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Short Definition : (of a word or remark) apt; suitably expressed; well chosen

(adj) exhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or style
Example Sentence
  • a felicitous speaker
(adj) marked by good fortune
Synonyms : happy
Example Sentence
  • a felicitous life
  • a happy outcome
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for felicitous

felicitous sounds like felicitation... in felicitation the person is praised with SUITABLE, APT , WELL CHOSEN remarks..

this word is derived from FELIX(root word means lucky..happy)..felix is name given to lucky and famous people.

yash is a gr8 guy.wenever dat (FEL)la (cit)s with (us), we all hav a HAPPY time

Felicity is delightful and appropriate for a TV show.

The music band was aptly and well chosen as the winner for the award and I can still recall him exclamating "FELicia IS IT (o)US??"

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felicitous people are well chosen people they causes you sit in the felicitation

fell in love sit and proposed.(well expressed and well chosen)

like popes and saints..who thoughts are always apt, and suitably well chosen.

After results i felt(fel) that in Indian Chemical Institute(ici) i can sit(cit) with my friends(us) who got selected last year in counseling that whay I am very much happy.

propitious:- pro means favorable circumstances,iti means industrial training institute, ous means us i.e industrial training institue is in favor of us we will get the tender, for that we are happy.


Short Definition : happiness; appropriateness (of a remark, choice, etc.); quality of being felicitous

(noun) pleasing and appropriate manner or style (especially manner or style of expression)
Synonyms : felicitousness
(noun) state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
Synonyms : happiness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for felicity

felicity seems very like facility. If one gets all facility (s)he must be very happy. Thus felicity may stand for happiness or some thing producing happiness

feli-city = Pheli - City so if a villager comes for the first time to a city, he is very happy,,,


felicity= feel+ lic= its so pleasing that i am feeling like licking it (finger licking):)

Full city in happy mood ...!!

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Finally you fell in newyork city. Appropriate place for happiness.


Short Definition : of a member of the cat family; N.

(noun) any of various lithe-bodied roundheaded fissiped mammals, many with retractile claws
Synonyms : felid
(adj) of or relating to cats
Example Sentence
  • feline fur
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for feline

fell+nine...cats have 9 lives after which they fall.

feline=feminine.. girls usually love cats.. so feline is one of cat family.


Short Definition : cut or knock down (a tree or a person); bring down (with a missile)

(noun) the dressed skin of an animal (especially a large animal)
Synonyms : hide
(noun) seam made by turning under or folding together and stitching the seamed materials to avoid rough edges
Synonyms : felled seam
(noun) the act of felling something (as a tree) Definition
(verb) cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow
Example Sentence
  • strike down a tree
  • Lightning struck down the hikers
(verb) pass away rapidly
Synonyms : fly vanish
Example Sentence
  • Time flies like an arrow
  • Time fleeing beneath him
(verb) sew a seam by folding the edges Definition
(adj) (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
Example Sentence
  • a barbarous crime
  • brutal beatings
  • cruel tortures
  • Stalin's roughshod treatment of the kulaks
  • a savage slap
  • vicious kicks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fell

fell has 2 meanings..fell is like i fell down and the other can be remembered like i fell because i was pushed by dat "cruel" guy and it was deadly.it could ve costed me my life

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fell=f+(evil)l=evil or violent

fell-hell;so cruel and deadly

U FELL into into a deadly trap..


Short Definition : person convicted of a grave crime; CF. felony: serious crime

(noun) someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime Definition
(noun) a purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail
Synonyms : whitlow
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for felon

Felon ~ fulon devi who was a notorious bandit and involved in many crimes.

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felon = criminal felon - fell + on - the criminal stabbed a person with a sharp knife and the victim fell on the floor.

felon->melon->watermelon-> red-> blood->crime

fellow+no – he can't be my fellow because he is felon.

felon sounds like fellow ... dirty fellow (who is a crook ,criminal...)

felon rhymes with villain

5 guys fel on her is a serious crime.

Do you remember Hellon in hindi movie.She always commited serious crime in the movie

felon = fell rhymes like hell +on so..when one did serious crime one will go to..hell

felon sounds like villon...


Short Definition : (of an animal) not domestic; wild

(adj) wild and menacing
Synonyms : ferine savage
Example Sentence
  • a pack of feral dogs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for feral

feral , we can remember like fear+all =>we all will fear seeing a wild animal.

feral: For Sake of memorizing let think it as beral means cat in bangla. Beral is domestic but feral is not Domestic. May be feral is some other creature like beral.

it sounds like fural ie (furious) means anger, wild .

Everyone fears non-domestic, wild animals

feral= fate haal..in an untamed state

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Its not fair to domesticate all wild animal

Always firna(rome Around) is not domestic behaviour.

(eral in tamil means kidney)kidney of wild animal.


Short Definition : agitation; commotion(noisy and excited activity); unrest (of a political kind); V. produce by fermentation; undergo fermentation; cause (a state of trouble)

(noun) a state of agitation or turbulent change or development
Example Sentence
  • the political ferment produced new leadership
  • social unrest
(noun) a substance capable of bringing about fermentation Definition
(noun) a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances; especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol Definition
(verb) be in an agitated or excited state
Example Sentence
  • The Middle East is fermenting
  • Her mind ferments
(verb) work up into agitation or excitement
Example Sentence
  • Islam is fermenting Africa
(verb) cause to undergo fermentation
Synonyms : work
Example Sentence
  • We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content
  • The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats
(verb) go sour or spoil
Synonyms : sour turn work
Example Sentence
  • The milk has soured
  • The wine worked
  • The cream has turned--we have to throw it out
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ferment

Ferment = firm + end, firm means stable , ferment brings end to firmness.

fermant=german+t,the germans brought the whole world to a state of unrest during world war II

when ferment-ation takes place, things gets spoiled, state of trouble and violence


Short Definition : chemical reaction that splits complex organic compounds; unrest; agitation

(noun) a state of agitation or turbulent change or development
Example Sentence
  • the political ferment produced new leadership
  • social unrest
(noun) a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances; especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol


Short Definition : fierce; violent; N. ferocity

(adj) marked by extreme and violent energy
Synonyms : fierce furious savage
Example Sentence
  • a ferocious beating
  • fierce fighting
  • a furious battle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ferocious

we can relate this word to FURIOUS..any one who gets furious VERY OFTEN TURNS VIOLENT.

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FIREocious...a person having in his blood to kill people is violent


Short Definition : drive or hunt out of hiding; hunt with ferrets; drive out (as from a hiding place); expel; uncover or discover by searching; Ex. ferret out the secret; N. small fierce animal which catches rats and ra

(noun) musteline mammal of prairie regions of United States; nearly extinct Definition
(noun) domesticated albino variety of the European polecat bred for hunting rats and rabbits Definition
(verb) hound or harry relentlessly Definition
(verb) hunt with ferrets Definition
(verb) search and discover through persistent investigation
Synonyms : ferret out
Example Sentence
  • She ferreted out the truth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ferret

Ferret is also an animal that looks like a large rat. There was a ferret in my house so we hunted it out of its hiding place so as to kill it.

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ferret sounds like for+rat == i want rat== so hunt it...search for it and hunt it

ferret = fair + rate on any item can only be found by a good determined search---other---She tried to ferret out their secret

Ferret sounds like Fire Rat out of its hiding

FERRARI+GET...in order to get ferrari, i ferreeted coz the car is just awesome...you can't resist it

ferret => fire out...she fired out the secret...!!!

fed on rat and rabbit ->ferret

ferret rhymes with secret.so imagine that someone wants to hunt out a secret

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