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Short Definition : ordinary; typical; not nuclear; Ex. conventional weapons

(adj) following accepted customs and proprieties
Example Sentence
  • conventional wisdom
  • she had strayed from the path of conventional behavior
  • conventional forms of address
(adj) conforming with accepted standards
Synonyms : established
Example Sentence
  • a conventional view of the world
(adj) (weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy
Example Sentence
  • conventional warfare
  • conventional weapons
(adj) unimaginative and conformist
Example Sentence
  • conventional bourgeois lives
  • conventional attitudes
(adj) represented in simplified or symbolic form
Synonyms : formal schematic
(adj) in accord with or being a tradition or practice accepted from the past
Example Sentence
  • a conventional church wedding with the bride in traditional white
  • the conventional handshake
(adj) rigidly formal or bound by convention
Synonyms : ceremonious
Example Sentence
  • their ceremonious greetings did not seem heartfelt


Short Definition : approach; tend to meet; come together

(verb) be adjacent or come together
Synonyms : meet
Example Sentence
  • The lines converge at this point
(verb) approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit Definition
(verb) move or draw together at a certain location
Example Sentence
  • The crowd converged on the movie star
(verb) come together so as to form a single product
Example Sentence
  • Social forces converged to bring the Fascists back to power
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for converge

Co- together Verge- become one

: in a CONVEx lens, light rays meet at a common point, and CONVERGEnce is a property of meeting at a common point

Converge (Sounds like COme aNd mERGE)

co + verge similar to merge.. merge can happen if things come together


Short Definition : familiar with; having knowledge of

(adj) (usually followed by `with') well informed about or knowing thoroughly
Synonyms : familiar
Example Sentence
  • conversant with business trends
  • familiar with the complex machinery
  • he was familiar with those roads
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conversant

Through conversations you can gain more knowledge and thus become conversant.

you can have a conversation on a topic you are familiar with

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CONVERSANT.....you do conversation with people who are familiar to you......

conversant = converse only if ur familiar with it (conversant) else keep ur mouth shut

you can do conversation on a topic if u r conversant bout dat topic

conversant: convert-saInt; a well informed saint


Short Definition : opposite; ADJ.

(noun) a proposition obtained by conversion Definition
(verb) carry on a conversation
Synonyms : discourse
(adj) of words so related that one reverses the relation denoted by the other
Example Sentence
  • `parental' and `filial' are converse terms
(adj) turned about in order or relation
Synonyms : reversed transposed
Example Sentence
  • transposed letters
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for converse

Sounds like INVERSE.


Short Definition : one who has adopted a different religion or opinion; V: change into another form; (persuade to) adopt a particular religion or belief

(noun) a person who has been converted to another religious or political belief Definition
(verb) change from one system to another or to a new plan or policy
Synonyms : change over
Example Sentence
  • We converted from 220 to 110 Volt
(verb) change the nature, purpose, or function of something
Example Sentence
  • convert lead into gold
  • convert hotels into jails
  • convert slaves to laborers
(verb) change religious beliefs, or adopt a religious belief
Example Sentence
  • She converted to Buddhism
(verb) exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category
Synonyms : change commute exchange
Example Sentence
  • Could you convert my dollars into pounds?
  • He changed his name
  • convert centimeters into inches
  • convert holdings into shares
(verb) cause to adopt a new or different faith
Example Sentence
  • The missionaries converted the Indian population
(verb) score an extra point or points after touchdown by kicking the ball through the uprights or advancing the ball into the end zone
Example Sentence
  • Smith converted and his team won
(verb) complete successfully
Example Sentence
  • score a penalty shot or free throw
(verb) score (a spare) Definition
(verb) make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something
Synonyms : convince win over
Example Sentence
  • He had finally convinced several customers of the advantages of his product
(verb) exchange a penalty for a less severe one
Synonyms : commute exchange
(verb) change in nature, purpose, or function; undergo a chemical change
Example Sentence
  • The substance converts to an acid
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for convert

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sonds like convert..one who has converted himself to defferent religion


Short Definition : curving outward

(adj) curving or bulging outward
Synonyms : bulging


Short Definition : vehicle; transfer; act of conveying; Ex. public conveyance

(noun) document effecting a property transfer Definition
(noun) the transmission of information
Synonyms : impartation imparting
(noun) something that serves as a means of transportation
Synonyms : transport
(noun) act of transferring property title from one person to another Definition
(noun) the act of moving something from one location to another
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conveyance

con = together, "veyance" is similar to "voyage". then "conveyance" means the "vehicle" that we use for transportation together.

In unedrground coal-mines workers use 'conveyor belts' to transfer coal to top. Thus conveyance means transfer.

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vane e kore aansi(ভ্যানে করে আনছি)=conveyance

Vane e kore ansi(ভ্যানে করে আনছি।)=conveyance



Short Definition : judgment that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief

(noun) an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence Definition
(noun) (criminal law) a final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed
Example Sentence
  • the conviction came as no surprise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conviction

he is the 'convict', i dont have any doubt about it!

You believe you can CONVINCE someone that your conviction is correct.

Akon album "KONVICTED" it is said(=strong said(BELIEVED)) he was GUITY OF A CRIME and put in jail where he wrote songs to pass time


Short Definition : pleasantly merry; festive; joyous; gay; characterized by joviality; jovial

(adj) occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company
Synonyms : good-time
Example Sentence
  • a convivial atmosphere at the reunion
  • a woman of convivial nature
  • he was a real good-time Charlie
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for convivial

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somewhat close to carnival which also implies festivity.

con(together)vivi(bibi,wife) so if wife is with you,everything would be joyous

focus on viva==> a band of girls who played very well and thus created a festive atmosphere

CON(not)+VIVAil....convivial means (of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively, and enjoyable...when nobody asks you personal questions and there is no viva sort of atmosphere, then the atmosphere is friendly....


CONVIvial atmosphere is similar to CONVEnient atmosphere i.e sociable atmosphere

c+on+vivia+l--- on viva(vivia), we have to be cheerful and good natured with examiner to make an impress and score good marks


a convivial gathering to revive our frindship


Short Definition : call together; Ex. convoke Parliament; N. convocation

(verb) call together
Synonyms : convene
Example Sentence
  • The students were convened in the auditorium
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for convoke

In convocations colleges call all the students to get together.

con(the latin root word for "with")+voke(vocalize) so...when your with people and you vocalize (voke), then you vocalize together!


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con + voke(vocal)....through ur vocals u call together

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