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Short Definition : elliptic; oval; of an ellipse; containing an ellipsis; ambiguous either purposely or because key words have been left out

(adj) rounded like an egg Definition
(adj) characterized by extreme economy of expression or omission of superfluous elements
Synonyms : elliptic
Example Sentence
  • the dialogue is elliptic and full of dark hints
  • the explanation was concise, even elliptical to the verge of obscurity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for elliptical

elliptical means oval,which is not straight.If a person is not straight in his speech. That means he has omitted words and is unclear


Short Definition : run away secretly with the intention of getting married

(verb) run away secretly with one's beloved
Synonyms : run off
Example Sentence
  • The young couple eloped and got married in Las Vegas
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for elope

the word 'lope' resembles 'rope' ..in films we see the hero tries to make the heroine escape from the house with the help of a rope attached to the window of her bedroom and then he takes away and marries her

'lope' resembles 'rope' .. in JAB WE MET the heroine escape from her house SECRETLY with the help of a ROPE through her window to MARRY her boyfriend

since lope is related to running so elope is escaping lope..

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in the movie 'pen(elope)' christina ricci runs away to get married

elope sounds like gallop imagine the hero actually galloping with his beloved on a horse from her family


Short Definition : expressiveness; persuasive speech; ADJ. eloquent: movingly expressive; expressing ideas well so that the hearers can be influeneced

(noun) powerful and effective language
Synonyms : fluency smoothness
Example Sentence
  • his eloquence attracted a large congregation
  • fluency in spoken and written English is essential
  • his oily smoothness concealed his guilt from the police
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for eloquence

e+loque..(means speech)..so someone who can Effectively deliver a speech.

Eloquence ..think the word "quen" similar to "queen" when queen arrives she gives us a "speech"

EE lokan s matbal sab lokonko patata hu... Lalu ji ;-) Hope this helps


Short Definition : explain; make clear; clarify; enlighten; CF. lucid

(verb) make clear and (more) comprehensible
Synonyms : clarify clear up
Example Sentence
  • clarify the mystery surrounding her death
(verb) make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear
Example Sentence
  • Could you clarify these remarks?
  • Clear up the question of who is at fault
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for elucidate

think of lucid, which means clear.

lucid-remember the film lake placid. placid,yes, water is clear and enlightens our mind.this tells or explains us how lake placid is so lucid..

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elucidate >> lucy+date...Lucy did not show up on the Date to make it clear that she was not interested in him.

LAKE PLACID'S water is so CLEAR that it ENLIGHTENS our mind with freshness...thus lake placid is so lucid..

For linux users lucid lynx is a version of Ubuntu

to make clear and obvious like the day(date)!


Short Definition : evasive; not frank; baffling; hard to grasp, catch, or understand; V. elude: escape from; escape the understanding or grasp of; Ex. elude the hunter; Ex. His name eludes me.

(adj) difficult to describe
Example Sentence
  • a haunting elusive odor
(adj) skillful at eluding capture
Example Sentence
  • a cabal of conspirators, each more elusive than the archterrorist
(adj) difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze
Synonyms : subtle
Example Sentence
  • his whole attitude had undergone a subtle change
  • a subtle difference
  • that elusive thing the soul
(adj) making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe
Example Sentence
  • a baffling problem
  • I faced the knotty problem of what to have for breakfast
  • a problematic situation at home
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for elusive

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illusive things are always difficult to understand

elusive is like exclusive,,, and exclusive content is hard to get!

Lusi(lucy)-lets assume lucy as a gal.lets assume lucy is always not frank.since she is lucy(loosy), she is hard to understand as her talks(speech) is loosy, it is hard to grasp.

eLUSive sounds like it has the word "loose" in it. When you have a loose description of something, then it is hard to understand

Away from being Lucid(Comprehensible), So it is hard to grasp

imagine u had a problem in gre quant...so u sent an email to ur coach....he Emailed u the solution which was very LOOSELY described and hence...HARD TO GRASP AND BAFFLING...!!!......;)


ill(EL)+achieve(usive)= ill is difficult to achieve.


Short Definition : relating to paradise; blissful

(adj) relating to the Elysian Fields Definition
(adj) being of such surpassing excellence as to suggest inspiration by the gods
Synonyms : divine inspired
Example Sentence
  • her pies were simply divine
  • the divine Shakespeare
  • an elysian meal
  • an inspired performance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for elysian

souds like 'malasia' u seen tat ad 'malasia truly asia' they potray it like heaven.

Elysian sounds like "Alice in..." wonderland, which is like heaven

NARNIA lovers.. this word sounds similar to Aslan the LION... he was a bliss for narnia ..hehehe...

elysian==> alishan bangla bolte hai na .....i.e paradise

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break it was ILU+son .. I told my son ki ILU karne se heaven milta hai !

pronounced as "i-lee-zhuhn"....lookout for de middle word lee which rhymes with glee,related to a state of bliss(sry couldn find any other alternative....lol)

elysian night stay with kareena in alisian builing

ely in telugu means to go..so elysian means a place to go and see

Sounds like -elf's in Lord of the Rings.These elves are immortal(divine) unless killed and known for perfection(inspiring) in throwing arrows.


Short Definition : place or condition of bliss

(noun) a place or condition of ideal happiness Definition
(noun) (Greek mythology) the abode of the blessed after death
Synonyms : elysian fields
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for Elysium

Elys = Alice.. + ium = place (like is Museum).. Museum is blissful in Alice and Wonderland


Short Definition : thin and wasted (from hunger or illness)

(adj) very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
Example Sentence
  • emaciated bony hands
  • a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys
  • eyes were haggard and cavernous
  • small pinched faces
  • kept life in his wasted frame only by grim concentration
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for emaciated

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ema + ci + ate...consider ema as the name of a gal.. "ema..oh ! ci(she) ate but she still looks thin


ema-ciated (ciliated means minute i.e. thin)

E + maciated. E's mathiated, all he does is study math; he does no physical activity, therefore he's emaciated.

ema(EMMA)+ci(SHE)+ate..after recovering from iilness EMMA becomes so THIN AND WEAKENED that SHE ATE a lot of food and stuffs....

can be learned from word macerate---which means to make weak...

E+ma+ci(she)+ate....HE MADE n SHE ate...so HE became thin...withered

mausi eat something u r so emaciated

• E+mass+heated…heating mass is to become thin …

they are so much EMACIATED,,just EMANCIPATE them

Ema wwatson kitna hi khale(ate),bt she'll remain very thin.... ema+masturbate: if ema watson masturbates daily,she'll get more thin..:p

e+MAC(Apple product)+ciated, Remember like apple products are thin..


Short Definition : issue forth; come out

(verb) proceed or issue forth, as from a source
Example Sentence
  • Water emanates from this hole in the ground
(verb) give out (breath or an odor)
Synonyms : exhale give forth
Example Sentence
  • The chimney exhales a thick smoke
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for emanate

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relate it to emit/illuminate

MAN ATE a lot and due to that he gave out foul smelly gasses

e(a) man ate something useless,until he realised ,he wanted it to come out.

E(shit)+MAN+ATE...a man ate shit and he started emanating pungent odour from his mouth

this man emanate enthusiasm


Short Definition : set free; liberate

(verb) give equal rights to; of women and minorities
Synonyms : liberate
(verb) free from slavery or servitude
Synonyms : manumit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for emancipate

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cip= ship : a man is set free to travel in ship to his own country

a MAN was a CIPAy (soldier in Hindi) who was captured.. now made free

while masturbating, you emancipate the cum!


sounds like "a man escaped." I set him free actually

emancipate manci ka pathe(husband) usko free kardeya apne relation se

EMMA(ema)+ANTICIPATE(ncipate)::emma watson anticipated that when will be she free from doing harry potter movies.....

eMan participated with manci(his GF).. to set free people.. :P

eMan participated with manci(his GF).. to set free people.. :P

eMan participated with manci(his GF).. to set free people.. :P

eMan participated with manci(his GF).. to set free people.. :P

eMan participated with manci(his GF).. to set free people.. :P

eMan participated with manci(his GF).. to set free people.. :P

eMan participated with manci(his GF).. to set free people.. :P

emancipate( eman another man from the heroic family such as spider man whose duty is to make people free from slavery

E-MAN( electronic man -robot-rajnikant) antiCIPATED lots of PATS for his acting.

e-->eh, man--->man, cip--->sip, ate--->eat. eh-man-sip-eat,thus allowing him drink and eat.thus releaving from slavery

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