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Short Definition : maker of a will; CF. testatrix

(noun) a person who makes a will
Synonyms : testate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for testator

testator (or) testate: here from testate take estate and tor from testator.here tor represents a person so person having estates definetly makes a will so that estate will go to his heirs

test+at+or(your)own will so do you want to give test its ur own will

Testator - change the word Testat into state and add success to or.. The TEstator States his will to his successOR.

One who TESTS the SUCCESSOR for a fortune - TEST - ATOR

parents will transfer all their properties to their children before death. such an act is called testator = THE + STATOR (stater).

testate (will)from latin root testor means testify.. during that time making will was not a same process like today, they used witness(testis) in place of stamp paper

Testator takes testimonies from the dying person to make the will

you hav a will to become a doctor..so 1st you hav to write a test..

person who make a will to score good marks in a test called testator


Short Definition : irritable; impatient and bad-tempered; short-tempered; N. testiness

(adj) easily irritated or annoyed
Example Sentence
  • an incorrigibly fractious young man
  • not the least nettlesome of his countrymen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for testy

If someone has described you as SHORT-TEMPERED in the TESTY(testimonial), then you will get IRRITATED looking at it.

TESTY sounds like TASTY, so if food is not tasty u get irritate, bad tempered

test+y - tests (exams) are irritable and make a person short-tempered

a IRRITATED person says--Dont TEST my patience

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if the food is not TASTY u become TESTY....!:)

Teasing Tea.

TESTY-S if sumone fidgets with it.. d 'proces' becomes short tempered..

for computer people: the software testers are very short tempered and are very irritable to the developer

my testicles are testy,i shall treat them gently!

This somehow sounds like "testis". So if someone shows your testis to others you get annoyed.

Someone wrote a bad TESTY about you and hence you got "IRRITATED"

giving a test is testy

when you see that your tests are approaching you easily get irritated

Who does'nt get easily irritated by a surprise TEST!

Split the word into TEST+TEA. if u could not TEA during TESt u get irritated...

TESTY OR FIDGETY have somewhat similar sounds. The words refer to irritability.


Short Definition : tie (an animal) with a rope or tether; N: rope or chain to which an animal is tied; limit of one's endurance; Ex. the end of one's tether

(noun) restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal
Synonyms : lead leash
(verb) tie with a tether
Example Sentence
  • tether horses
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tether

TETHER can be split as TiE + HER, so remember it as TIE her WITH A ROPE.

Tether and Fetter are common because both words refer to a kind of restrain (rope or chain) for an animal.

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tether --> tie+together

tet+her....tightly(tet) tie .sth..to her......how?..by rope........

tether- tie+ her

Bangla tador

Internet tethering in iphone means.. it can be used as a hotspot to connect or TIE other instruments or equipments to it.


Short Definition : of a theme; relating to a unifying motif or idea

(adj) relating to or constituting a topic of discourse Definition
(adj) of or relating to a melodic subject
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thematic

Thematic can be thought of as related to a theme or an idea. So is it's meaning..

them+atic(attic):so those people are on attic discussing a idea or coming to a conclusion

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Thematic and Topic are rhyming words which refer to a subject being discussed.


Short Definition : government run by religious leaders

(noun) a political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought to be divinely guided) Definition
(noun) the belief in government by divine guidance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for theocracy

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theo(means god)+cracy..(goverment...)..goverment by god.....or religious people....

Theocracy is a Democracy (government) of the priests in the name of a divine being.


Short Definition : based on theory; not practical or applied; hypothetical

(adj) concerned primarily with theories or hypotheses rather than practical considerations
Synonyms : theoretic
Example Sentence
  • theoretical science
(adj) concerned with theories rather than their practical applications
Example Sentence
  • theoretical physics
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for theoretical

theore(theory)+tical(practical)....so something that is just based on theory..not on practical.....

Theoretical and Practical are rhyming words with opposite meanings. Theoretical stands for a study based on theory while a practical involves activity instead of theory.


Short Definition : curative; N. therapy

(noun) a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain
Synonyms : curative cure remedy
(adj) tending to cure or restore to health
Example Sentence
  • curative powers of herbal remedies
  • her gentle healing hand
  • remedial surgery
  • a sanative environment of mountains and fresh air
  • a therapeutic agent
  • therapeutic diets
(adj) relating to or involved in therapy
Synonyms : therapeutical
Example Sentence
  • therapeutic approach to criminality
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for therapeutic

therape(therapy) + eutic..a therapy to cure something..so therapeutic..means curative....

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Therapeutic for the Chronic. Therapeutic healing relieves or cures a chronic disease.


Short Definition : pertaining to heat; producing heat; warm; Ex. thermal bath; N: rising current of warm air

(noun) rising current of warm air Definition
(adj) relating to or associated with heat
Synonyms : caloric thermic
Example Sentence
  • thermal movements of molecules
  • thermal capacity
  • thermic energy
  • the caloric effect of sunlight
(adj) of or relating to a hot spring
Example Sentence
  • thermal water
(adj) caused by or designed to retain heat
Example Sentence
  • a thermal burn
  • thermal underwear
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thermal

Thermal sounds like Kambal (a hindi word which means a warm blanket), is also a kind of thermal heating.


Short Definition : opinion put forward and supported by reasoned arguments

(noun) an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument Definition
(noun) a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree
Synonyms : dissertation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thesis

Thesis or a Treatise refer to a theory or statement put forward for reasoning.


Short Definition : pertaining to drama; N: actor or actress

(noun) a theatrical performer Definition
(adj) of or relating to drama
Example Sentence
  • the movie director had thespian cooperation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thespian

pronouncing thespian gives u a feeling of the (e)spn which is a sports channel..it never shows drama so thespian is opposite of espn which shows drama

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do you remember thespis.....the first person in universe who appeared as an actor on the stage in a play....so thespian..means .pertaning to drama or play.

Thespian - rearrange the words into - The as THEATRE and Spian as Person. Therefore a Thespian is a Theatre Person, an actor.

THE + SPAIN..The movie Zindagi na milegi dobara was shot in SPAIN. Thus relate this movie with drama..

Thespian= The(theatre) + spian (person) means a theatre person.

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