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Short Definition : ability to be molded; ADJ. plastic: capable of being shaped or molded; Ex. plastic material such as clay

(noun) the property of being physically malleable; the property of something that can be worked or hammered or shaped without breaking
Synonyms : malleability
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Plasticity-plastic-by heating plastic we can mould it to any shape pretty easily without any breakage.


Short Definition : trite remark; commonplace statement; ADJ. platitudinous

(noun) a trite or obvious remark
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flat + attitude: something flat does not attract us as it is very common. So you will obviously give trite remarks.

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or we can think of plastic: it is veru cheap and of very little value just like platitude

Latitudes vary from place to place ...whereas Platitude is common to all ..i.e. COMMONPLACE...ORDINARY ... TRITE...

Take it as (PLATE + ATTITUDE) this hungry man was throwing the PLATE on server face bcos of serving late. Chef is obviously strongly REMARKING towards his ATTITUDE.

The word 'platitude' is derived from the word 'plat',which is the French version of the word 'flat' and means literally "a flat remark.

platitude {altitude} ..some thing related to mountain ..which is common place to every one

platitude=pl(please) + attitutde ppl r always giving weak comments

Platitude = please + attitude; please attitude is always is always shows poor behavior.


Short Definition : purely spiritual; theoretical; without sensual desire

(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy
Example Sentence
  • Platonic dialogues
(adj) free from physical desire
Example Sentence
  • platonic love
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Platonic - Plato (disciple of Socrates) wrote all the theoretical philosophies.

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anyone who stays in pluto,are free from the physical desire and have real love...

if someone is willing to go live in plato then he must be prepared for a spiritual and non sensual life


Short Definition : praise; enthusiastic approval; round(succession or series) of applause; ADJ. plauditory; CF. applaud

(noun) enthusiastic approval
Example Sentence
  • the book met with modest acclaim
  • he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd
  • they gave him more eclat than he really deserved
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rhymes like "applaud it"

remove 'p' u'll get LAUDIT. which can mean loud it. Victory should always be praised by loud cheer i.e. with enthusiastic approval.


plaudit - laad (in hindi) means approval or pampering

PLausible 4 AUDience->Sth plausible 4 audience leads to applaud; Hence, enthusiastic applause or approval

plaudit-plot+it plot ing a tree will make u feel enthusiastic


PLenty people AUDITed. Must be GOOD!


Short Definition : conceivably true; having a show of truth but open to doubt; specious

(adj) apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
Example Sentence
  • a plausible excuse
(adj) given to or characterized by presenting specious arguments
Example Sentence
  • a plausible liar
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Plausible rhymes with possible "Something that may or may not be possible" true,but open to doubt.

plausible(posible):some thing is possible to happen if its reasonable,valid,truthful. so something resonable or valid or truthful is == plausible.

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plausible sounds like (laugical)logical!!!

plausible = believable

when you are correct and truth full generally u will get applause which sounds like plausible

most of the politicians give APPLAUSIBLE speeches but they do nothing and their speech becomes PLAUSIBLE !!!!!!!

Plausible sounds like "possible", as in "It's possible he's telling the truth".

plaus=getting applaud and plausible(pausi) telling a pause.so telling something what every one applauds but with a doubt(pause)

able to be applauded


Short Definition : common; vulgar; pertaining to the common people; N: common people in ancient Rome; CF. patrician

(noun) one of the common people
Synonyms : pleb
(adj) of or associated with the great masses of people
Synonyms : common unwashed vulgar
Example Sentence
  • the common people in those days suffered greatly
  • behavior that branded him as common
  • his square plebeian nose
  • a vulgar and objectionable person
  • the unwashed masses
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sounds like pebble which are found every where and are very common

plebeian - sounds like play with lesbian which is very vulgar

basically this word is taken from plebs...which were the common people in ancient rome.

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Playboy.. A common vulgar magazine.

we can also link it with american millitary where the freshman is known as pleb..because fresher are generally bad dressers and unsocial.

People in LEBANON are lesbians; LEbanon contains all common people doing vulgar things..

plebeian - sounds like pedestrian, almost all pedestrians are common people

divide this like P(here it stands for people)+lebeian..sounds like Lebanon in south west asia & economy of this country is in disatrous state due to civil strife.so people of this country are not rich -only middle class people&they are commen people.


Short Definition : direct vote by the entire electorate (on an important issue)

(noun) a vote by the electorate determining public opinion on a question of national importance
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plebiscite: By Plebiscite we mean - People cite their opinion towards some political government

CITING the opinions of the PLEBEIAN.

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plebiscite = pl + bis + cite; i.e. please give your opinion.


Short Definition : (of power) complete; full; fully attended by all qualified members; Ex. plenary power

(adj) full in all respects
Example Sentence
  • a plenary session of the legislature
  • a diplomat with plenary powers
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Plenary can be split into Plen (plenty) + nary (naari - women in hindi) :: This hall is full of naaris (women) = Plenty (filled with or full of) naari :: Plenary

plenary=PLAIN(simple)+ARRAY.... i.e. in any programing language a plain array works fine 4 plenty of operations.... So it is full in all aspects

PLANEary...plane should be COMPLETE because if it has even minor faults, it can be deadly!!!!

Power across the Planet

sounds like plenty, so think of it in sense of Power ..

a plenary scenery is always complete and consummate.

if you PLAY with many NARIs at the same time(flirt with many) then one day those nary(ladies) shall latkofy u COMPLETELY and FULLY under section 135b(life imprisonment for cheatng on multiple women at a time).........;)

plenary hall

If you make a PLANE(plean) you should COMPLETE it hurry


Short Definition : abundance; plenty; great amount; completeness; fullness; CF. plenary, plenty

(noun) a full supply
Example Sentence
  • there was plenty of food for everyone
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plen(i)tude: remove i. sounds like plenty..means full.

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plenty hai dude


Short Definition : excess; overabundance; Ex. a plethora of excuses

(noun) extreme excess
Example Sentence
  • an embarrassment of riches
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for plethora

like if you go home after many days, your mother will insist that you eat more. What she will say is "Pe Le + Thoda Aur Le" ultimately, aisai lene se, it will become an excess at the end. You will be full :)

PleTHORA~(Play thoda),but child resist that he will play more and more and more,thus excessive.

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Sounds like "Please throw a"...Can we PLEASE THROW A party? We have an overabundance of food that we need to get rid of before it goes bad.

Let Ho Raha we are getting excessively late


english version of pitaara... e.g. books ka pitaara hai mere paas

Ple=Plenty of Something i.e,Excess

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