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Short Definition : support; reinforce

(noun) a pillow that is often put across a bed underneath the regular pillows
Synonyms : long pillow
(verb) support and strengthen
Synonyms : bolster up
Example Sentence
  • bolster morale
(verb) prop up with a pillow or bolster Definition
(verb) add padding to
Synonyms : pad
Example Sentence
  • pad the seat of the chair
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bolster

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read bolster as booster which mean giving extra energy and hence to support and strengthen someone or something.

usually when thr is a divan in the hall of a house...we place cushions and BOLSTERS (longer cushions)to sit comfortably and for back support

Make Something BOLDer

Bolster actually means , Raise physical or mental Strength

sounds like foster

Bolster = bol (talk) + ster(star);

Bolster = Fit the bolt for star i.e to support.


Short Definition : door bar; fastening pin or screw; length of fabric; large roll of cloth; V: dash or dart off; fasten (a | door); gobble down

(noun) a discharge of lightning accompanied by thunder Definition
(noun) a sliding bar in a breech-loading firearm that ejects an empty cartridge and replaces it and closes the breech Definition
(noun) the part of a lock that is engaged or withdrawn with a key
Synonyms : deadbolt
(noun) the act of moving with great haste
Synonyms : dash
Example Sentence
  • he made a dash for the door
(noun) a roll of cloth or wallpaper of a definite length Definition
(noun) a screw that screws into a nut to form a fastener Definition
(noun) a sudden abandonment (as from a political party) Definition
(verb) move or jump suddenly
Example Sentence
  • She bolted from her seat
(verb) secure or lock with a bolt
Example Sentence
  • bolt the door
(verb) swallow hastily Definition
(verb) run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along
Example Sentence
  • The thief made off with our silver
  • the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe
(verb) leave suddenly and as if in a hurry
Example Sentence
  • The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas
  • When she started to tell silly stories, I ran out
(verb) eat hastily without proper chewing
Synonyms : gobble
Example Sentence
  • Don't bolt your food!
(verb) make or roll into bolts
Example Sentence
  • bolt fabric
(adv) in a rigid manner
Synonyms : rigidly stiffly
Example Sentence
  • the body was rigidly erect
  • he sat bolt upright
(adv) directly
Synonyms : bang slap slapdash smack
Example Sentence
  • he ran bang into the pole
  • ran slap into her
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bolt

(changed) Usain Bolt, the runner, rushes across the finish line.


Short Definition : attack (as with missiles or bombs); V. bombard

(noun) the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written)
Example Sentence
  • a barrage of questions
  • a bombardment of mail complaining about his mistake
(noun) the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target
Example Sentence
  • they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops
  • the shelling went on for hours without pausing
(noun) the act (or an instance) of subjecting a body or substance to the impact of high-energy particles (as electrons or alpha rays) Definition
(noun) an attack by dropping bombs
Synonyms : bombing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bombardment

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concentrate on bomb bomb is used to attack other country example atom bomb


Short Definition : grandiloquent, pompous speech

(noun) pompous or pretentious talk or writing
Synonyms : blah claptrap fustian rant
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bombast


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The speech was so bad someone BOMBED the BASTARD

bombast = bo(mb)ast -> boast in mb -> boast in mega bytes

bo(mb)ast =>boast in mb(mega bytes) => or boast information in GBs but actually it is in MBs(coz "bombast" covers MB)

people who makes bomblast are careless for others lives and are self important.


Short Definition : pompous; using inflated language

(adj) ostentatiously lofty in style
Example Sentence
  • a man given to large talk
  • tumid political prose
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bombastic

BOMBS and firecrackers are used to impress people and they cause high sound

bombaat- this word in kannada,somthing like a pompous speech,inflated language.

similar to others above... The U.S. likes to BOMB bombastic dictators like Saddam Hussein

the words to Mr. BOOMBASTIC by Shaggy tell about an ostentious "Mr. Lover Lover"

relate it with...BOMB Squad...who has diffused the bomb..while Mantri's giving pompous speeches...!!

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bomb(very good)baasha (lang in telugu)


Bomb-aztec as in aztec gold..so a bomb that is GOOD that comes through a powerful SPEECH..

she considers herself a big Bomb... means she gives a lot of self importance to herself...


Short Definition : fond of books and reading

(adj) characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading
Synonyms : studious
Example Sentence
  • a bookish farmer who always had a book in his pocket
  • a quiet studious child


Short Definition : blessing; benefit; something very helpful

(noun) a desirable state
Synonyms : blessing
Example Sentence
  • enjoy the blessings of peace
  • a spanking breeze is a boon to sailors
(adj) very close and convivial
Example Sentence
  • boon companions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for boon

boon - bonus - something helpful

Remember David BOON who was blessing for cricket

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boon ~ moon...both are blessing

BOON :BO ur in ON state means blessed state OR desirable state mean in a state u wanted to be

like the lost character "boon" who was helpful to his sister and later died


Short Definition : rude, insensitive person

(noun) a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for boor

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boora in hindi resembles something bad. boore log, boora kaam...

You boo someone which is insensitive. so boor is insensitive, rude

prof.BORA in robo film is very rude

Boor:Split into boy+poor:when somebody says a boy is poor in front of him ,it's rude and insensitive.

boor sounds like poor, when you ignore a person by thinking he is poor that’s rude or insensitive

BOO-ER = unpleasant person who scares everyone with his manners and rudeness.

We either get bore or rude when someone talk insensitively


Short Definition : rude; insensitive

(adj) ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance
Example Sentence
  • was boorish and insensitive
  • the loutish manners of a bully
  • her stupid oafish husband
  • aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for boorish

boor means =bura .... ill mannered... so make adj boorish..!..:)

every one sounds BOO towards RUDE and INSENSITIVE persons

Hindi for old women is BOORI.Everyone feel rude and insensitive to the oldish (Hindi-booriSH)people.

boorish ....boo= bul.and ish = shit... so we say bulshit to a rude insensitive and ill mannered person...:)

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bootulu tittuvadu

It's very rude to boo someone who is trying to present his/her work.

BOOR , BOORISH; mean the same, remember the root word, BOOR;rude,ill-mannered

boorish looks like Boo-rich. A boo rich event/person is characterized by a lot of booing and thus is ill-mannered, coarse and insensitive.



Short Definition : lift by pushing up from below; increase; raise; N: push upward; increase

(noun) the act of giving hope or support to someone
Synonyms : encouragement
(noun) an increase in cost
Synonyms : cost increase hike rise
Example Sentence
  • they asked for a 10% rise in rates
(noun) the act of giving a push
Example Sentence
  • he gave her a boost over the fence
(verb) increase
Synonyms : hike hike up
Example Sentence
  • The landlord hiked up the rents
(verb) give a boost to; be beneficial to
Example Sentence
  • The tax cut will boost the economy
(verb) contribute to the progress or growth of
Example Sentence
  • I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom
(verb) increase or raise
Synonyms : advance supercharge
Example Sentence
  • boost the voltage in an electrical circuit
(verb) push or shove upward, as if from below or behind
Example Sentence
  • The singer had to be boosted onto the stage by a special contraption
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for boost

Boost is the secret of my energy-Rakesh Gentyala

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