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Short Definition : total; fragrant; clearly wrong; (of people's behavior) coarse; corpulent; Ex. gross insolence/behavior; V: earn as a total amount; N: 12 dozens

(noun) twelve dozen
Synonyms : 144
(noun) the entire amount of income before any deductions are made
Synonyms : receipts revenue
(verb) earn before taxes, expenses, etc. Definition
(adj) before any deductions
Example Sentence
  • gross income
(adj) lacking fine distinctions or detail
Example Sentence
  • the gross details of the structure appear reasonable
(adj) repellently fat
Synonyms : porcine
Example Sentence
  • a bald porcine old man
(adj) visible to the naked eye (especially of rocks and anatomical features)
Synonyms : megascopic
(adj) without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers
Example Sentence
  • an arrant fool
  • a complete coward
  • a consummate fool
  • a double-dyed villain
  • gross negligence
  • a perfect idiot
  • pure folly
  • what a sodding mess
  • stark staring mad
  • a thoroughgoing villain
  • utter nonsense
  • the unadulterated truth
(adj) conspicuously and tastelessly indecent
Synonyms : crude earthy vulgar
Example Sentence
  • coarse language
  • a crude joke
  • crude behavior
  • an earthy sense of humor
  • a revoltingly gross expletive
  • a vulgar gesture
  • full of language so vulgar it should have been edited
(adj) conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
Example Sentence
  • a crying shame
  • an egregious lie
  • flagrant violation of human rights
  • a glaring error
  • gross ineptitude
  • gross injustice
  • rank treachery
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gross

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Grosz - Big grosz with Nazi sash SS, higher than buildings.


Short Definition : fantastic; comically hideous; strange and unnatural (causing fear or amusement)

(noun) art characterized by an incongruous mixture of parts of humans and animals interwoven with plants Definition
(adj) distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous
Synonyms : monstrous
Example Sentence
  • tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas
  • twisted into monstrous shapes
(adj) ludicrously odd
Example Sentence
  • Hamlet's assumed antic disposition
  • fantastic Halloween costumes
  • a grotesque reflection in the mirror
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for grotesque

When i GROW TUSK: how do i look: UGLY:abnormal....it is only a fantasy

Grotesque : (Sounds like GROW + TASK).. In software profession or any profession, teams are assigned with numerous TASKS. Each task has its own complexities. Now Imagine you growing a tree of these TASKS. How will it look like?? Imagine it !!! A p

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icture of it. It will be a tree with lots of distorted and weird looking TASKS branches. Thats the meaning if it. So whenever you GROW+ TASKS. you will get something very distorted and ugly. Moreover it's UNNATURAL too. Smile

grotesque = distorted. Here the word GREATEST (GROTEST)is distorted . WHY(QUE) it is distorted? GREATEST(grotes) QUE(why?)

grotesque (grot=cave,esque=resembling the style)The findings in grot cave esque the strange and unnatural history.

in spy kids movie..name of the spy girl kid is Cortesque=gortesque..she is fantasticcomically hideous n strange n unnatural in her power n brain compared to other teen girls..

great+mask...that is commically hideous

goad: nee godu bharinchalekapothunna (urge on)


Short Definition : small cavern

(noun) a small cave (usually with attractive features)
Synonyms : grot
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for grotto

grotto => grow + toe if your toes grow, a cave is formed between them. lol.

grotto bit sounds like gora's or agora's..which mean wild people living in caves away from the people


Short Definition : bad-tempered complaint; person who keeps complaining; V: complain; grumble

(noun) a bad-tempered person Definition
(verb) show one's unhappiness or critical attitude
Synonyms : grumble scold
Example Sentence
  • He scolded about anything that he thought was wrong
  • We grumbled about the increased work load
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for grouch

gr+ouch => you say "ouch". You say ouch when you have complain over something.

sounch like "grrrrr"ouch. "grrrr" is the sound of barking dog who always runs behind everyone.

grouse: silly complaint grouch:silly complainant

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grouch rhymes with "ouch". e.g ur mom starts complaining about ur messy room, and yelling in an irritable way, than hits. and you say "ouch, Ma, why do you always have to be such a grouch?".


Short Definition : complain; fuss; grumble; grouch; N: plump chickenlike game bird

(noun) flesh of any of various grouse of the family Tetraonidae; usually roasted; flesh too dry to broil Definition
(noun) popular game bird having a plump body and feathered legs and feet Definition
(verb) hunt grouse Definition
(verb) complain
Example Sentence
  • What was he hollering about?
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for grouse

spouse .... complain a lot

my ROSE Gone some where...i gave COMPLAIN in the police station

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grouse--Go Report Of abUSE

Oscar the Grouch groused and complained about living in a garbage can.

G(girl)+arouse=grouse....you are complaining that a girl is arousing you which is a petty complaint

so women go to buy clothes... they BROWSE through a whole lot and GROUSE (complain) nothing is worth buying...

A rabble ROUSEr is empowered by popular COMPLAINTS.

grouse=browse internet and compliant that net is slow :)


makaan maalik house me ghusse nahi ki grouching chaalu


grouse = gro (grow) + use; If you grow in the use of any electrical machine it will surely sound.

GiRl+sPOUSE = complain a lot


Short Definition : crawl or creep on ground; remain prostrate; behave in a servile manner

(verb) show submission or fear
Synonyms : cower crawl creep cringe fawn
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for grovel

One who wants to "grow well" needs to grovel before his manager.

grovel ..sounds like growl......and when a dog growls...most of the kids shrink in fear......

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GO with out FEAR to gre ...u will do WELL==vel..

novel .. when we read we lie down

gro(grow)+vel(well)-->When you drink complan and GROW WELL such the you are of very tall person,so u want to creep always

When you kneel down to grovel, your knees get all scratched up from being in gravel.


Short Definition : low, guttural, menacing sound (as of a dog)

(noun) the sound of growling (as made by animals)
Synonyms : growling
(verb) to utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds
Synonyms : grumble rumble
Example Sentence
  • he grumbled a rude response
  • Stones grumbled down the cliff
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for growl

take last 3 letters of the word and get the meaning low.

Howl of an owl.


Short Definition : deep feeling of dislike; Ex. grudge fight; V.

(noun) a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation
Synonyms : grievance score
Example Sentence
  • holding a grudge
  • settling a score
(verb) bear a grudge; harbor ill feelings
Synonyms : stew
(verb) accept or admit unwillingly
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for grudge

grudge....rhyme like ..judge.... so judje's order have to follow unwillingly..:)

Grudge movie...ill will, resentment...


Short Definition : unwilling; reluctant; stingy(giving reluctantly)

(adj) of especially an attitude
Example Sentence
  • gave grudging consent
  • grudging acceptance of his opponent's victory
(adj) petty or reluctant in giving or spending
Synonyms : niggardly scrimy
Example Sentence
  • a niggardly tip
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for grudging

When you have a grudge against someone, u are reluctant and unwilling to give anything to him/her

Grudging="Gradually"+"Giving"->Giving reluctantly

grudge is a horror movie and we are RELUNCTANT AND UNWILLING to watch it


Short Definition : thin liquid porridge

(noun) a thin porridge (usually oatmeal or cornmeal)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gruel

sounds like cruel. Imagine a cruel person getting more cruel day by day because he is getting thin liquid porridge in the prison.

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The cruel managers of the orphanage give the hungry children a meagre meal of gruel.

its like a cruel hostel food... yuck

gruelling schedule: very tough and difficult; gruel: increase the misery of a person having grueling schedulle by just feeding him thin porridge

gruel sounds like cruel..cruela( remember the vilan in 101 dalmesion) she was thin..

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