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Short Definition : wandering; V. migrate: move from one region and settle in another; move periodically from one region to another

(adj) used of animals that move seasonally
Example Sentence
  • migratory birds
(adj) habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work
Synonyms : migrant
Example Sentence
  • appalled by the social conditions of migrant life
  • migratory workers


Short Definition : social environment; means of expression; Ex. feel out of one's milieu; Ex. His proper milieu is watercolor.

(noun) the environmental condition
Synonyms : surroundings
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for milieu

milieu sounds like: "maa illu" in Telugu - i.e., my home. Everyone wants a good home and hence good milieu (environment) My illam in tamil..

milieu sounds like MILE + U .. miles is the term that we use when we travel out somewhere .. that is we travel some miles near our SURROUNDINGS OR ENVIRONMENT and we get all excited=Means of expression :)

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lieu means locus means place.. hence environment

in LIEU of = in place of. MILIEU = place/environment/location

lieu is french for place.. so milieu=environment

mile+Eu(Europe) :miles(distance) surrounding the Europe;that illustrates surrounding and environment

in swedish language miljö (milyo) means environment.

meri loo .. sab taraf ganda environment kar deti hai

milieu mein mil aaun?

sounds like MILE + U .. when some loveable person is miles apart 4m u in a worst environment, u miss him n cares a lot which is a means of expression

a good place with million residents


Short Definition : combative; bellicose; N.

(noun) a militant reformer
Synonyms : activist
(adj) disposed to warfare or hard-line policies
Synonyms : hawkish warlike
Example Sentence
  • militant nations
  • hawkish congressman
  • warlike policies
(adj) showing a fighting disposition
Synonyms : competitive
Example Sentence
  • highly competitive sales representative
  • militant in fighting for better wages for workers
  • his self-assertive and ubiquitous energy
(adj) engaged in war
Example Sentence
  • belligerent (or warring) nations


Short Definition : work against; Ex. militate against the chances of promotion; CF. serve as a soldier

(verb) have force or influence; bring about an effect or change
Example Sentence
  • Politeness militated against this opinion being expressed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for militate

Military action often influences others to argue against the invasion.

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Military action always takes place when someone work against the other

one never gets satisfied by what it gets(MILI hui chiz) for ATE(eating)

militate - in pakistan military has many time ceased control by working against the government


Short Definition : army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers

(noun) civilians trained as soldiers but not part of the regular army
Synonyms : reserves
(noun) the entire body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military service
Example Sentence
  • their troops were untrained militia
  • Congress shall have power to provide for calling forth the militia
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for militia

not in military.. militia -> have other jobs as well..

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mili means low common people .. tea pila kar ladne bhej diya

military amateur


Short Definition : thousand-year period (as in the New Testament); hoped-for period of happiness and prosperity

(noun) a span of 1000 years
Synonyms : millenary
(noun) (New Testament) in Revelations it is foretold that those faithful to Jesus will reign with Jesus over the earth for a thousand years; the meaning of these words have been much debated; some denominations (e.g. Jehovah's Witnesses) expect it to be a thousand years of justice and peace and happiness Definition
(noun) the 1000th anniversary (or the celebration of it)
Synonyms : millenary


Short Definition : pantomime(act without dialogue); mimicry; mimer; V: mimic; pantomime

(noun) an actor who communicates entirely by gesture and facial expression Definition
(noun) a performance using gestures and body movements without words
Synonyms : dumb show pantomime
(verb) imitate (a person or manner), especially for satirical effect
Synonyms : mimic
Example Sentence
  • The actor mimicked the President very accurately
(verb) act out without words but with gestures and bodily movements only
Synonyms : pantomime
Example Sentence
  • The acting students mimed eating an apple
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mime

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consider 'mime' as short-form of mimicry without words

mime means MUTE ...


Short Definition : imitation

(noun) the act of mimicking; imitative behavior
Synonyms : apery
(noun) the resemblance of an animal species to another species or to natural objects; provides concealment and protection from predators


Short Definition : menacing; threatening

(adj) threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
Example Sentence
  • a baleful look
  • forbidding thunderclouds
  • his tone became menacing
  • ominous rumblings of discontent
  • sinister storm clouds
  • a sinister smile
  • his threatening behavior
  • ugly black clouds
  • the situation became ugly
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for minatory

Minatory sounds like military--military people are very threatening most of the times.

minator + y first part sounds like minotaur-the mythical beast you could associate menacing and threatening with and thus minatory = menacing

minatory ~ min (men) + atory (eater) = A maneater is considered as dangerous or threatening to human beings.

Minority Parties always threaten for QUOTA

MINEatory.....mines are always threatening because lot's of people can die because of suffocation or poisonous gases present in mines....

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Meena is not teri she is meri, he gave a minatory statement

Sounds like 'Minotaur'[half bull half man creature in greek myth] so minator|y means like a 'minotaur'[evil!]

Even a MINor TeraORY breach can be threatening

Min + ate + ory sounds like hate in between, hate is an expression shown by one who is threatening or forbidding .....

Minatory = mina + at + worry; i.e mina feeling fear.


Short Definition : affectedly dainty(delicate); V. mince: cut (esp. meat) into very small pieces; walk with exaggerated primness; walk in an unnatural way, taking little short steps; Ex. The actor minced across the stag

(adj) affectedly dainty or refined
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mincing

mincing cud be minimum thing which means to cut into small pieces

Mincing can be broken into Men + Seeing ...means when girls get aware that men are watching them, they show artificial behaviour in talk or speech(i.e AFFECTEDLY NICE or ELEGANT IN SPEECH,WALK or BEHAVIOUR)

mini singh walk affectedly has his hair was cut off (hence the name mini)

Just like "mince meat" means meat cut into small pieces. Mincing means taking small steps. So the keyword here is "small (whatever)"

mincing sounds a bit like mixing..,so cut into small pieces..

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mincing sounds lyk MISS MIN SINGH...n shes got a refined taste

mint+ing. mint, which refreshes ourselve & give a elegant attitude.

Every girl after watching Singh is King said:: "That SINGH(Akshay) is MINE because hi is so mincing (refined) (Thus MINCING = Mine + Singh)

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