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Short Definition : ponder at length; N: source of inspiration (esp. of a poet)

(noun) in ancient Greek mythology any of 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne; protector of an art or science Definition
(noun) the source of an artist's inspiration
Example Sentence
  • Euterpe was his muse
(verb) reflect deeply on a subject
Example Sentence
  • I mulled over the events of the afternoon
  • philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years
  • The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for muse

Museums contain things which cause you to reflect deeply

MUSEum consist of historic things by seeing them, we think deeply

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I am aMUSEd by his poem, they are inspirational

chocolate mouse makes us muse

Because of MUSE people get inspired and build lavish AMUSEMENT parks

muse-The film Three Idiots apart from amusing us also inspires us

MUSE about the NEWS!


Short Definition : having the odor of musk; N. musk: odorous substance secreted by an Asian deer

(adj) resembling the smell of musk


Short Definition : gather; assemble (troops); Ex. muster up one's strength for the ordeal; N.

(noun) a gathering of military personnel for duty
Example Sentence
  • he was thrown in the brig for missing muster
(noun) compulsory military service Definition
(verb) gather or bring together
Example Sentence
  • muster the courage to do something
  • she rallied her intellect
  • Summon all your courage
(verb) call to duty, military service, jury duty, etc.
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for muster

try rhyming it with "cluster" almost means the same..

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muster : students assemble in class for "MASTER"

Muster the seeds to get the mustard oil.

muster - every1 must come ie, gather through order forcefully

We must muster the courage to speak against the music master.


Short Definition : stale (in odor or taste); spoiled by age; CF. moist

(adj) covered with or smelling of mold
Synonyms : moldy mouldy
Example Sentence
  • moldy bread
  • a moldy (or musty) odor
(adj) stale and unclean smelling
Synonyms : frowsty fusty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for musty

stale and old thing catch dust.. hence become "dusty".. it rhymes with musty..

we MUST EAT the food before it becomes MUSTY

musty rhymes with musti(for begger): what do u give for musti stale food

musty ~= mustard-y :Smelling badly like mustard

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Musty smell from dusty basti.


Short Definition : silent; without speech; not pronounced; unable to speak; N: one who is incapable of speech; V: soften the sound, color, shade of

(noun) a deaf person who is unable to speak Definition
(noun) a device used to soften the tone of a musical instrument Definition
(verb) deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping Definition
(adj) expressed without speech
Example Sentence
  • a mute appeal
  • a silent curse
  • best grief is tongueless
  • the words stopped at her lips unsounded
  • unspoken grief
  • choking exasperation and wordless shame
(adj) unable to speak because of hereditary deafness
Synonyms : dumb silent


Short Definition : silent; muffled; toned down; Ex. muted traffic noise

(adj) in a softened tone
Synonyms : hushed quiet subdued
Example Sentence
  • hushed voices
  • muted trumpets
  • a subdued whisper
  • a quiet reprimand
(adj) being or made softer or less loud or clear
Synonyms : dull muffled softened
Example Sentence
  • the dull boom of distant breaking waves
  • muffled drums
  • the muffled noises of the street
  • muted trumpets


Short Definition : maim; injure lastingly; deprive of a limb or an essential part

(verb) destroy or injure severely
Synonyms : cut up mangle
Example Sentence
  • The madman mutilates art work
(verb) alter so as to make unrecognizable
Synonyms : mangle murder
Example Sentence
  • The tourists murdered the French language
(verb) destroy or injure severely
Synonyms : mar
Example Sentence
  • mutilated bodies
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mutilate

late aa vandhaa muttiliya adi vizhum - mutilate

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mutiny is late now.. destroy something completely(to damage severely, especially by violently removing a part) or amputate

muti(ny)+late was attacked late nite was severely injured

mutilate - muti(URINE)+late .....will destroy kidney lol.

LATE resembles death soo body is destroyed ..

Mutilate sounds like MOTI- लेट...so when a MOTI girl lie (लेट) on smthng..it destroys completely

He received injuries to the extent that made him mute. He may succummed to injuries and people may put late before his name e.g. late John


Short Definition : unruly; rebellious; Ex. mutinous teenagers; N. mutiny: open rebellion; CF. mutineer

(adj) disposed to or in a state of mutiny
Example Sentence
  • the men became mutinous and insubordinate
(adj) consisting of or characterized by or inciting to mutiny
Example Sentence
  • mutinous acts
  • mutinous thoughts
  • a mutinous speech
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mutinous

We all remember "Sepoy Mutiny" of 1857.

try to extract mute + tiny from this word...so someone who is neither mute nor tiny... (in thoughts) can be rebellious. mutiny means open rebellion against constituted authority(especially by soldiers against their officers)

mute + ni= ab hum mutenirahengey= REBEL

mutans of xmen movie are rebellious

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mutinous Moti(fat)+No fat person can be more rebellious


Short Definition : utter (complaining words) indistinctly in low tones

(noun) a low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech Definition
(noun) a complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone Definition
(verb) talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice
Synonyms : maunder mumble mussitate
(verb) make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath
Synonyms : croak gnarl grumble murmur
Example Sentence
  • she grumbles when she feels overworked
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mutter



Short Definition : nearsighted; lacking foresight; N. myopia

(adj) unable to see distant objects clearly Definition
(adj) lacking foresight or scope
Example Sentence
  • a short view of the problem
  • shortsighted policies
  • shortsighted critics derided the plan
  • myopic thinking
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for myopic

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With My Opaque lenses I will be short sighted

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