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    egregious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word egregious

    (adj) conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
    Synonyms : crying , flagrant , glaring , gross , rank
    Example Sentence
    • a crying shame
    • an egregious lie
    • flagrant violation of human rights
    • a glaring error
    • gross ineptitude
    • gross injustice
    • rank treachery
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for egregious

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scores we get in GRE is outrageously bad (egregious)

egregious is similer to aggressive.aggressive pepole are very bad in manner.this may help you pepole

EGREGIOUS (extremely bad). During one of our stage performance, we made such a huge mistake that people started throwing eggs at us and a rotten 'EGG REACHes US' (sounds like egregious)

egregious has the word GRE in it. so GRE is notorious in the sense that it 'might' ruin the money we paid for the exam if we dont study properly , which is conspicuously bad and shocking :)

Kids threw EGGS at my car: JESUS! -- EGGS JESUS!

a grudge at us is egregious

Greg chapel did giri hui egregious mistake (extremely bad) thats y Gir gaya

EGregious>>> picking EG sounds like EASY, egregious ones can't be EG to deal with...

hEEEEEEy Greg has become religious, yes Greg-Religious...Oh my god Greg and Religious? thats Shocking to me...

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