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Short Definition : pleasantly tart-tasting; spicy; pleasantly stimulating; Ex. piquant situation when my old enemy asked for my help

(adj) having an agreeably pungent taste
Synonyms : savory savoury spicy zesty
(adj) engagingly stimulating or provocative
Synonyms : salty
Example Sentence
  • a piquant wit
  • salty language
(adj) attracting or delighting
Synonyms : engaging
Example Sentence
  • an engaging frankness
  • a piquant face with large appealing eyes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for piquant

PI+QUANT Quant in GRE is more attracting and delighting than Verbal

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PIC+WANT - u WANT to see delightful PIC.

Piquant: As attractive as peacock (1)

PICK+U+AUNTy....when aunty picks you and takes you to her home...it's appetizing(in another sense)........

sounds like PICKLE...pickle is having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavour

PIQUANT -> PECAN. Pecan Pie is delightfully tasty.

After u drink (i.e daru pee ke[hindi]) u lick some1s cunt(genitals) that wil be spicy ;)

piQUANT,quanta questions are interesting and exciting to solve at.

Gerard Pique has an awesome stimulating personality


Short Definition : irritation; resentment from wounded pride (eg. loss in a contest); V: provoke; arouse; annoy; cause to feel resentment; Ex. pique her curiosity

(noun) tightly woven fabric with raised cords Definition
(noun) a sudden outburst of anger
Synonyms : irritation temper
Example Sentence
  • his temper sparked like damp firewood
(verb) cause to feel resentment or indignation
Synonyms : offend
Example Sentence
  • Her tactless remark offended me
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pique

pique can be split as pi+que.. so imagine you are standing in a QUE(ue) in a Pie shop (cake) for a long time you get ANNOYED ,IRRITATED and you tend to show RESENTMENT

pique - sounding like pic ! if some 1 takes ur pic secretly . you wuld b annoyed , irritated....

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"sir,whats the formula for area of circle?"...."its pi *r*r"..."sir ..pi que?kuch aur symbol kyu nahi?"......now that shall IRRITATE any professor...as if that girl is trying to PROVOCATE and ANNOY the professor....:D

Prick. If you prick someone with a needle, he/she will get piqued

Pique(Barcelona Defender):He is so good that all the teams get IRRITATED with him. Thus the meaning IRRITATION.

An annoyed wife asks her drunkard husband : pi + kyun ?

if someone pique(spits in hindi) pan in stairs or around you, you will get IRRITATED and ANNOYED

pique=peek if someone peeks at you secretly you will get annoyed and he will hurt your pride too

pique sounds like "pick". if someone always picks at you, u get irritated

pique be pronounced as pic if you take the pic of a girl it arouses anger

pique = puke, wen someone pukes we get very angry and irritated

sounds like peak. you are at your peak of anger.

you get drunk and misbehave, hav a sudden outburst of anger,fight with everyone... your friends ask you in the mornig..itne PEE QUE ?now you regret it, are resentful and you feel indignity with respect to yourself..

agar kisi pe peek(hindi me socho) maroge toh woh irrited aur annoyed toh ho hi jaayega


Short Definition : pertaining to fishing; CF. Pisces

(adj) relating to or characteristic of the activity of fishing
Synonyms : piscatory
Example Sentence
  • a piscatory life
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for piscatorial

'pisces' means fish .. so piscatorial is sth related to fishing

pisCATorial Cat,obviously is good at fishing

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CAT - ORAL ,cats in US are delighted when they get A FISH to eat..

fish katori mein daalo

see all zodiac signs in that pisces is represented by fish...sp pisces is related to fish

IS-a-CAT's-TUTORIAL: cat teach us how to catch fish


Short Definition : hidden danger; concealed trap

(noun) an unforeseen or unexpected or surprising difficulty
Synonyms : booby trap
(noun) a trap in the form of a concealed hole
Synonyms : pit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pitfall

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THERE s a pit to make you fall...trap


Short Definition : core or marrow; spongelike substance in the center of stems; essence; substance

(noun) soft spongelike central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants Definition
(noun) the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
Example Sentence
  • the gist of the prosecutor's argument
  • the heart and soul of the Republican Party
  • the nub of the story
(verb) remove the pith from (a plant)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pith

pith : pithaji(father in hindi)essential or central part of the family

pith sounds like "peeth" which is central to the body hence pith means important, central or essential part of something

think of brad pitt he's a very important part of hollywood

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PEETH(human back)- peeth has visible marrow and that is pivotal organ of human body and so is pith as main idea..

Think "Pit" like the center of a peach which an essential part to help it grow.

pith is from "peeth" in Hind. or Sanskrit meaning "center" as in Vidya Peeth or Shakti Peeth, and so "pith" which means center or core


Short Definition : concise and meaningful; substantial; meaty

(adj) concise and full of meaning
Synonyms : sententious
Example Sentence
  • welcomed her pithy comments
  • the peculiarly sardonic and sententious style in which Don Luis composed his epigrams
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pithy

pi-thy: the math symbol pi is concise and has great meaning

pithy : pithaj+y=pithaji,he should be very precise and brief

Pithy saying is concise and meaningful saying

PIThy -as pit (you dig a pit on the road with very concise measurements so tha that you do minimum damagge to the alignment of the road) if you speak telugu it can be pronounced as pit thiyyi(dig in english)

Think pithy of the smithy... and in fantasy books Dwarves are smithys, they are always brief and concise.

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Pi- thy .Pi has great conciseness and substance.And then so ,the "pithy" means full of pith the real substance.

Customers who go to twenty second street to see the Smithy, Never pay a visit to his toilet that is not pithy, For the smell of that room is always quite iffy.

Father is PITH of the family and speaks PITHY


Short Definition : small amount (of money); small allowance or wage

(noun) an inadequate payment
Example Sentence
  • they work all day for a mere pittance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pittance

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PIT<->TIP(to waiter)

Pity + Allowance very sad payment,,,

pittance = petty allowance

Pit (Hindi of beat) + Tenants. Coz they gave less rents

mnemonic : Pittance rhymes with Patience; You need to have patience to work all day for a mere pittance.

Hey Mr.PITT (Brad Pitt), this is your TIP for your DANCE

The opposite of what Brad Pitt Earns.

U feel pity for servants who get less payment and can't even afford two time meals..


Short Definition : of a pivot; central; critical; crucial

(adj) being of crucial importance
Synonyms : polar
Example Sentence
  • a pivotal event
  • Its pivotal location has also exposed it to periodic invasions
  • the polar events of this study
  • a polar principal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pivotal

vote- voting is very crucial & important for our future

it rhymes with vital or crucial so pivotal is critical or crucial


Short Definition : pacify; bring peace to; conciliate; appease

(verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
Example Sentence
  • She managed to mollify the angry customer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for placate

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PL + ac + ATE = a PLATE full of tasty food to SATISFY someone.

"playing" wid "cat"...it'll surely pacify salman...

placate--pla(playing)+cate(cards)===playing cards pacify's anyone........

the word's origin means 'to please'

Placate: Plate+cake= a plate of cake which calms and appeases.

Placate: just concentrate on pronunciation Placate resembles "Pluck Ate",so just imagine ur a thief and went for a Apple farm and Plucking and Ate the Apples silently,calm,pacify,appease,soothe,placate.......

its like pla(playing)+cate(think cafe)....so playing in cafe pacify u...

if a tree is favorably inclined we can pluck its fruits and eat

it can be place+ate. when he got that place by betryaing i.e. ATE THE PLACE.people had to please him.

place + ate >>> when u give some1 place to eat, u will certainly gain his/her good will....


Short Definition : harmless substance prescribed as a dummy pill

(noun) an innocuous or inert medication; given as a pacifier or to the control group in experiments on the efficacy of a drug Definition
(noun) (Roman Catholic Church) vespers of the office for the dead
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for placebo

split it like this PLACE-it takes the place of the actual substance..and BOgus..it doesnt do what the actual pill does.Thus PLACEBO is a bogus harmless pill which takes the place of the original.

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