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Short Definition : scanty; inadequate

(adj) deficient in amount or quality or extent
Example Sentence
  • meager resources
  • meager fare
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for meager

meager = m + eager concentrate on "eager". A person is eager only when he/she is in a desperate need of something inadequate...or scanty in supply.

relate it to 'beggar'

mea==mean (fish in tamil) mean karans life is always scanty

Relate to beggar and miser ; A miser beggar may be very thin because of bad quality and insufficient eating.


Short Definition : indirect in speech (when something unpleasant must be said); hypocritical; evasive

(adj) hesitant to state facts or opinions simply and directly as from e.g. timidity or hypocrisy
Synonyms : mealy-mouthed
Example Sentence
  • a mealymouthed politician
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mealymouthed

mealy+mouthed-you have stuffed your mouth with meals ,so speech is not proper

when you have meal in your mouth you don't speak clearly.:: you are being evasive.

ur mouth is ful of meals because of which ur speech is ambiguous n u r nt able to speak properly

i remember my dcs viva, maybe u can relate. mealy moore machines are stateless/ stateful machines. something like that. so when my teacher asked me this in my viva i got confused and indirectly implied the meaning hence mealymouth

Mel = Latin for honey. Those who are mealymouthed are trying to sugar coat the truth.


Short Definition : wind or turn in its course; follow a winding or turning course; move aimlessly and idly

(noun) a bend or curve, as in a stream or river Definition
(noun) an aimless amble on a winding course
Synonyms : ramble
(verb) to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course
Synonyms : thread wander weave wind
Example Sentence
  • the river winds through the hills
  • the path meanders through the vineyards
  • sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for meander

Pronounce it like 'wander'; they are synonymous.

when pronounced GIVE THE sounds OF meAN+wANDER.....SO A MEAN PERSON always WANDER aimlessly.

meander...it sounds like Menderes a River in turkey....and a river changes its direction according to the wind direction....or turn its course along the winding path....

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Road meanders when we go to vaishno Devi mandir.

me + under + me : turn


Short Definition : interfering; V. meddle: interfere

(adj) intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
Example Sentence
  • an interfering old woman
  • bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself
  • busy about other people's business
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for meddlesome

meddle(middle)+some..so when two people are talking WE SHOULD NEVER INTERFARE IN MIDDLE OF THEIR TALKS.

If you want to get meddle you have to involve in those activities which you have never concerned.

Do not MEDDLE in SOME affairs because you may land youself in trouble.

to come someone in middle(meddle)


Short Definition : settle a dispute through the services of an outsider; act as an intermediary; produce by mediating; Ex. mediate a cease-fire

(verb) act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
Example Sentence
  • He interceded in the family dispute
  • He mediated a settlement
(verb) occupy an intermediate or middle position or form a connecting link or stage between two others
Example Sentence
  • mediate between the old and the new
(adj) acting through or dependent on an intervening agency
Example Sentence
  • the disease spread by mediate as well as direct contact
(adj) being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series
Synonyms : in-between middle
Example Sentence
  • adolescence is an awkward in-between age
  • in a mediate position
  • the middle point on a line
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mediate

whenever their is a dispute b/w me and my mom....my mom imMEDIATEly calls my father who acts as a MEDIATOR for us...............:D

one who come in MIDDLE to solve a dispute;


Short Definition : ordinary; commonplace; neither good nor bad

(adj) moderate to inferior in quality
Synonyms : second-rate
Example Sentence
  • they improved the quality from mediocre to above average
(adj) lacking exceptional quality or ability
Synonyms : average fair middling
Example Sentence
  • a novel of average merit
  • only a fair performance of the sonata
  • in fair health
  • the caliber of the students has gone from mediocre to above average
  • the performance was middling at best
(adj) poor to middling in quality
Example Sentence
  • there have been good and mediocre and bad artists
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mediocre

mediocre sounding lyk medium which means average so a mediocre performance in da sense an average performance

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mediocre~ media+cry media is always crying so it is ordinary thing

Medio=middle ; so things are in between good and bad ; so it must be of average quality.

mediocre sounds like medium/middle place...middle will be COMMON point for two places...and common=ordinary..


Short Definition : reflection; thought; V. meditate

(noun) continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature
Synonyms : speculation
Example Sentence
  • the habit of meditation is the basis for all real knowledge
(noun) (religion) contemplation of spiritual matters (usually on religious or philosophical subjects)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for meditation



Short Definition : element that is a creature's natural environment; nutrient setting in which microorganisms are cultivated; appropriate occupation or means of expression; channel of communication; compromise; middle p

(noun) a means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information Definition
(noun) the surrounding environment
Example Sentence
  • fish require an aqueous medium
(noun) an intervening substance through which signals can travel as a means for communication Definition
(noun) (bacteriology) a nutrient substance (solid or liquid) that is used to cultivate micro-organisms
Synonyms : culture medium
(noun) a liquid with which pigment is mixed by a painter Definition
(noun) (biology) a substance in which specimens are preserved or displayed Definition
(noun) an intervening substance through which something is achieved
Example Sentence
  • the dissolving medium is called a solvent
(noun) a state that is intermediate between extremes; a middle position
Example Sentence
  • a happy medium
(noun) someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead
Synonyms : sensitive spiritualist
Example Sentence
  • he consulted several mediums
(noun) (usually plural) transmissions that are disseminated widely to the public
Synonyms : mass medium
(noun) an occupation for which you are especially well suited
Synonyms : metier
Example Sentence
  • in law he found his true metier
(adj) around the middle of a scale of evaluation
Synonyms : average intermediate
Example Sentence
  • an orange of average size
  • intermediate capacity
  • medium bombers
(adj) (meat) cooked until there is just a little pink meat inside
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for medium

after studying in english MEDIUM(means of expression) for 12 years , i thought that verbal GRE will be quite easy for me,so that i can do MS IN US IN CS,which i think is the best MEDIUM(appropriate occupation) for me.


Short Definition : mixture

(noun) a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources
Synonyms : pastiche potpourri
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for medley

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Medley sounds like Melody: melody = tune; sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase.

MEDLEY swimming is a mixture of 4 different swimming styles


Short Definition : submissive; patient and long-suffering

(adj) humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness
Synonyms : mild modest
Example Sentence
  • meek and self-effacing
(adj) very docile
Synonyms : tame
Example Sentence
  • tame obedience
  • meek as a mouse
(adj) evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant
Synonyms : spiritless
Example Sentence
  • compliant and anxious to suit his opinions of those of others
  • a fine fiery blast against meek conformity
  • she looked meek but had the heart of a lion
  • was submissive and subservient
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for meek


meeku..sounds like lil boy's name..n lil boys are submissive

meek resembles to last name of Barbara Meek an American actress who was very much submissive, humble and patient.

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sounds like sound of a cat..MEOW..word meek has most of the characteristics of a cat

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