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Short Definition : foretell; presage; be a sign or warning of; N. portent: sign; omen; forewarning

(verb) indicate by signs
Example Sentence
  • These signs bode bad news
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for portend

When we reached the port's end (sea port) we saw some dead bodies, which gave a sign that something bad was going to happen.

port + end; how do you know its the end of the port, by the red sign board which says "Port Ends"

port+END...FOCUS ON PORT ..it is ....a DARK RED WINE ...from PORTugal....and the dark red clour of it, SIGNIFY that it is from portugal.

port+end.....when we connect computers VIA A CABLE THAT IS LINKED TO THE PORTS..WE get a link-A INDICATION that SIGNIFY that we can now connect it to the internet.

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in marathi म्होर काय ठेवलंय ... देव जाणे !...about future/omen....

purPORT the END->PORTEND the end=predict the end, foretell

sounds like part + end --- to say how the parts gonna end...at the beginning itself

PORT+END..the weather is FORTOLD BY the authorities before a ship leaves the PORT.

por(in advance) + tend(tendency or sign) .. portend: sign in advance

at the end of the port u could smell the presence of fishes..its a sign that a sea is present ahead


Short Definition : stout; corpulent

(adj) euphemisms for `fat'
Synonyms : stout
Example Sentence
  • men are portly and women are stout
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for portly

PORKY the pig is PORTLY...

sounds like "Potley" - a ethnic purse (in HINDI); imagine how its always stuffed due to which it appears "fat"

like a pot : fat and stout

Potly (Hindi of a fat bag kind of thing). Potli baba.

lee telling tat people at port r stout

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Either think they are like pork (pig) or like the porter in railway station.

like a pot : fat and stout

potley wale baba.a storry of a fat peson often we tell to childrean.

like apot : fat and stout


Short Definition : assume a particular posture; put forward; present; affect a particular attitude (to impress others); Ex. pose a threat; N.

(noun) affected manners intended to impress others
Synonyms : airs
Example Sentence
  • don't put on airs with me
(noun) a posture assumed by models for photographic or artistic purposes Definition
(noun) a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display Definition
(verb) introduce
Synonyms : present
Example Sentence
  • This poses an interesting question
(verb) assume a posture as for artistic purposes
Synonyms : model posture sit
Example Sentence
  • We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often
(verb) pretend to be someone you are not; sometimes with fraudulent intentions
Synonyms : impersonate personate
Example Sentence
  • She posed as the Czar's daughter
(verb) behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others
Synonyms : posture
Example Sentence
  • Don't pay any attention to him--he is always posing to impress his peers!
  • She postured and made a total fool of herself
(verb) put into a certain place or abstract location
Synonyms : lay place position put set
Example Sentence
  • Put your things here
  • Set the tray down
  • Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children
  • Place emphasis on a certain point
(verb) be a mystery or bewildering to
Example Sentence
  • This beats me!
  • Got me--I don't know the answer!
  • a vexing problem
  • This question really stuck me


Short Definition : person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant, etc., to impress others; person who poses; CF. pose

(noun) a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not
Synonyms : poser
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for poseur

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pose+ur -> pose ur stuff to impress others :)


badis poseur at the pub with firang crowd is more obnoxious than her ugly face

pose-ur: Imagine you are the "boss" in the office and your secretary whose table happens just in front of your cube always "poses" her pyge just so as to impress you (in a totaly diff way) :)

poseur-fose kodthundu


Short Definition : descendants; future generations; Ex. go down to posterity; CF. posterior, anterior

(noun) all of the offspring of a given progenitor
Synonyms : descendants
Example Sentence
  • we must secure the benefits of freedom for ourselves and our posterity
(noun) all future generations
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for posterity

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posterity = post + inherity

"Post Territory" -> After you have been posted to good, all your territory will be divide by your future generation.


Short Definition : after death (as of child born after father's death or book published after author's death); coming or occurring after one's death; Ex. posthumous fame/novel

(adj) occurring or coming into existence after a person's death
Example Sentence
  • a posthumous award
  • a posthumous book
  • a posthumous daughter
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for posthumous

post + humous ~ post + human; after death ~ not considered as human ~ post human

posthumous = post + hum + ous; post of hum means after we i.e. after our death.


Short Definition : autopsy; ADJ: occurring after death; of a postmortem

(noun) discussion of an event after it has occurred
Synonyms : post-mortem
(noun) an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease Definition
(adj) occurring or done after death
Synonyms : postmortal
Example Sentence
  • postmortem changes
  • a postmortem examination to determine cause of death
  • postmortal wounds
(adj) after death or after an event
Example Sentence
  • a postmortem examination to determine the cause of death
  • the postmortem discussion of the President's TV address


Short Definition : self-evident truth; something assumed without proof; V: assume the truth of (as a basis of an argument)

(noun) (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning
Synonyms : posit
(verb) maintain or assert
Synonyms : contend
Example Sentence
  • He contended that Communism had no future
(verb) take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom
Synonyms : posit
Example Sentence
  • He posited three basic laws of nature
(verb) require as useful, just, or proper
Example Sentence
  • It takes nerve to do what she did
  • success usually requires hard work
  • This job asks a lot of patience and skill
  • This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice
  • This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert
  • This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for postulate

post-u-late: I agree that I posted it late but when you get my mail, my statement that "I did send it" will self evidently be true.

if I send you a POSTal mail you will definitely get it LATE..it is an axiom

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Some exam questions ask us to "enlist the postulates of ABC theory" i.e. to enlist the truths of ABC theory.


Short Definition : assume an affected pose; act artificially; N: pose; attitude

(noun) the arrangement of the body and its limbs
Synonyms : attitude position
Example Sentence
  • he assumed an attitude of surrender
(noun) characteristic way of bearing one's body
Synonyms : bearing carriage
Example Sentence
  • stood with good posture
(noun) a rationalized mental attitude
Synonyms : position stance
(noun) capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war
Example Sentence
  • we faced an army of great strength
  • politicians have neglected our military posture
(verb) behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others
Synonyms : pose
Example Sentence
  • Don't pay any attention to him--he is always posing to impress his peers!
  • She postured and made a total fool of herself
(verb) assume a posture as for artistic purposes
Synonyms : model pose sit
Example Sentence
  • We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for posture

Imagine you see a POP singer's POSTURE in a big POSTER


Short Definition : suitable for drinking; drinkable

(noun) any liquid suitable for drinking
Synonyms : beverage drink drinkable
Example Sentence
  • may I take your beverage order?
(adj) suitable for drinking
Synonyms : drinkable
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for potable

water that is stored in a mudPOT ..coldwater ...is suitable for drinking.

POT+TABLE a pot on table in which water is drinkable

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pot+able -> anything which you are able to drink from a pot.

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