• word of the day


    ape - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ape

    (noun) any of various primates with short tails or no tail at all Definition
    (noun) someone who copies the words or behavior of another
    Synonyms : aper , copycat , emulator , imitator
    (noun) person who resembles a nonhuman primate
    Synonyms : anthropoid
    (verb) imitate uncritically and in every aspect
    Example Sentence
    • Her little brother apes her behavior
    (verb) represent in or produce a caricature of
    Synonyms : caricature
    Example Sentence
    • The drawing caricatured the President
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ape

Apes or monkeys can imitate human actions efficiently

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APE<===> नकल करना (pr. \\nakal karana \\ )[Noun] APE<===> बन्दर की जात का जानवर (pr. \\bandar ki jat ka janavar \\ )[Noun]

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