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    bucolic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word bucolic

    (noun) a country person
    Synonyms : peasant , provincial
    (noun) a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life
    Synonyms : eclogue , idyl , idyll
    (adj) (used with regard to idealized country life) idyllically rustic
    Synonyms : arcadian , pastoral
    Example Sentence
    • a country life of arcadian contentment
    • a pleasant bucolic scene
    • charming in its pastoral setting
    • rustic tranquility
    (adj) relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle
    Synonyms : pastoral
    Example Sentence
    • pastoral seminomadic people
    • pastoral land
    • a pastoral economy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bucolic

bucolic sounds a bit like bullock which is used in the "country side"...

BUlls and COLI (collie, a sheep dog) Country -- rustic and pastoral places, people, and songs.

olic is the one to see. oleic acid is used to remove rust. or even if you can check oli, jumble it as oil,used as an antirust agent,which in the past was used as an oral agent.

You commonly find a block of salt in a cow pasture. This block of salt is a COWLICK. Picture a BULL licking the COWLICK

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bullock+kick:it is usually seen in the countryside

Bu (B.) +COLIc (coli): B coli infection is common in RUSTIC area because of the unhygienic condition.

bhookho likho = in some gaons u dont get much to eat and u have to study(likho) even when ure ravenous(bhookho)

BUCK+LICK....people who can lick anything for bucks are BUCOLIC and mostly found in COUNTRYSIDE.....

The villager (rural ans pastural) person who is BOOK-HOLICK (like alcoholic/workholic)can be easily inspired to good poetry.

bucolic like alcoholic for urban people and bucolic for RURAL people

You're more likely to get the Bubolic Plague if you live a bucolic lifestyle in the country.

Buccolic: coli (fishermen) at west side beaches, they are country person of india

bucolic = b for bank + uco + lic; uco bank was established in 1943 in kolkata, therefore it is oldest bank.

bucolic: bu:bull + co: cock + lic : lick - A bull licks a cock; it must be a farm. Hence the meaning is related to countryside.

bucolic = but+an alcoholic, so it is a peaceful environment like a pastoral setting where alcohols are banned

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