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Short Definition : picture made of small colorful inlaid tiles; ADJ.

(noun) art consisting of a design made of small pieces of colored stone or glass Definition
(noun) viral disease in solanaceous plants (tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco) resulting in mottling and often shriveling of the leaves Definition
(noun) a freeware browser Definition
(noun) a pattern resembling a mosaic Definition
(noun) transducer formed by the light-sensitive surface on a television camera tube Definition
(noun) arrangement of aerial photographs forming a composite picture Definition
(adj) of or relating to Moses or the laws and writings attributed to him
Example Sentence
  • Mosaic Law
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mosaic

take in picture mosaic tiles.. they have many small cut colored stones on it..


Short Definition : small speck (esp. of dust)

(noun) (nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mote

replace e with a and read from back its atom

like a mole

read as moth as in dal moth ( namkeen served in Indian homes) . This namkeen consists of small specks of dal

mote is actually opposite of Hindi mote. (Mote *motaa* means fat person in Hindi)

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Moti (Pearl). Its found in small sizes.

mole + mite = mote Both mole and mite are tiny but of different things, but mote a inclusive term for both words, it is a tiny anything! :)

A famous quote from Jesus about hypocrisy reads, "cast out, first, the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the MOTE that is in thy brother's eye."

A moth will chew your sweater to tiny motes


Short Definition : theme; recurrent thematic element in a musical or literary work; single or repeated pattern; figure

(noun) a design or figure that consists of recurring shapes or colors, as in architecture or decoration
Synonyms : motive
(noun) a theme that is repeated or elaborated in a piece of music
Synonyms : motive
(noun) a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in literary or artistic work
Synonyms : theme
Example Sentence
  • it was the usual `boy gets girl' theme
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for motif

relate with motive


Short Definition : ability to move spontaneously; ADJ. motile: moving spontaneously

(noun) ability to move spontaneously and independently Definition
(noun) a change of position that does not entail a change of location
Synonyms : motion move movement
Example Sentence
  • the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise
  • movement is a sign of life
  • an impatient move of his hand
  • gastrointestinal motility
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for motility

motility remember it by near synonym mobility

Motility decreases when motapa increases.


Short Definition : multi-colored (as of a garment worn by a jester); mixed; heterogeneous; CF. jester: one who jests (as a paid fool at medieval courts)

(noun) a collection containing a variety of sorts of things
Example Sentence
  • a great assortment of cars was on display
  • he had a variety of disorders
  • a veritable smorgasbord of religions
(noun) a garment made of motley (especially a court jester's costume) Definition
(noun) a multicolored woolen fabric woven of mixed threads in 14th to 17th century England Definition
(verb) make something more diverse and varied
Synonyms : variegate vary
Example Sentence
  • Vary the menu
(verb) make motley; color with different colors
Synonyms : parti-color
(adj) consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds
Example Sentence
  • an arrangement of assorted spring flowers
  • assorted sizes
  • miscellaneous accessories
  • a mixed program of baroque and contemporary music
  • a motley crew
  • sundry sciences commonly known as social
(adj) having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly
Example Sentence
  • a jester dressed in motley
  • the painted desert
  • a particolored dress
  • a piebald horse
  • pied daisies
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for motley

If you and your friend goto shopping, he would suggest you in Hindi "Yeh Dress Math (MOT-Don't) LEY (take),Joker ki thara dhikegha". It didnt suit u as it was multi-coloured!

sounds like a medley of coulours..

rearrange motley <> moltey (multi)colored

sounds close to the few words of the song " more rang de(ley) basanti"

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motley>> multiLayer (of colour )


Short Definition : blotched in coloring; spotted; Ex. mottled face; V. mottle: mark with blotches of different colors

(adj) having spots or patches of color
Synonyms : dappled
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mottled

MOTE( a speck/spot) + LED = SPOTT + ED

sometimes BOTTLED water has "patches of color"

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mottled=bottled.....all the colours have been bottled in this bottle...u have to just make a hole in its bottle cap and spray it on the wall.....THATS SPRAY PAINTING......:D

sounds like molded with different patches of molds

motted sound like spotted

Motte in kannada means Egg. Egg os sparrow has many black patches on it.

Motte mean EGG in kannada. Egg of sparro has many black patches on it.

mote + LED >>> when we see LED's in a lighting over a house, it looks as if the house has colored spots of the color of LED's..


Short Definition : brief statement used to express a principle

(noun) a favorite saying of a sect or political group


Short Definition : charlatan; boastful pretender

(noun) a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
Synonyms : charlatan
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mountebank

mountebank can be broken as mouth+bank=person whose mouth is a bank of words....who is extremely boastful and pretentious...

"I have a bank built over on a mountain" "what a mountebank"

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when u read bank.. think of a bank robbery.. n to carry out a robbery need to disguise as a quack (charlatan)

person who BOASTS that he has been to MOUNTains and BANKs of many rivers etc.

person who says he owns a bank on a distant mountain is obviously montebanking

U.S. BANKS swindled and deceived the world into buying worthless, mortgage-backed securities. Then they went to Capitol HILL (like MOUNTain) to get a $700 Billion bailout.

votebank politics means complete deception, as we see these days.. mountebank is similar


Mountebank was a quack doctor who used to mount a Bank (Bench in past) and sell his magical medicines.


Short Definition : confuse; mix up confusedly; N: state of confusion

(noun) a confused multitude of things Definition
(noun) informal terms for a difficult situation
Example Sentence
  • he got into a terrible fix
  • he made a muddle of his marriage
(verb) make into a puddle
Synonyms : puddle
Example Sentence
  • puddled mire
(verb) mix up or confuse
Synonyms : addle puddle
Example Sentence
  • He muddled the issues
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for muddle

sounds like addle, puddle, fuddle which means be confused or make confused.

It is very difficult to walk through MUD- Muddle like walking through mud


Short Definition : (of weather) warm and damp

(adj) hot or warm and humid
Synonyms : steamy sticky
Example Sentence
  • muggy weather
  • the steamy tropics
  • sticky weather
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for muggy

like MAGGY noodles which are WARM and DAMP when prepared.

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maggipovaDam in Telugu means "burn/scorch"

muggy=muddy..i.e damp;close & sticky.

When u drink sth like coffee, tea, etc. from a MUG, it is usually warm and damp

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