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Short Definition : (of weather) hot or scorching; passionate; Ex. torrid love affairs

(adj) characterized by intense emotion
Example Sentence
  • ardent love
  • an ardent lover
  • a fervent desire to change society
  • a fervent admirer
  • fiery oratory
  • an impassioned appeal
  • a torrid love affair
(adj) emotionally charged and vigorously energetic
Example Sentence
  • a torrid dance
  • torrid jazz bands
  • hot trumpets and torrid rhythms
(adj) extremely hot
Example Sentence
  • the torrid noonday sun
  • sultry sands of the dessert
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for torrid

torturously arid or hot & arid=torrid

My girlfriend thought i was lookin torrid(HOT) in my new silky shirt so she just came up and TORE IT OFF!!!!(SOUNDS LIKE TORID)

"Tour" + "Rid" You got rid of the tour because it was to hot outside.

i remember vaguely but 10 years back there was this chick named TORRY who was KANE's gf in WWE. i best KANE 1.was passionate about 2. HEATED sex with her.

People in Torrid Zones experience hot

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torres is really PASSIONATE about football and girls think he is really HOT

too - Arid(hot and scorching )

torrid - to really red - red is symbolic of passion , hot and heat.

torrid....torri+d..torri..sounds like tory..people of.conservative party in britain is known as TORY..who is very PASSIONATE ABOUT his party rules and work.

TORRID and HEATED are words describing something very hot and dry.

Tory Wilson (am not sure whether she is still doing it )is very hot women in WWE


Short Definition : trunk of statue with head and limbs missing; human trunk

(noun) the body excluding the head and neck and limbs
Synonyms : body trunk
Example Sentence
  • they moved their arms and legs and bodies
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for torso

the terrorist TORtured the army chief SO much that his dead body was found as a TORSO(head and legs missing...)

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A TORSO is the TOP ROW (upper half) of the human body.

Torso: Tor(e) (means phaad) (diya) Sir Or Pair se...

TORSO is the victim of SO or extreme TORture.Generally in extreme stage extremist cut the leg,head or slaughter the victim.so TORSO is the victim or object without head or limb.


Short Definition : winding; full of curves; Ex. tortuous mountain road

(adj) highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious
Example Sentence
  • the Byzantine tax structure
  • Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship
  • convoluted legal language
  • convoluted reasoning
  • the plot was too involved
  • a knotty problem
  • got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering
  • Oh, what a tangled web we weave
  • tortuous legal procedures
  • tortuous negotiations lasting for months
(adj) marked by repeated turns and bends
Example Sentence
  • a tortuous road up the mountain
  • winding roads are full of surprises
  • had to steer the car down a twisty track
(adj) not straightforward
Example Sentence
  • his tortuous reasoning
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tortuous

a tortoise does not move in straight line... it keeps twisting and turning making path complicated.

tortuous - torque(twisting)uous: full of twisting

TORTUre fOr US to follow

tortoise mosquito coil will not be straight it is twisted and winded . Tortoise coil is in rhyming with tortuous.

The Tortuous Spiral Maze, which had a lot of twists and turns, had everyone perplexed.

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The Tortuous Spiral Maze (which has a lot of twists and turns) had everynone perplexed.

if u remember contort it means to twist out shape. tortuous meaning is very close to that.

tortuous can be compared to circuitous.. And both means almost same

the pronunciation of this word is not simple, it twists the tongue


Short Definition : throw lightly; move or lift (the head) with a sudden motion; flip (a coin) to decide something

(noun) the act of flipping a coin
Synonyms : flip
(noun) (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team
Synonyms : flip pass
Example Sentence
  • the pass was fumbled
(noun) an abrupt movement
Example Sentence
  • a toss of his head
(verb) throw or toss with a light motion
Synonyms : flip pitch sky
Example Sentence
  • flip me the beachball
  • toss me newspaper
(verb) lightly throw to see which side comes up
Synonyms : flip
Example Sentence
  • I don't know what to do--I may as well flip a coin!
(verb) throw carelessly
Synonyms : chuck
Example Sentence
  • chuck the ball
(verb) move or stir about violently
Example Sentence
  • The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed
(verb) throw or cast away
Example Sentence
  • Put away your worries
(verb) agitate
Example Sentence
  • toss the salad
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for toss

TOSS to decide a WIN or LOSS.


Short Definition : animal, plant, or natural object serving as a symbol of a clan or family; representation of this; Ex. totem pole

(noun) a clan or tribe identified by their kinship to a common totemic object Definition
(noun) emblem consisting of an object such as an animal or plant; serves as the symbol of a family or clan (especially among American Indians)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for totem

A TOTEM is an EMBLEM of a natural object adopted by a tribe.

TOTally ThEM the symbol totally represents them

TOTEMPOLE = statue represented as a symbol. totem is same as totempole. eg lion is the totem of king asoka.


Short Definition : shake or move unsteadily; sway as if about to fall

(verb) move without being stable, as if threatening to fall
Example Sentence
  • The drunk man tottered over to our table
(verb) walk unsteadily
Example Sentence
  • small children toddle
(verb) move unsteadily, with a rocking motion
Synonyms : seesaw teeter
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for totter

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cant believe no one thought abt it - TOT - is a baby - always moves unsteadily - abt to fall

Sounds Like Torture.therefore while someone is released after being tortured..he moves unsteadily.

TOTTER: to walk like a TODDLER

DO+TARAF(side)- people who are on both side are always swaying either side.


TOTTER and SAUNTER are rhyming words which mean, to walk with a limp.

Tod-tod kar chalna - means not walking smoothly.. Ladkhada kar chalna

Sounds like globetrotter who travels widely...likewise totter is also to move unsteadily..

DODDERING mean SHAKY or INFIRM.. which is same as tottering

tot means disconnected. ter means wire. Some wire is disconnected so it is in unstable state.


Short Definition : causing a feeling of pity or sympathy; pathetic; V. touch: cause to feel pity or sympathy; ADJ. touched

(noun) the event of something coming in contact with the body
Synonyms : touch
Example Sentence
  • he longed for the touch of her hand
  • the cooling touch of the night air
(noun) the act of putting two things together with no space between them
Synonyms : touch
Example Sentence
  • at his touch the room filled with lights
(adj) arousing affect
Synonyms : affecting poignant
Example Sentence
  • the homecoming of the released hostages was an affecting scene
  • poignant grief cannot endure forever
  • his gratitude was simple and touching
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for touching

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TOUCHING or HEART-RENDING, both refer to something that is tragic or sad.


Short Definition : stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys; criterion; standard

(noun) a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated
Example Sentence
  • the schools comply with federal standards
  • they set the measure for all subsequent work
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for touchstone

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divide it like touch+stone..so you touch gold with a stone to test the fineness of gold.

A TOUCHSTONE is a special kind of stone that measures the quality of gold. A slight rub or touch on the stone gives you the standard of gold.

think of touchstone pictures...the make films of good standards!!

typical village mentality......villagers to convict.."If you TOUCH this volcanic STONE(temperature=400 degree celcius) and your figers dont get burnt then you are freed from all blames..............;)


Short Definition : oversensitive; easily offended; irasible; delicate; needing delicate handling; Ex. touchy situation

(adj) quick to take offense Definition
(adj) difficult to handle; requiring great tact
Synonyms : delicate ticklish
Example Sentence
  • delicate negotiations with the big powers
  • hesitates to be explicit on so ticklish a matter
  • a touchy subject
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for touchy

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Remember Touch me not plant, which is very sensitive

TOUCHY or MOODY - someone who is oversensitive and reacts to everything.


Short Definition : promote or publicize (one's goods or service); praise excessively (as a form of advertisement); CF. advertise

(noun) someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit
Synonyms : ticket tout
(noun) someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way
Synonyms : touter
(noun) one who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack)
Synonyms : tipster
(verb) advertize in strongly positive terms
Example Sentence
  • This product was touted as a revolutionary invention
(verb) show off
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tout

tout: shout to promote (to publicly praise or promote)

improve the previous mnemonic...imagine a stout person praising his muscles

tout= t + out tell it out...this process is called promoting or advertising

Imagine a person selling advise about when "Tendulkar" will be "OUT" for betting on how many runs he will score

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tout=Tendulkar OUT!!!....according to the review system tendulkar was not out but the umpire gave him out....the indian media PUBLICISED this issue too much afterwards....:D

We have to bet on Stout persons in sumo, in order to win

An agent who annoy customers especially with persistent requests

if some1 pawns u wid scout. u must praise him

imagine a stout person who touts

A TOUT or an AGENT - someone who operates as a middleman or a negotiator.

tout - stout it up and shout it out

Shout and Tell it OUT.

the snout saleslady must tout her product in order to get it sold in an unfamiliar market.

You tout; I pout.

producers approach advertiser to tout their product...

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