around casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular
Synonyms : surf
Example Sentence
  • browse a computer directory
  • surf the internet or the world wide web
(verb) eat lightly, try different dishes
Synonyms : graze
Example Sentence
  • There was so much food at the party that we quickly got sated just by browsing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for browse

when we Browse the internet we go through sites CASUALLY...without going in detail


Short Definition : injure without breaking the skin; N.

(noun) an injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration
Synonyms : contusion
(verb) injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of
Synonyms : contuse
Example Sentence
  • I bruised my knee
(verb) hurt the feelings of
Example Sentence
  • She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests
  • This remark really bruised my ego
(verb) break up into small pieces for food preparation
Example Sentence
  • bruise the berries with a wooden spoon and strain them
(verb) damage (plant tissue) by abrasion or pressure
Example Sentence
  • The customer bruised the strawberries by squeezing them
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bruise

Sounds like "Bru"-the coffee....imagine a cup of hot BRU Coffee felt on ur hand..u got injured and ur skin got discolored though ur bones remained unbroken :-P

Relate it to "Brusli".He injures the enemies without breaking the skin(breaks the bones)

Tom CRUISE rubbing with Kate Homes. CRUISE:BRUISE


Short Definition : main impact or shock (of an attack or blow); Ex. brunt of the argument

(noun) main force of a blow etc
Example Sentence
  • bore the brunt of the attack
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brunt

Brunt: It sounds like burnt. The area of the land which was hit the meteoroid was badly BRUNT due to main impact/shock created by the collision

Break it as Bra-aunt. So if you see neighbour Aunt in bra, you will have what? shock and main impact :P

brunt-run is the word to check .people will run,wen there is an impact or shock.

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in a HUNT, poor animals bear the blow(BRUNT)

brunt of current

sounds lyk when the wire is Burnt-BRUNT we might get SHOCK

See it as BRU + blUNT, BRU is a popular & nice coffee, but it made me dumbfound by its blunt taste.

brunt is similar to burnt. Think it like some main impact of injury or someone's death.

If u want to BR(bear)+UNT(hunt) ie hunt a bear u need to give him a major impact


Short Definition : blunt; abrupt; curt; not wanting to waste time being nice

(adj) marked by rude or peremptory shortness
Synonyms : brusk curt short
Example Sentence
  • try to cultivate a less brusque manner
  • a curt reply
  • the salesgirl was very short with him
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brusque

brush kyun??? I dont want to brush and kiss you directly!!!

BRUSQUE=BRU+QUE...after long hours of waiting in the QUE,the crowd was jus given a cup of BRU coffee.the crowd got pissed off and turned VIOLENT

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brusque...sounds like brisk...and if you solve someone's doubt briskly..you are trying to be abrupt.....

BRUSH KYU karna hai?... b'coz ur teeth hav become blunt


BRUSh+QUEstion,when his brushing habits were questioned he turned violent

(tab) He was in a hurry to get to the meeting and refused to talk to you. He BRUSHED past you in the hallway, bumping your shoulder as he passed.

sounds like barso purana chaaku (knife) think of a old blunt chaaku

bruce wayne.. batman doest want to waste time...

brusque sounds like Brusly, the actor of Chinese action movies, so imagine why Brusly plays these movies, because of his brusque character.


Short Definition : pirate

(noun) someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nation Definition
(verb) live like a buccaneer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buccaneer

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pirates of bikaner..hehe

from nw jst remember BUCCANEER OF CARRIBEANS.....n not PIRATES OF CARRIBEAN ;-)

Relate it to Umpire Steve Buckner he was from the Caribbean islands and when you remember this, you get automatically remember pirates.

bhukka(bucca)+ neer(pani in hindi)bhukka pani main pirate hi banega...

pirate stole a BUCKET n a CANE form the sea or from the ship

buccaneer means bucar + neer means baqur in pani - water and you know what that means

if u have seen telugu raktha charitra part 1....bucca reddy is the villian....so he can be assosiated with a pirate...

visualise umpire steve bucknor(=bucaneer) as pirate

buccaneer - onw who buckets bucks in the neer - (water) - pirates

John bukanan. chor gadha


Short Definition : rustic; pastoral

(noun) a country person
Synonyms : peasant provincial
(noun) a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life
Synonyms : eclogue idyl idyll
(adj) (used with regard to idealized country life) idyllically rustic
Synonyms : arcadian pastoral
Example Sentence
  • a country life of arcadian contentment
  • a pleasant bucolic scene
  • charming in its pastoral setting
  • rustic tranquility
(adj) relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle
Synonyms : pastoral
Example Sentence
  • pastoral seminomadic people
  • pastoral land
  • a pastoral economy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bucolic

bucolic sounds a bit like bullock which is used in the "country side"...

BUlls and COLI (collie, a sheep dog) Country -- rustic and pastoral places, people, and songs.

olic is the one to see. oleic acid is used to remove rust. or even if you can check oli, jumble it as oil,used as an antirust agent,which in the past was used as an oral agent.

You commonly find a block of salt in a cow pasture. This block of salt is a COWLICK. Picture a BULL licking the COWLICK

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bullock+kick:it is usually seen in the countryside

Bu (B.) +COLIc (coli): B coli infection is common in RUSTIC area because of the unhygienic condition.

bhookho likho = in some gaons u dont get much to eat and u have to study(likho) even when ure ravenous(bhookho)

BUCK+LICK....people who can lick anything for bucks are BUCOLIC and mostly found in COUNTRYSIDE.....

The villager (rural ans pastural) person who is BOOK-HOLICK (like alcoholic/workholic)can be easily inspired to good poetry.

bucolic like alcoholic for urban people and bucolic for RURAL people

You're more likely to get the Bubolic Plague if you live a bucolic lifestyle in the country.

Buccolic: coli (fishermen) at west side beaches, they are country person of india

bucolic = b for bank + uco + lic; uco bank was established in 1943 in kolkata, therefore it is oldest bank.

bucolic: bu:bull + co: cock + lic : lick - A bull licks a cock; it must be a farm. Hence the meaning is related to countryside.

bucolic = but+an alcoholic, so it is a peaceful environment like a pastoral setting where alcohols are banned


Short Definition : strike forcefully; slap; batter; knock out; N: table with food set out for people to server themselves; meal at which people help themselves to food that's been set

(noun) a piece of furniture that stands at the side of a dining room; has shelves and drawers
Synonyms : counter sideboard
(noun) a meal set out on a buffet at which guests help themselves Definition
(noun) usually inexpensive bar Definition
(verb) strike against forcefully
Synonyms : batter knock about
Example Sentence
  • Winds buffeted the tent
(verb) strike, beat repeatedly
Synonyms : buff
Example Sentence
  • The wind buffeted him
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buffet

uff,is the one to see..wen someone slaps u ,u slap them back with a verbal assail " wat the ff "...hehehe...lol..!!!

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sounds like buffalo ,so it hits forcefully

in a buffet in taj hotel if u eat a lot and dont hav any money to pay..."ufff" says the waiter, "tu to gaya beta" and he hits u, he hits u hard and he keeps on hitting and hitting and hitting, untill ther's nothing left to hit any

rememberpheobe BUFFET from friend ....visualize her slapping everyone

koi mil gaya1,buffet hritik caught, priety's friend buffeted him

map it to bullet

buffet (beating + fat ) - beating voilently jab tak woh nahi gaya phat

if u are BUFF and u see an ET (jadoo),,,,, u dont run away ,,, but beat the hell out of him

Bill Gates was the richest bt..Warren Buffet..knocked him out and Striked forcefully from the list


Short Definition : stupid person; clown

(noun) a rude or vulgar fool
Synonyms : clown
(noun) a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buffoon

A Baffoon is a cartoon.

concentrate on FOO....FOOL...fooling around is a clown

When a Baboon Puffs a cigarette we may call it Buffoon.

This word sounds like ' but fool'. Therefore, it is a stupid person.

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Italy goalkeeper Buffon....


Short Definition : clowning

(noun) acting like a clown or buffoon
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buffoonery

Imagine a joker dancing "In the buff" that's what is clowning(buffoonery)

sounds like "puppet"...puppet shows are basically clowns of real animals and hence the meaning.

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