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Short Definition : move suddenly or involuntarily; Ex. start at the sight of a snake

(noun) the beginning of anything
Example Sentence
  • it was off to a good start
(noun) the time at which something is supposed to begin
Example Sentence
  • they got an early start
  • she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her
(noun) a turn to be a starter (in a game at the beginning)
Synonyms : starting
Example Sentence
  • he got his start because one of the regular pitchers was in the hospital
  • his starting meant that the coach thought he was one of their best linemen
(noun) a sudden involuntary movement
Synonyms : jump startle
Example Sentence
  • he awoke with a start
(noun) the act of starting something
Synonyms : beginning commencement
Example Sentence
  • he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations
(noun) a line indicating the location of the start of a race or a game Definition
(noun) a signal to begin (as in a race)
Synonyms : starting signal
Example Sentence
  • the starting signal was a green light
  • the runners awaited the start
(noun) the advantage gained by beginning early (as in a race)
Synonyms : head start
Example Sentence
  • with an hour's start he will be hard to catch
(verb) take the first step or steps in carrying out an action
Example Sentence
  • We began working at dawn
  • Who will start?
  • Get working as soon as the sun rises!
  • The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia
  • He began early in the day
  • Let's get down to work now
(verb) set in motion, cause to start
Synonyms : begin commence lead off
Example Sentence
  • The U.S. started a war in the Middle East
  • The Iraqis began hostilities
  • begin a new chapter in your life
(verb) leave
Example Sentence
  • The family took off for Florida
(verb) have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense
Synonyms : begin
Example Sentence
  • The DMZ begins right over the hill
  • The second movement begins after the Allegro
  • Prices for these homes start at $250,000
(verb) bring into being
Synonyms : initiate originate
Example Sentence
  • He initiated a new program
  • Start a foundation
(verb) get off the ground
Example Sentence
  • Who started this company?
  • We embarked on an exciting enterprise
  • I start my day with a good breakfast
  • We began the new semester
  • The afternoon session begins at 4 PM
  • The blood shed started when the partisans launched a surprise attack
(verb) move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm
Synonyms : jump startle
Example Sentence
  • She startled when I walked into the room
(verb) get going or set in motion
Synonyms : start up
Example Sentence
  • We simply could not start the engine
  • start up the computer
(verb) begin or set in motion
Synonyms : get going go
Example Sentence
  • I start at eight in the morning
  • Ready, set, go!
(verb) begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job
Synonyms : take up
Example Sentence
  • Take up a position
  • start a new job
(verb) play in the starting lineup Definition
(verb) have a beginning characterized in some specified way
Synonyms : begin
Example Sentence
  • The novel begins with a murder
  • My property begins with the three maple trees
  • Her day begins with a workout
  • The semester begins with a convocation ceremony
(verb) begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object
Synonyms : begin
Example Sentence
  • begin a cigar
  • She started the soup while it was still hot
  • We started physics in 10th grade
(verb) bulge outward
Example Sentence
  • His eyes popped


Short Definition : formal; ceremonious; grand in style or size; majestic

(adj) impressive in appearance
Synonyms : baronial imposing noble
Example Sentence
  • a baronial mansion
  • an imposing residence
  • a noble tree
  • severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses
  • stately columns
(adj) of size and dignity suggestive of a statue
Synonyms : statuesque
(adj) refined or imposing in manner or appearance; befitting a royal court
Synonyms : courtly formal
Example Sentence
  • a courtly gentleman


Short Definition : having no motion; unchanging; lacking development; N. stasis: stable state

(noun) a crackling or hissing noise caused by electrical interference Definition
(noun) angry criticism
Example Sentence
  • they will probably give you a lot of static about your editorial
(adj) not in physical motion
Example Sentence
  • the inertia of an object at rest
(adj) concerned with or producing or caused by static electricity
Synonyms : electrostatic
Example Sentence
  • an electrostatic generator produces high-voltage static electricity
(adj) showing little if any change
Synonyms : stable unchanging
Example Sentence
  • a static population
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for static

"The contents of our ATTIC is STATIC; it hasn't changed in years.


Short Definition : law enacted by the legislature

(noun) an act passed by a legislative body
Synonyms : legislative act
(adj) enacted by a legislative body
Synonyms : codified
Example Sentence
  • statute law
  • codified written laws
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for statute

statutory warning

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statute = state + absolute i.e., enacted by state absolutely.


Short Definition : created by statute or legislative action; regulated by statute; Ex. statutory age limit

(adj) relating to or created by statutes
Example Sentence
  • statutory matters
  • statutory law
(adj) prescribed or authorized by or punishable under a statute
Example Sentence
  • statutory restrictions
  • a statutory age limit
  • statutory crimes
  • statutory rape
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for statutory

Statutory warning-Cigarette smoking is injurious to health

related to "statute".

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remember d white STATUE in courts.. consider it as signifying statutory acts!!.. :)


Short Definition : steadily loyal; unswerving; steady

(adj) marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable
Example Sentence
  • firm convictions
  • a firm mouth
  • steadfast resolve
  • a man of unbendable perseverence
  • unwavering loyalty
(adj) firm and dependable especially in loyalty
Synonyms : staunch unswerving
Example Sentence
  • a steadfast ally
  • a staunch defender of free speech
  • unswerving devotion
  • unswerving allegiance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for steadfast

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steadfast~stood + first ; One who has always STOOD with you and is the FIRST one to help you is a LOYAL friend. Another meaning - Always STEADY so unswerving

STEADFAST-- Split as STEADY+fast someone who is steady always

stead+fast...STEAD(substitute)...Coach choses that substitute(STEAD) FAST, who is the FIRM, LOYAL player in the team.


Short Definition : action of moving secretly or unseen; slyness; sneakiness; secretiveness; ADJ. stealthy

(noun) avoiding detection by moving carefully
Synonyms : stealing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stealth

If you remove TH then it becomes Steal, stealing is done in a secret manner.

SECRETLY : Sneaky,Secrete,Stealth,Conceal,Disguise,Incognito,Furtive,Clandestine.


Short Definition : soak; saturate; Ex. steep the fabric in the dye bath; ADJ: precipitous

(noun) a steep place (as on a hill) Definition
(verb) devote (oneself) fully to
Example Sentence
  • He immersed himself into his studies
(verb) let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanse
Synonyms : infuse
Example Sentence
  • steep the blossoms in oil
  • steep the fruit in alcohol
(adj) having a sharp inclination
Example Sentence
  • the steep attic stairs
  • steep cliffs
(adj) greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
Example Sentence
  • exorbitant rent
  • extortionate prices
  • spends an outrageous amount on entertainment
  • usurious interest rate
  • unconscionable spending
(adj) of a slope; set at a high angle
Example Sentence
  • note the steep incline
  • a steep roof sheds snow
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for steep

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It's "stow deep". i.e., keep something deep in a liquid.

while climbing STEEP slopes you get SOAKED OR SATURATED

steep~weep ; when you weep your cheeks steep !

s+teep(cheat in hindi)..I've devoted myself to cheat and not to study

to steep is to become 'steeply' wet or soaked


Short Definition : pertaining to the stars; of a star performer; outstanding; Ex. stellar attraction of the entire performance

(adj) indicating the most important performer or role
Synonyms : leading prima star starring
Example Sentence
  • the leading man
  • prima ballerina
  • prima donna
  • a star figure skater
  • the starring role
  • a stellar role
  • a stellar performance
(adj) being or relating to or resembling or emanating from stars
Synonyms : astral
Example Sentence
  • an astral body
  • stellar light
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stellar

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con"stell"ation also refers to stars and heavenly bodies.

latin: Stella --> Star

steelar remove eel star


Short Definition : stop or check (the flow of); Ex. stem the bleeding from the slashed artery; N: main axis of a plant; stalk

(noun) (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed
Example Sentence
  • thematic vowels are part of the stem
(noun) a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ
Synonyms : stalk
(noun) cylinder forming a long narrow part of something
Synonyms : shank
(noun) the tube of a tobacco pipe Definition
(noun) front part of a vessel or aircraft
Synonyms : bow fore prow
Example Sentence
  • he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line
(noun) a turn made in skiing; the back of one ski is forced outward and the other ski is brought parallel to it
Synonyms : stem turn
(verb) grow out of, have roots in, originate in
Example Sentence
  • The increase in the national debt stems from the last war
(verb) cause to point inward
Example Sentence
  • stem your skis
(verb) stop the flow of a liquid
Synonyms : halt stanch staunch
Example Sentence
  • staunch the blood flow
  • stem the tide
(verb) remove the stem from
Example Sentence
  • for automatic natural language processing, the words must be stemmed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stem

meaning of stem is opposite of what a stem of a plant does ; It lets the nutrients travel accross and lets the water from root upward ! But stem means to stop the flow !

steam is good for cold, it can stop nose flowing.. & steam is also arise from water, and water is the only fluid which travels through main axis of a plant. ;)

They stemmed the stem and sprayed some pesticide.

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