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Short Definition : infamy; disgrace arising from shameful conduct; vilification(slander); scorn; contempt; Ex. opprobrium hurled against him; ADJ. opprobrious: expressing contempt; shameful or infamous

(noun) state of disgrace resulting from public abuse
Synonyms : obloquy
(noun) a state of extreme dishonor
Synonyms : infamy
Example Sentence
  • a date which will live in infamy
  • the name was a by-word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for opprobrium

If you take OPIUM(banned drug) you will be criticized, humiliated & put to shame.

oppROBrium..stress on rob..if u rob something ull be dishonoured

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'opprobrium' sounds similar to 'oppressed i am', thus dishonoured

Sounds similar to "approbation," which is an expression of praise. Opprobrium is the opposite: Disgrace, contempt, scorn.

Split word like this OPP_ROB_RIUM : if u ROB OPIUM then u will be criticized

opprobrium = 'Oprah' disgraced' Brian' in the show :)

op+prob+rium....opprobrium for problem maker

Opium + Probe + Rob = Defame

Opprobrium:Opp(Opposite)+Rob(Robbery),Just Imagine u had ROBbed urs neighbors house which which is Opposite to urs House,so ur going to face great disgrace(of arising from shameful conduct) form ur neighbours who r very close to u

opprobrium: Opium+ Pro a pro who uses opium(drug) should feel ashamed of himself/herself==> public disgrace or reproach

Think "Opt to be Probed in my Rium" which just sounds disgraceful and like I would hate it.

split opprobrium as op+probe+xxx probe means to sensors on sea ground,that touch the ground to analyse. So probe menas to touch and approve. Op+probe is not to touch because u dont like it. vilify,infamy.


Short Definition : maker and seller of eyeglasses

(noun) a worker who makes glasses for remedying defects of vision
Synonyms : lens maker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for optician

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OPTIC refers to the eye or sight, hence an OPTICIAN has something to do with the eye...he is a spectacle (eye glasses) maker.


Short Definition : person who looks on the bright side; N. optimism

(noun) a person disposed to take a favorable view of things


Short Definition : most favorable; optimal; N: most favorable condition

(noun) most favorable conditions or greatest degree or amount possible under given circumstances Definition
(adj) most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied
Synonyms : optimal
Example Sentence
  • an optimum return on capital
  • optimal concentration of a drug
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for optimum

optimum = optimistic mum (mummy) or optimistic moment


Short Definition : not compulsory; left to one's choice; N. option: act of choosing; choice; freedom or power to choose; something available as a choice; Ex. have no option; Ex. two options

(adj) possible but not necessary; left to personal choice


Short Definition : one who fits glasses to remedy visual defects

(noun) a person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses
Synonyms : oculist


Short Definition : extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance; ADJ. opulent: possessing great wealth; abundant

(noun) wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for opulence


Opulence rhymes with affluence.. which also means rich.. and you can also say that rich people have a lot of influence on people.. which also rhymes with opulence..

from opulance remember lancer car.only rich and luxiry people can purchase lancer.


Short Definition : work (esp. musical composition); Ex. magnum opus: masterpiece; CF. opera

(noun) a musical work that has been created
Example Sentence
  • the composition is written in four movements
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for opus

OPUS remember an octopus working on a musical instrument like piano

A Roman Catholic organisation named OPUS DEI which means "WORK" OF GOD

opus exactly means work related to music (Barron's) Remember Octopus=oct+opus (8 hands) hands are used for working. Opus means work. This is the root of word opus.

Opus sounds like office, where we WORK

something like opera?

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Remember Magnum Opus in tranformers he does alot of work to save the world

This is our song - a musical composition OP US


Short Definition : of an oracle; prophetic; uttered as if with divine authority; mysterious or ambiguous; hard to understand; N. oracle: wiser person; prophecy made by an oracle

(adj) of or relating to an oracle
Example Sentence
  • able by oracular means to expose a witch
(adj) obscurely prophetic
Synonyms : delphic
Example Sentence
  • Delphic pronouncements
  • an oracular message
(adj) resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought
Synonyms : enigmatic
Example Sentence
  • the oracular sayings of Victorian poets
  • so enigmatic that priests might have to clarify it
  • an enigmatic smile
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for oracular

In the Matrix...the Oracle(old woman character ) prophesises that Neo is "the one"

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oracle language is ambigous with lot of confusions

It rhymes with BINOCULARS, we use binoculars when something is hard to see and we call something ORACULAR when it is hard to interpret....

think oracle as miracle,,,,,,,,,,,,

oracular -> oracle command or revelation from God of DB

Orcale Database: It is mysterious with many hidden shortcuts and database is preferred to remove ambiguity compared to simple files. Oracle is also the authority of DB ( The most selling DB)


Short Definition : public speaker

(noun) a person who delivers a speech or oration
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for orator

orator sounds like obama senator , so a senator is a public speaker


to get a job of operator u must be good in public speaking

official narrator

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