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Short Definition : arrogant; presumptuous

(adj) unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings
Example Sentence
  • extravagant praise
  • exuberant compliments
  • overweening ambition
  • overweening greed
(adj) presumptuously arrogant
Synonyms : uppity
Example Sentence
  • had a witty but overweening manner
  • no idea how overweening he would be
  • getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for overweening

a person who wins over and over becomes arrogant. He now arrogantly presumes that he will always win.

OVERly flailing your WEENER. Otherwise known as cock-waving.

derived from over(MEANS ABOVE, MORE)+ween..latin venus..means charm or love....so think of the lady(RELATE IT TO OUR primary school story..a lady who was more beautiful and CHARMING than moon..that moon also use to praise her because of that she BECA

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if u WIN u tend to do OVERACTIONS...so overweening :P

it is the overween+ing form...and now..OVER+WEEN(MEANS to hope, think, expect, intend)..so if you get something over(means beyond) what you EXPECT ...you become arrogant...you unrestrained in your feelings.

opposite of over-weenie (which would be overly cowardly).

because of that she BECAME VERY ARROGANT...and killed her daughter..)

Ponting’s overweening ambition of winning the match in 1 over in his nation.

arrogant guy asking me to play over weenai(musical instrument)


Short Definition : (of water) cover completely; defeat completely by much greater force; Ex. overwhelmed by grief

(verb) overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli Definition
(verb) charge someone with too many tasks
Synonyms : deluge flood out
(verb) cover completely or make imperceptible
Synonyms : drown submerge
Example Sentence
  • I was drowned in work
  • The noise drowned out her speech
(verb) overcome by superior force
Synonyms : overmaster overpower
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for overwhelm

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over whim powder cover completely with bubles


Short Definition : nervous or excited; extremely agitated; hysterical; wrought-up; CF. wrought: made or done

(adj) deeply agitated especially from emotion
Synonyms : distraught
Example Sentence
  • distraught with grief
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for overwrought

over+wrought => remember wrought iron. Which has become so due to agitation and hysterisis.

sounds like OVER HOT

wrought sounds lik drought...during drought people run mad behind food...they are in a state of agitation

wrought means worked.. or donr something.. hence overwrought = overworked.. and worked up ppl tend to get irritated and agitated..

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over wrote(wrought)in exam in last 5 min - excited or nervous

Amitabh was overwrought when someone wrote “Mera Baap chor hai” on his hand.


Short Definition : egg-shaped; CF. ovum; CF. ovulate

(noun) an egg-shaped object Definition
(adj) rounded like an egg
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ovoid

This can be related to void that is empty and hence zero. OVOID can then be related to an egg shaped zero.

Oval void or relating to shape of an egg

think of ovary.. the egg of the female.


Short Definition : thick-skinned animal

(noun) any of various nonruminant hoofed mammals having very thick skin: elephant; rhinoceros; hippopotamus
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pachyderm

derm means skin(dermatologist is a skin specialist) and eg for pachderm animals are elephants,hippopotomus,etc ..the word pachy sounds like pack.. so the skin is so packed that is becomes thick.. thus pachyderm is thick-skinned

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Pachy(Paanch,5) + Derm(Skin)...Five layers of Skin...thick skinned

Packed derm(skin)...hence thick skinned animals.

pachy a greek root means thick + dermwich means skin

pachyderm-derm means skin and pachy means hardly packed like the skin of the elephant,hippopotamus


Short Definition : one opposed to force; antimilitarist; ADJ. N. pacifism: opposition to war as a means of resolving disputes

(noun) someone opposed to violence as a means of settling disputes
Synonyms : disarmer pacificist
(adj) opposed to war
Synonyms : dovish pacifistic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pacifist

pacify means to make calm or soothe.. and a person who pacifies.. is opposed to war and force..

One who wants Peace(paci)+first(fist)

pacifist is one who denies to use his fist so antimilitarist.

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a pacifier is a baby's dummy or teething ring..which soothes him..just like that a pacifist is a person who soothes you

Pacifist.....Pac(Peace) from Fist(Fight)..who seek peace from fight is ANTI-MILITARIST.


Short Definition : soothe; make calm or quiet; subdue; bring peace to

(verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
Example Sentence
  • She managed to mollify the angry customer
(verb) fight violence and try to establish peace in (a location)
Example Sentence
  • The U.N. troops are working to pacify Bosnia
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pacify

pacific ocean is calm in its way....=pacify =calm or quiet

a passive person is always calm,so calm down


Short Definition : chaplain (in the armed forces)

(noun) a chaplain in one of the military services Definition
(noun) `Father' is a term of address for priests in some churches (especially the Roman Catholic Church or the Orthodox Catholic Church); `Padre' is frequently used in the military
Synonyms : father
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for padre

padh-re padh-re mainly done by all the fathers in home

padre sounds like "Father" - in fact, it is father in Spanish and Italian. Father is the military chaplain of a home :)

(Mallus)Pathiri Malayalam word for Priest comes from Padre

speak the way Russians do.. it sounds like father


Short Definition : song of praise or joy; Ex. paeans celebrating the victory

(noun) a formal expression of praise Definition
(noun) (ancient Greece) a hymn of praise (especially one sung in ancient Greece to invoke or thank a deity)
Synonyms : pean
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for paean

it is pronounced exactly as P.N. remember it by 'Priase Number'=praise song.

Paean sounds like "pian+o" which is used in praise songs

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(paean sounds like pain) If you take pains and achieve something, then you will hear paeans about you.

Pagan worship(Worshipping natural forces) involve Paen(songs)

take it as peon....he always praises

paEAn...EA sports have taken lots of PAIN to make comp games...hence ppl paean them for that..........love playing cricket and fifa..EA SPORTS

paean is pronounced like pee-un == unpee.. you are not going to pee ... on da contrary, you'd praise them... so paean = praise/ eulogy

PAEAN = PA + EAN ;PA means personal assistant always wants to earn praise from bosses.

peon ban gaya G.M. so gane laga paean

PAAN SINGH TOMAR movie: their PAAN SINGH did the work with gr8 effort, so their was a song of praise for him in the movie


Short Definition : taking pains; showing hard work; taking great care; very careful and through

(adj) characterized by extreme care and great effort
Example Sentence
  • conscientious application to the work at hand
  • painstaking research
  • scrupulous attention to details
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for painstaking

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ohh..pretty easy...divide it like..pain+s+taking....so someone WHO is TAKING A LOT OF PAIN to complete his work.

Divide this way "King" takes great care of his kingdom by taking pain as well.

o no preeti it also means being careful. some suggest a mnemonic for that

PAINSTAKING = My backborn feeling pain due to hard work done for stacking of bricks.

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