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Short Definition : state of being married

(noun) the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce)
Example Sentence
  • a long and happy marriage
  • God bless this union
(noun) the ceremony or sacrament of marriage


Short Definition : point of origin; array of numbers or algebraic symbols; mold or die; Ex. the matrix of Western civilization

(noun) (mathematics) a rectangular array of quantities or expressions set out by rows and columns; treated as a single element and manipulated according to rules Definition
(noun) (geology) amass of fine-grained rock in which fossils, crystals, or gems are embedded Definition
(noun) an enclosure within which something originates or develops (from the Latin for womb) Definition
(noun) the body substance in which tissue cells are embedded Definition
(noun) the formative tissue at the base of a nail Definition
(noun) mold used in the production of phonograph records, type, or other relief surface
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for matrix

in the movie (matrix) neo wasn't aware of his ORIGIN


Short Definition : effusively sentimental

(adj) effusively or insincerely emotional
Example Sentence
  • a bathetic novel
  • maudlin expressions of sympathy
  • mushy effusiveness
  • a schmaltzy song
  • sentimental soap operas
  • slushy poetry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for maudlin

when she received a call from the MODELLING company for her appointment, she became EFFUSIVELY SENTIMENTAL and wept a lot.Her dream had come true.

maudlin = mat ro darling....dont cry,pertaining to sentimental ppl

Think of maudlin as model is in beauty pageant... All models in pageants keep crying unnecessarily, become effusively sentimental.

mauldin maula mere maula mere.. rmbr dis song...its tooo sentimental

mougli - remember jungle book invokes very emotional attachemnt for kids

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Think of Aladdin , which is a highly sentimental movie !

A maid named MAUD threw out a LINen bag filled with stuffed animals from my childhood. This made me overly sentimental for months.

Maudlin model after a few drinks.

Remember about ma(mother) you & din ( the days), so you will go utter emotional when you remember about those days im you childhood with your mother.

maudlin = ma + u + dlin; The persons in the road are doing maa means mother give something is always foolish person not able to earn.


Short Definition : handle roughly; batter; injure by beating; Ex. mauled by his overexcited fans; N: heavy long-handled hammer

(noun) a heavy long-handled hammer used to drive stakes or wedges
Synonyms : sledge sledgehammer
(verb) split (wood) with a maul and wedges Definition
(verb) injure badly by beating
Synonyms : mangle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for maul

in a MALL if somebody becomes a nuisance he'll be *handled roughly* by the security present there.

maul-MAL-MAnhandLe maul and manhandle means same, and they sound similar .

ma+ul = yaadi tu mere MAA (ma) k saath ULTAPULTA(ul) kea toh,i will handle u roughly.

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The people were mauling at the shopping mall.

Jo MAHOOL kharab karta hai usko hum gaali de kar.. roughly handle karte hai .


when you ask a moving company to 'haul' something for you, they usually handle it roughly


Short Definition : monumental tomb; large stately tomb; CF. Mausolos

(noun) a large burial chamber, usually above ground
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mausoleum

sounds like Muslim. In Muslim culture they build tomb.

sounds like museum, which is usually a large and spiritless portrayal of our past

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MAUt(death) ka meusuem....mausoleum

maa + so + leum = maa so ree hain

in india a magnificient tomb(guess which?? ;) ) was made by a muslim mughal ruler ;)


Short Definition : pale purple

(noun) a moderate purple Definition
(adj) of a pale to moderate greyish violet color
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mauve

remember MOOV - comes in a purple tube

MAgenta+ violet=Mauve

MAAVA(milk product) is mauve coloured.

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maUVe :UV means ultra violet i.e. close to light/pale purple!!


Short Definition : rebel; nonconformist (in a group)

(noun) someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action
Synonyms : rebel
(noun) an unbranded range animal (especially a stray calf); belongs to the first person who puts a brand on it Definition
(adj) independent in behavior or thought
Synonyms : irregular unorthodox
Example Sentence
  • she led a somewhat irregular private life
  • maverick politicians
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for maverick

Mave+"RICK" sounds like Ricky Ponting who is rebellious and non-conformist as he does not believe in umpire descisions during India's Cricket match

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those who play counter strike will be aware of the bot "maverick" who has cooperation as zero. which is what maverick means!!

maverick-MAIN BHI RICKshaw chaloonga even I am engineer/doctor. I want to be maverick.

Maverick (tom cruise's name) in top gun was maverick as he broke many codes of navy

MaVErick- Main Vo Rockunga jo ho raha hai-> non-conformist

m+ brick....person who acts like a brick in the way(path) of others

BROCADE---"BROKE-AID"..after buying rich fabric i was BROKE (LACK OF MONEY) and wanted financial AID..

in counterstrike, remember the guy named maverick .. he wont obey ur commands.. he'll go whereever he wants.

maverick - Mai Very Kick the ass types

maverick is a type of gun which a maverick uses

maverick = ma + verick; ma is going to barit to barit house to house.

maverick = ma + aver + ick; means mother is coming from wandering relatives houses.


Short Definition : mushy(sentimental) and gushy; icky-sticky sentimental; excessively and objectionably sentimental

(adj) effusively or insincerely emotional
Example Sentence
  • a bathetic novel
  • maudlin expressions of sympathy
  • mushy effusiveness
  • a schmaltzy song
  • sentimental soap operas
  • slushy poetry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mawkish

"Maa" ka "kiss" hamesha sentimental aur emotional hota hai!

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mawk close to MOCK..so if someone mocks at you...and you are sentimental..then its a sad situation.

Mawkish: Read it as -Make+Wish: An insincerely emotional person is always ready to make wish..

Mock + Kiss = Mawkish or insincere emotion.

My MAW is icky sweet and sentimental about loving us kids!

MAWKISH -> MOCK means fake. Mawkish means faking emotion.

Girls get sentimental when you kiss them. They also think its wrong and stop u for there maa sake

mawkish=malfish;looking at mal[bad] fish is sickening

mawkish = maw maw is done by cat to please sentimentally the ower & to get the care & food.


Short Definition : proverb; truth pithily stated

(noun) a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits
Synonyms : axiom
(noun) English inventor (born in the United States) who invented the Maxim gun that was used in World War I (1840-1916)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for maxim

Maxim= for maximum you will say max.. it is a short rule of saying maximum..

maxim = maximum + saying...

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Maxim is a famous magazine. Its a maxim that every young boy reads MAXIM!


Short Definition : injury to body; crime of willfully maiming or crippling a person; violent disorder; Ex. mayhem in the zoo; CF. maim

(noun) the willful and unlawful crippling or mutilation of another person Definition
(noun) violent and needless disturbance
Synonyms : havoc
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mayhem

sounds like MAY HARM ... injurious

HEM means to fold and stitched down the edge of cloths. So if people injured they MAY need STITCHES mean HEM.

MAY DAY - An internationally recognized distress signal via radiotelephone.

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mayhem-- split it as ma and he.. when u have injury to body u cry and call he(hey) ma, he(hey) ma

mayhem sounds like hindi word MATAM and whenever people die due to violence,matam cha jata hai families me jinke members mare jate hai.

As you know "HEM" is a way of stitching cloth, if I (May) start stitching(Hem) there will be no control... I will do the mess on the cloth.

ME is HEMEN. So very powerfull and voilent

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