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    manumit - Dictionary definition and meaning for word manumit

    (verb) free from slavery or servitude
    Synonyms : emancipate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for manumit

MAN-U-MIGHT-GO and be free! (In Jessica Lal's case, Manu was the culprit)

manumit ~ man + u + mit (might); man you might go; hence free from slavery

manumit=manu+mit Manu (a boy) reach MIT and now he is free from all bondage

man + omitted

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basicaly it is taken from Latin manumittere,manumit when divide it forms... manus (means..hand (any work is generally done by hand)+ mittere means..to let go, send ..so send somebody without working for u..leting somebody to go without working anythi

manumit=man u mit ie man and u are now mit [(mitra),friends]

Imagine you are cindrella ... and "The man you meet" (The man ~ prince, ur future boy friend) is going to free you from da clutches of your evil aunt

manumit...sounds like (in hindi..MANMIT..WIFE GENERALLY)..and imagine a HUSBAND WHO TREATED HIS WIFE like a slave...SO TODAY HE IS letting her to go, and do what she wants to do...

man+u+mit......man u quit i.e. free from bondage

MANU +MIT = the fottball player playing for MANU got a chance to get admitted at MIT.SO for that MIT ADMINISTRATOR FREED THE PLAYER FROM ALL BONDS OF MANU.

manumit = man + u + might; man you might go.

Man + emit

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