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Short Definition : cowardly

(noun) an abject coward
Synonyms : poltroon recreant
(adj) lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful
Synonyms : recreant
Example Sentence
  • the craven fellow turned and ran
  • a craven proposal to raise the white flag
  • this recreant knight
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for craven

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craven -- is the opposite of 'brave'.

Craven sounds like Cita + RAVana => Ravana was a coward man!!! he proved it by taking away Cita/Sita in absence of Ram.

craven - relate with cave + in. You hide in cave if your are coward (in a jungle)

one who keeps craving but doesn't do anything


craven == crave sounds like grave .. grave makes you coward

c + raven (bird)...the craven cat was to afraid (coward) to chase the raven.

My friend Raven acts like she is confident and brave BUT she is just the opposite!

craven—crave+n CRAVE means to have a great desire for something, so CRAVEN means not having desire for something, so LACKING IN COURAGE, so CRAVEN, just take the N in opposite sense

c+ravan;see ravan acted cowardly by kidnapping seeta..

Craven with a c is opposite of brave with a b. Craven person too quickly starts thinking of grave.


Short Definition : belief

(noun) the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true
Synonyms : acceptance
Example Sentence
  • he gave credence to the gossip
  • acceptance of Newtonian mechanics was unquestioned for 200 years
(noun) a kind of sideboard or buffet
Synonyms : credenza
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for credence

sounds like "confidence". If you have the confidence in someone, you have belief in him. People believe you after seeing your CREDENCE+tial = credential

CREDENCE: should be or is "cred"-ible

relate as Evidence : when u have evidence for something.then it has to be.."believable and should be accepted as true"

CRED means to believe so, credo, credible, credence, credit, credential, credulity, incredulous, creed, incredible all are associated with believe.

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credence is from credential...eg what are your credentials...i.e "trustworthiness"

sounds like credit...you give credit to some person when you have faith in him...or belief in him...credence means give credit by believing...

certain CREatures from forrest or outerspace DANCE well... that is supposed to be a BELIEF. :P

C(see)+REDance....I can see red flower even n a desert because I BELIEVE....

CREED+DANCE .... we creed in hrithik's dances, we know that he dance well...

C+re+dance Due to belief based on evidence Group C was asked to dance again. So they said C re dance

Credentials provide a basis for confidence of belief in someone. Credentials can help lend credibility and credence to a person's claims.

u give ur credentials to a person u BELIEVE in or have FAITH in.


Short Definition : evidence concerning one's authority; written proof of a person's position; Ex. The new ambassador presented his credentials to the court.

(noun) a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts


Short Definition : creed

(noun) any system of principles or beliefs
Synonyms : creed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for credo

credo-- personal code of ethics...like break it c+redo= codes u redo again nd again

credo-for this we can remember credit where we we put belief on some body

relate it as "can + redo"..u can always redo what you follow as a belief or a principle

every breed has it's own creed/credo

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sounds like kido..children should be tought about principles


Short Definition : belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naivet'e; ADJ. credulous

(noun) tendency to believe readily
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for credulity

credibility means belief on proved evidences and credulity means believing too easily

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CRED means to believe so, credo, credible, credence, credit, credential, credulity, incredulous, creed, incredible all are associated with believe.

If you gave your friend a fake credit card, and if he/she think's it's real then he's a credulous person.

Cred - Believe + lit = little == Believe with little evidence.

if money is credit in our account then we belive the bank


Short Definition : system of religious or ethical belief

(noun) any system of principles or beliefs
Synonyms : credo
(noun) the written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for creed

every breed has it's own creed

"creed" is synonym "credo" Creed == can+reed one can read bible many times if he follows it with belief

c+reAd= chalisa(in hindi) + Read = if you have believe in god then you keep on re-reading chalisa and u becomes CREED.

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Remember it from movie ASSASSIN CREED. in which each assassin has its particular set of beliefs n ethics


Short Definition : move with body close to the ground; move stealthily or slowly; N.

(noun) someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric
Synonyms : spook weirdie weirdo weirdy
(noun) a slow longitudinal movement or deformation Definition
(noun) a pen that is fenced so that young animals can enter but adults cannot Definition
(noun) a slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body
Synonyms : crawl crawling creeping
Example Sentence
  • a crawl was all that the injured man could manage
  • the traffic moved at a creep
(verb) move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground
Synonyms : crawl
Example Sentence
  • The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed
(verb) to go stealthily or furtively
Synonyms : mouse pussyfoot sneak
Example Sentence
  • ..stead of sneaking around spying on the neighbor's house
(verb) grow or spread, often in such a way as to cover (a surface)
Example Sentence
  • ivy crept over the walls of the university buildings
(verb) show submission or fear


Short Definition : incinerate (a corpse); N. crematory, crematorium

(verb) reduce to ashes
Example Sentence
  • Cremate a corpse
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cremate

remember cemetery.. where all people are reduced to ashes


Short Definition : increase in the volume or intensity as in a musical passage; climax; CF. crescent

(noun) (music) a gradual increase in loudness Definition
(verb) grow louder
Example Sentence
  • The music crescendoes here
(adj) gradually increasing in volume
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for crescendo

divide it like cresc(sound like krish)+end..at the end of krish movie..when hrithik kills the villian..the intensity or the volume of music increses .which conveys the feeling.

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crescent is moon...moon increases in size phase by phase..therefore crescendo is to increase in volume

CRESCENDO - CR + ESCENDO (ASCEND) - ascend means a gradual rising...here it refers to an increase in volume.

do u know the organisation red crescent? the shape of curved moon in red crescent's symbol? so this moon's shape will be full in days step by step. And crescendo means gradual increase in the intensity

The crescent moon fills in more and more reaching a crescendo of being full.

another mnemonic:the climax or end of the krish movie is very good.

crescendo,sounds like"creep shadow", lets imagine, a shadow of a creepy person, saw it self in the mirror and started gradually screaming! " basically because he was scared from his own reflection" -creep shadow crescendo.


Short Definition : top (as of a hill or wave); showy feathers on the head of a bird

(noun) the top line of a hill, mountain, or wave Definition
(noun) the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)
Synonyms : crown peak summit tip top
Example Sentence
  • the view from the peak was magnificent
  • they clambered to the tip of Monadnock
  • the region is a few molecules wide at the summit
(noun) the center of a cambered road
Synonyms : crown
(noun) (heraldry) in medieval times, an emblem used to decorate a helmet Definition
(noun) a showy growth of e.g. feathers or skin on the head of a bird or other animal Definition
(verb) lie at the top of
Synonyms : cap
Example Sentence
  • Snow capped the mountains
(verb) reach a high point
Example Sentence
  • The river crested last night
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for crest

In EM waves the shape is continuous consisting of crusts & troughs..so crest is like Crust i.e upper part/highest point of that wave.

crestfallen means sad, depressed, if we remember the mnemonic we used for crestfallen was falling from height, so sad or depressed, so CREST means HIGHEST/TOPMOST POINT

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