• word of the day


    ardent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ardent

    (adj) characterized by intense emotion
    Example Sentence
    • ardent love
    • an ardent lover
    • a fervent desire to change society
    • a fervent admirer
    • fiery oratory
    • an impassioned appeal
    • a torrid love affair
    (adj) characterized by strong enthusiasm
    Synonyms : warm
    Example Sentence
    • ardent revolutionaries
    • warm support
    (adj) glowing or shining like fire
    Example Sentence
    • from rank to rank she darts her ardent eyes
    • frightened by his ardent burning eyes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ardent

ardent-her+dent... If u r with ur lover she show some intense love n condemn whenever requires

Her+dent..DENT made by u in her car made HER extremely hot(anger)..

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