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Short Definition : dry food for livestock; fodder

(noun) food for domestic livestock
Synonyms : feed
(noun) a stock or supply of foods
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for provender

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Some vendors sell dry food and hence product sold by a vendor = Provender

Pro Vendor : A vendor pro in supplying food etc and has stocks of that in his shop...

In Telugu Enda = Hot. In hot weather generally dry food is available with vendor(merchant, seller).

In Telugu Enda = Hot. In hot weather generally dry food is available with vendor(merchant, seller).

to PROViDE for livestock means, first and foremost, to feed them.



Short Definition : adage; someone or something well known for notoriety; ADJ. proverbial: of a proverb; widely known; ADV. proverbially

(noun) a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people
Synonyms : adage byword saw


Short Definition : quality of being provident; divine care; god's care; Providence: god; Ex. It seemed like providence that the doctor happened to be there; ADJ. providential: of divine providence; fortunate

(noun) the capital and largest city of Rhode Island; located in northeastern Rhode Island on Narragansett Bay; site of Brown University Definition
(noun) the guardianship and control exercised by a deity
Example Sentence
  • divine providence
(noun) a manifestation of God's foresightful care for his creatures Definition
(noun) the prudence and care exercised by someone in the management of resources
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for providence

(pro)vide assistance

remmeber provident fund which all govt employes get

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Did u see the add of ICCI PROVIDENTIAL


Short Definition : providing for future needs; displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies; OP. improvident

(adj) providing carefully for the future
Example Sentence
  • wild squirrels are provident
  • a provident father plans for his children's education
(adj) careful in regard to your own interests
Example Sentence
  • the prudent use and development of resources
  • wild squirrels are provident
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for provident

to remember this, think about 'LIC PROVIDENT FUND POLICY'which is kept for future use.

Provident=Providing Prudently.


Short Definition : pertaining to a province; limited in outlook; narrow; unsophisticated

(noun) (Roman Catholic Church) an official in charge of an ecclesiastical province acting under the superior general of a religious order
Example Sentence
  • the general of the Jesuits receives monthly reports from the provincials
(noun) a country person
Synonyms : bucolic peasant
(adj) of or associated with a province
Example Sentence
  • provincial government
(adj) characteristic of the provinces or their people
Example Sentence
  • deeply provincial and conformist
  • in that well-educated company I felt uncomfortably provincial
  • narrow provincial attitudes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for provincial

provincial sounds like "PROVINCE"....imagine person belonging to rural province then he dont have much exposure to outer world...so he is unsophisticated and limited in outlook....

province somewhat SOUNDS very close to PRINCE..so the area that is under the control of a prince...IS A PROVINCE....AND ANY PROVINCE IS very limited in area.. so limited in outlook.


Short Definition : act of providing; something provided; preparatory measure; provisions: necessary supplies (esp. food); stipulation; condition in an agreement; Ex. According to the provisions of the agreement

(noun) a stipulated condition
Synonyms : proviso
Example Sentence
  • he accepted subject to one provision
(noun) the activity of supplying or providing something
Synonyms : supply supplying
(noun) the cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in the event of something happening
Synonyms : planning preparation
Example Sentence
  • his planning for retirement was hindered by several uncertainties
(noun) a store or supply of something (especially of food or clothing or arms) Definition
(verb) supply with provisions
Synonyms : purvey
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for provision

provide vision


Short Definition : tentative; temporary

(adj) under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon
Example Sentence
  • probationary employees
  • a provisional government
  • just a tentative schedule
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for provisional

provisional certificate is issued by university before the actual degree certificate as a TENTATIVE ONE FOR THE ORIGINAL

in which there is still a provision for the unexpected

provisional - pro+ - before; vision- to see. The power to see before as if the future is only tentative. Use it for a long time can consume your energy.

proVISionAl VISA


Short Definition : stipulation; condition in an agreement; provision

(noun) a stipulated condition
Synonyms : provision
Example Sentence
  • he accepted subject to one provision
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for proviso

Proviso=visa condition required for ms in us.

proviso--->"provided"--->ur going to do some work A "provided" some condition Bis satisfied

relate it to provision


Short Definition : arousing anger or sexual interest; annoying; Ex. provocative in tight jeans; V. provoke: incite to anger; cause (an unpleasant action or feeling); N. provocation

(adj) serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate; stimulating discussion or exciting controversy
Example Sentence
  • a provocative remark
  • a provocative smile
  • provocative Irish tunes which...compel the hearers to dance
(adj) exciting sexual desire
Example Sentence
  • her gestures and postures became more wanton and provocative
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for provocative

sounds like PROVOKE(call forth emotions, feeling and responses)ACTIVELY...so if someone put forth his emotions excessively it causes us either annoying/ some time sounds INTERESTING


Short Definition : extraordinary ability; military bravery; Ex. prowess in battle

(noun) a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation
Synonyms : art artistry
Example Sentence
  • the art of conversation
  • it's quite an art
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prowess

sounds like POWERS

it is taken from root word prou....word like prow, proud, prowess..all has root prou..means something extraordinary, something superior...

prowess = sound like purvez mushuruf = pakistani military leader

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prowess....prow-ess..prow..(PROUd....so you are proud OF your SON EXTRAORDINARY ABILITY..his BRAVERY THAT HE SHOWED DURING WAR.

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