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Short Definition : moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol); seriousness

(noun) the state of being sober and not intoxicated by alcohol
Synonyms : soberness
(noun) moderation in or abstinence from alcohol or other drugs
Synonyms : dryness
(noun) a manner that is serious and solemn Definition
(noun) abstaining from excess
Synonyms : temperance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sobriety

sobr..sounds like SOBER..AND a sober person is always serious about his life, therefore seriousness is the state of being sober.

sobriety sounds like propriety(proper manners) ie decency


Short Definition : thoroughly soaked; dull or stupid as if from drink

(adj) wet through and through; thoroughly wet
Synonyms : soppy
Example Sentence
  • stood at the door drenched (or soaked) by the rain
  • the speaker's sodden collar
  • soppy clothes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sodden

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SODDEN ...remove the 'o' and replace it with 'a',u get sadden(ed)...so when u are saddened u look so DULL

You got SOaked by a suDDEN shower. SO+DDEN.

when u r sodden u becum soggy

try to remember as sodden : so-dull


Short Definition : temporary stay; V: stay for a time

(noun) a temporary stay (e.g., as a guest)
Synonyms : visit
(verb) spend a certain length of time; reside temporarily
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sojourn

so-journ, remember it as so(sona)to sleep,during a journey,therefore it would be a temporary stay at a place away from your home..

sojourn== short + journey on some places..so you would stay there temporarily in there..

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adjourn means to go away, sojourn is just the opposite... it means to stay

find BOURNE in this....jason bourne dont stay at ne place for long time....temporary stay! :)

sojourn= soldier

only idiots and idle folks talk about boots and PRATES.


Short Definition : comfort in sorrow or trouble; consolation; V: comfort or console in time of sorrow or trouble

(noun) the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment
Synonyms : consolation solacement
Example Sentence
  • second place was no consolation to him
(noun) comfort in disappointment or misery
Synonyms : solacement
(noun) the act of consoling; giving relief in affliction
Synonyms : comfort consolation
Example Sentence
  • his presence was a consolation to her
(verb) give moral or emotional strength to
Synonyms : comfort console soothe
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for solace

i solaced when i opened my shoe lace

"Quantum of Solace" james Bond

Jenilia felt "SO LESS" pain after Imran solaced her

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"Condom of Solace" -You'll be having trouble having sex so you'll be disappointed! Then, you put on a condom to have "comfortable" sex.(Solace= comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment)

The Mrs. Solis (Gabrielle Solis)in Desperate housewives was not very good at solace.

when balm solve (SOL) my head ache (ACE) , I will feel comfort.


Short Definition : repair or make whole by using a metal alloy; N: metal alloy (usually tin and lead) used in the molten state to join metallic parts

(noun) an alloy (usually of lead and tin) used when melted to join two metal surfaces Definition
(verb) join or fuse with solder
Example Sentence
  • solder these two pipes together
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for solder

After a disaster, the soldier helped to put pipes together-Solder.


Short Definition : nonstandard grammatical construction; construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically; violation of social etiquette

(noun) a socially awkward or tactless act
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for solecism

SHOLEYcism...when you think of hindi movie sholay,who comes in your mind???? GABBAR....everytime he used to make mistakes while speaking because of his rustic or wild accent....

look at it .......... http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1293/539675960_6a35e68c73.jpg?v=0

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solecism = so less lex - ism. Lexical is related to grammar as also in lexical anaylsis in a computer langauge.. so-less-lex-ism means more grammatical and awkward mistakes

It's a funny one...When someone's shoe sole comes out it is a social blunder...

take the word "sole" from it...now imagine a hot blonde girl sleeping on parks bench alone(sole)..this is an awkward act...so solecism

SOcially or LExICally worthy of critiCISM = SOLECISM.

solecism is like socialism and sole(soul; pronunciation is same)in it.so if u don't live with soul in society it is awkward.

rember the movie shol;ay...in it were many socially awkward acts.so solecicm=sholay+cism

Singing a SOLO when you are a bad singer is socially awkward.

so(l)e(c)ism...interchange l and c...it sounds lyk socialism...but as u have interchanged them...both r opposites...!!!

Among racism and sexism, one of the major problems is lexism: judging people based on grammatical blunders (lexicon: vocabulary). Were you denied work because of your grammar mistakes? That's SO lexism...

so, deserving criticism...because it's wrong/flagrant

(also means grammatical mistake): I got an F on my paper but the professor's SOLE critiCISM was that I made one grammar mistake


Short Definition : seriousness; gravity

(noun) a trait of dignified seriousness Definition
(noun) a solemn and dignified feeling
Synonyms : gravity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for solemnity

Remember king solomon,he was very serious

Solution+Empty.. Which is something SERIOUS! because there are no solutions left.


Short Definition : entreat; request earnestly; seek to obtain; Ex. solicit votes; CF. solicitor: one who solicits; chief law officer

(verb) make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently or persistently
Synonyms : beg tap
Example Sentence
  • Henry IV solicited the Pope for a divorce
  • My neighbor keeps soliciting money for different charities
(verb) make amorous advances towards
Synonyms : court romance woo
Example Sentence
  • John is courting Mary
(verb) approach with an offer of sexual favors
Synonyms : accost hook
Example Sentence
  • he was solicited by a prostitute
  • The young man was caught soliciting in the park
(verb) incite, move, or persuade to some act of lawlessness or insubordination
Example Sentence
  • He was accused of soliciting his colleagues to destroy the documents
(verb) make a solicitation or petition for something desired
Example Sentence
  • She is too shy to solicit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for solicit

so+ let(li)+ me sit(cit)....i requestd my teacher



Short Definition : lawyer in the lower court of law

(noun) a petitioner who solicits contributions or trade or votes
Synonyms : canvasser
(noun) a British lawyer who gives legal advice and prepares legal documents
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for solicitor

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solicit is to court,support,so solicitor is a supporter (lawyer)


Short Definition : anxious; worried; concerned; eager; Ex. solicitous to do something; N. solicitude

(adj) full of anxiety and concern
Example Sentence
  • solicitous parents
  • solicitous about the future
(adj) showing hovering attentiveness
Example Sentence
  • solicitous about her health
  • made solicitous inquiries about our family
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for solicitous

Solicit means to request earnestly for something, but if you have to wait for it to happen then you are liable to become solicitous.

soli(solo).if u r doin a work on ur own(solo) then u ll do t wit much eager and care


one who plays solitaire (SOLIcitous)—shows interest and concern in playing games

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solicitor means a lawyer so he always must be attentive and concerned (/solicitous ) towards his cases.

Whenever a guest comes to our house we ask him if he--> Slept well (SO), SITting well (cit) --> we are very concerned

if u sit solo(alone) for plane of USA--u will be attentive all the way.

Being Solicitous causes a fit-in-us because we are con-cerned.

socially conscious someone...

BE+LIE=to contradict The person contradicted his statement because he had lied earlier

sounds like solicitor => many people hang up or shut the door on solicitors, so if you actually give one the time of day they may be very solicitous [eager, anxious, apprehensive]

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