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    firm - Dictionary definition and meaning for word firm

    (noun) the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments
    Synonyms : business firm , house
    Example Sentence
    • he worked for a brokerage house
    (verb) become taut or tauter
    Synonyms : tauten
    Example Sentence
    • Your muscles will firm when you exercise regularly
    • the rope tautened
    (verb) make taut or tauter
    Synonyms : tauten
    Example Sentence
    • tauten a rope
    (adj) marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable
    Example Sentence
    • firm convictions
    • a firm mouth
    • steadfast resolve
    • a man of unbendable perseverence
    • unwavering loyalty
    (adj) not soft or yielding to pressure
    Synonyms : solid
    Example Sentence
    • a firm mattress
    • the snow was firm underfoot
    • solid ground
    (adj) strong and sure
    Synonyms : strong
    Example Sentence
    • a firm grasp
    • gave a strong pull on the rope
    (adj) not subject to revision or change
    Example Sentence
    • a firm contract
    • a firm offer
    (adj) (of especially a person's physical features) not shaking or trembling
    Example Sentence
    • his voice was firm and confident
    • a firm step
    (adj) not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall
    Synonyms : steady , unfluctuating
    Example Sentence
    • stocks are still firm
    (adj) securely established
    Example Sentence
    • holds a firm position as the country's leading poet
    (adj) possessing the tone and resiliency of healthy tissue
    Example Sentence
    • firm muscles
    (adj) securely fixed in place
    Synonyms : fast , immobile
    Example Sentence
    • the post was still firm after being hit by the car
    (adj) unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause
    Synonyms : fast , loyal , truehearted
    Example Sentence
    • a firm ally
    • loyal supporters
    • the true-hearted soldier...of Tippecanoe
    • fast friends
    (adv) with resolute determination
    Example Sentence
    • we firmly believed it
    • you must stand firm

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text: are they uh firm
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