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Short Definition : glass water bottle; decanter

(noun) a bottle with a stopper; for serving wine or water
Synonyms : decanter
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for carafe

try to remember it as coffee + cafe .....

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the word resembles cafe which is brewed in a carafe.

Glass water bottle is in car safe while driving


Short Definition : shell covering the back (of a turtle, tortoise, crab, etc.)

(noun) hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles
Synonyms : cuticle shell shield
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for carapace

car + space....where do you have space in the car, at the back which is always covered...so the meaning is a shell covering the back.

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CARRY-PACE - the PACE of the turtule (animal with a hard shell) is slow because it has to CARRY its HARD SHELL

kada + peeth which means "hard back"

The hard outer covering (CARAPACE) of billiard balls is what allows them to CAROM off of one another.

carapace - a carapace is meant to care for the base


Short Definition : causing cancer; N. carcinogen

(adj) causing or tending to cause cancer
Example Sentence
  • the carcinogenic action of certain chemicals
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for carcinogenic

CARCINO+genic carcino is pertaining to cancer causing element

generates cancer....

carSINoGENIEc.. Alladin's GENIE will give you CANCER if you do a SIN..

carcinogenic -> car carbon(smoke) in take generally will cause cancer.

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carcinogenic = carci (curtsy) + no + gen + ic; Donot know any curtsy is always evil work.


Short Definition : chief; most important; N: priest; cardinal number: number that shows quantity rather thatn order

(noun) (Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes Definition
(noun) the number of elements in a mathematical set; denotes a quantity but not the order
Synonyms : cardinal number
(noun) a variable color averaging a vivid red
Synonyms : carmine
(noun) crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male Definition
(adj) serving as an essential component
Example Sentence
  • a cardinal rule
  • the central cause of the problem
  • an example that was fundamental to the argument
  • computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure
(adj) being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order
Example Sentence
  • cardinal numbers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cardinal

'cardinal' also means pertaining to the 'heart' and the heart is the 'most important' part of our body. It is responsible for the working of our body.

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CARDinal - cards, account cards, visa cards, ssn cards, those most important stuffs.

car + din(day)....so car is "important" to go to the office during din

You are very important to me. TADI NAL , hum jaan de sakte hai!!!!! cardinal = most important, primary


Short Definition : doctor specializing in ailments of the heart

(noun) a specialist in cardiology; a specialist in the structure and function and disorders of the heart
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cardiologist

CARDIO + LOGIST cardio means heart..and a person studying the logics of the heart is a cardiologist.


Short Definition : lurch; sway from side to side; move with irregular swinging movement; stagger

(noun) pitching dangerously to one side
Synonyms : rock sway tilt
(verb) walk as if unable to control one's movements
Synonyms : keel lurch reel stagger swag
Example Sentence
  • The drunken man staggered into the room
(verb) move sideways or in an unsteady way
Synonyms : shift tilt wobble
Example Sentence
  • The ship careened out of control
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for careen

careen sounds like car in rain...car will MOVE IN AN UNSTEADY manner in the rain.

Careen <==> Karenna Kapoor (Bollywood Actress) swaying(lurching) her body while dancing

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Its like career.In every persons life career will have ups and down

careen is derived from the word career- "to rush" so its To lurch or swerve while in rush

remember hindi superstar Kareena and her boyfriends Saif and Shahid Kapoor, so she sways away side to side "kabhi shahid, kabhi saifu"

Associate with career : our career keeps swinging from one side to the other

car + lean -> car eans frm one side to another like its swaying!

remember bollywood actress kareena, who keeps swaying from one actor to another :-)

The sport car beside us started to CAREEN as soon as the light turned to GREEN, we were worried about the safety of the passengers in that car

to clean the rear part of the cab(tilted ship). We move side by side to tilt it.


Short Definition : rush wildly; go at full speed

(noun) the particular occupation for which you are trained
Synonyms : calling vocation
(noun) the general progression of your working or professional life
Synonyms : life history
Example Sentence
  • the general had had a distinguished career
  • he had a long career in the law
(verb) move headlong at high speed
Example Sentence
  • The cars careered down the road
  • The mob careered through the streets
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for career

career refers to say jobs...and people rush for job interviews and to reach on time daily for jobs

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relate career with car+rear i.e when u have got a car comming at your rear end or back side than u will rush wildly to save yourself

career in abroad - go with full speed


Short Definition : free from worries; having no problems

(adj) free of trouble and worry and care
Synonyms : unworried
Example Sentence
  • the carefree joys of childhood
  • carefree millionaires, untroubled financially
(adj) cheerfully irresponsible
Example Sentence
  • carefree with his money
  • freewheeling urban youths
  • had a harum-scarum youth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for carefree

carefree sounds like stayfree.. which r sanitary pads for females...which make them feel carefree or unworried about their periods

care = feeling + free = having no worries. Therefore no feeling of worry.


Short Definition : distortion; burlesque

(noun) a representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect Definition
(verb) represent in or produce a caricature of
Synonyms : ape
Example Sentence
  • The drawing caricatured the President
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for caricature

Jim Carry is famous for his facial caricatures because he shows all kinds of distorted faces.

cari"character"+cature"kachra....garbage" caricature => character ka kachra > distort

cari+cature..(creature)..so wHEN YOU MAKE a DISTORTED IMAGE OF OUR ANCIENT CREATURES , YOU are sure to get criticizm from everywhere.

caricature can be divided intocarry and nature so..jim carry's nature is to distort his face and imitate people to create a comic gesture

cari + creature : kaisa creature hai..as if u've seen something unsual

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when a car is sent to cature(crushing) machine it become distorted(become pull or twist out of shape.).


Short Definition : a set of bells (often in a tower) capable of being played

(noun) set of bells hung in a bell tower Definition
(noun) playing a set of bells that are (usually) hung in a tower
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for carillon

christmas carroll songs are one where you can find bells being played....

carillon->"car","ill"..you take the 'car' and drive to the temple and 'play the bells' for the one who is 'ill'..

Beautiful glamorous CARON playing with bells ALONE.

car+il= if u dont have car then go to temple and and ring the set of bell

carilon - ca-ring-on = rings on a tower or church like a carol

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car-in-lawn your car is stuck in lawn and you are belling for help

car+ on >> when we have bells hanging in our car for show and whn car starts, bells starts ringing..

carillon - car horn will be like a bell in the church.

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