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Short Definition : letter; written statement; CF. sent

(noun) a written message addressed to a person or organization
Synonyms : letter
Example Sentence
  • mailed an indignant letter to the editor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for missive

in olden days .. if you "missed" someone.. you wrote "letters" to them...

miss+give....give this letter to the miss

MISSIVE sounds like MISS+EVE(occasion)...i.e when u miss someone on a eve,u write a LETTER to convey(ur love).

missiLe is for a Villain and missiVe is for a Lover.. Now note the letters in caps(L and V) alone.. Just interchanged :) missiLe->Villain and missiVe->Lover.!!

MISS+U....when you miss your girlfriend...what will you do???....you will write a love LETTER.....

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elaborating on Ani's mnemonic : if you want your miss to give you something, she asks you to get a letter from your parents

missile...we just throw love letters to someone like a missile..

think of the adjective "Submissive" which means obedient,u give all ur MISSIVEs to sb who is SUBMISSIVE to read them to u


Short Definition : very small object or insect-like creature; small coin

(noun) a slight but appreciable amount
Example Sentence
  • this dish could use a touch of garlic
(noun) any of numerous very small to minute arachnids often infesting animals or plants or stored foods
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mite

remember terMITE. They are TINY creatures.

MIT is the biggest thing and mite is the smallest thing :) Furthermore, mighty is also large thing.

mite: mice...small creature

mite soundz like lite/slight >>SLight amount

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bite..by biting, dogs make things into small pieces....


Short Definition : appease; moderate; make or become less in force or intensity

(verb) lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
Synonyms : extenuate palliate
Example Sentence
  • The circumstances extenuate the crime
(verb) make less severe or harsh
Example Sentence
  • mitigating circumstances
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mitigate

Mitigate > "Gate pe kutte ki potty pe mitti daal do" why? so that the intensity of bad odour will lessen.

think of MITIGATE as COLGATE(toothpaste).Use of COLGATE lessen or try to lessen the extent of germs in our teeth. Use of MITIGATE will also lessen or try lessen the extent of [depends on your usage :)}]

mitigate -> MIT + i + gate... when you reach the gates of MIT.. your tensions about PG admissions will be appeased/mitigated!!

there should me less "mitti" on gate,so mitigate means -to lessen

some how sounds to me like midget.. i.e. small person and can be considered to have less strength (force)...

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to lessen "mitti" in our house,"mitti" "gate" ke bahar kar do. Therefore MITIGATE - to lessen MITTI by throwing it out of GATE.

The opposition layer was mitigating the evidence. The chances of winning the case was lessen.

if u r preparing for gate exam and feeling tensed..to make your tension eat some meeti like cadbury to REDUCE(MAKE LESS SEVERE) the tension..mitigate..!!

Mitti ke gate par bike takrane se gate kamjor ho gaya

money has been vanishing slowly but constantly(DECREASING) who's PURSE of guy, having shopping with his girlfriend, decreasing = MITIGATING = reducing slowly

MINI GATE - only smaller, less intense things can pass through

Mit-Mighti.e,Harshness Gate-To stop, TO stop harshness and to easen one's pain

Sodium ChlorATE (bleach) will mitigATE a stain on clothes

mitigate = he is atanding in the gate with miti i.e is sweet to make leesen the quarrel between us.

gate ke andhar mitti nahi hona chahiye


Short Definition : pertaining to memory; assisting the memory; N: device, such as as formula or rhyme, used as a mnemonic aid

(noun) a device (such as a rhyme or acronym) used to aid recall Definition
(adj) of or relating to or involved the practice of aiding the memory
Example Sentence
  • mnemonic device
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mnemonic

How can you not know this ...

remember the website! that does it all!!!

You better look up at 90 degree and spit if you dont know d meaning! hehe :p

Trust me Forget writing GRE if u r looking at this...


Still looking at this??!?!?!!!

better leave this site now--if u don't know wats mnemonic

You must be insane.Forget GRE

in the house, up the stairs


U kidding me...

in the house, up the stairs

in the house, up the stairs

in the house, up the stairs

in the house up the stairs

in the house up the stairs

in the house, up the stairs

in the house up the stairs

in the house up the stairs

My Next Entrance May Obligate New Ideas and Complications

in the house up the stairs


Short Definition : movable; not fixed; N. mobility

(noun) a river in southwestern Alabama; flows into Mobile Bay
Synonyms : mobile river
(noun) a port in southwestern Alabama on Mobile Bay Definition
(noun) sculpture suspended in midair whose delicately balanced parts can be set in motion by air currents Definition
(adj) migratory
Example Sentence
  • a restless mobile society
  • the nomadic habits of the Bedouins
  • believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future
  • wandering tribes
(adj) moving or capable of moving readily (especially from place to place)
Example Sentence
  • a mobile missile system
  • the tongue is...the most mobile articulator
(adj) having transportation available Definition
(adj) capable of changing quickly from one state or condition to another
Example Sentence
  • a highly mobile face
(adj) affording change (especially in social status)
Synonyms : fluid
Example Sentence
  • Britain is not a truly fluid society
  • upwardly mobile


Short Definition : ridicule; deride; imitate often in derision

(noun) the act of mocking or ridiculing
Example Sentence
  • they made a mock of him
(verb) treat with contempt
Synonyms : bemock
Example Sentence
  • The new constitution mocks all democratic principles
(verb) imitate with mockery and derision
Example Sentence
  • The children mocked their handicapped classmate
(adj) constituting a copy or imitation of something
Example Sentence
  • boys in mock battle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mock

U give mock test.That is not all that serious. opposite of serious is ridiculous which is the meaning of mock


Short Definition : prevailing style; current fashion; manner; way of doing something; Ex. in the latest mode; Ex. simple mode of life

(noun) how something is done or how it happens
Synonyms : fashion manner style way
Example Sentence
  • her dignified manner
  • his rapid manner of talking
  • their nomadic mode of existence
  • in the characteristic New York style
  • a lonely way of life
  • in an abrasive fashion
(noun) a particular functioning condition or arrangement
Example Sentence
  • switched from keyboard to voice mode
(noun) a classification of propositions on the basis of whether they claim necessity or possibility or impossibility
Synonyms : modality
(noun) verb inflections that express how the action or state is conceived by the speaker
Synonyms : modality mood
(noun) any of various fixed orders of the various diatonic notes within an octave
Synonyms : musical mode
(noun) the most frequent value of a random variable
Synonyms : modal value
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mode

models follow style


Short Definition : limited quantity; small amount; Ex. He does not have a modicum of sense; CF. moderate

(noun) a small or moderate or token amount
Example Sentence
  • England still expects a modicum of eccentricity in its artists
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for modicum


modicum and moderate had "mode" in common...and "cum" means small in hindi.

Modicum sounds like (bahuut hi Kum) that is very little or small in quantity

MODICUM=MODI+CUM(come)...so whenever Narendra MODI COMES to the hotel he is served only LIMITED QUANTITY of food...no offence pls

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Narender Modi is sooo old,,, so when he cums (u knw wat it means),,, the ejaculation is soo small in amount,,, i knw its sick

modicum=modi+cum=more to come=>v r having sumthng in smal or moderate amount..so we look 4 more.

modi cum ... come to modi if have scarcity (cum .. less)

sounds like MODest sUM



Short Definition : fashionable; conforming to the current fashion

(adj) in the current fashion or style
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for modish

modish = mode (style) + ish.. thats is extremely stylish.. hence very fashionable..

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Just like GIRLISH is very girl like, MODISH can be related to MODEL LIKE...very fashonable!

MODEls wear the most fashionable clothes

modish-modern so fashionable


Short Definition : tone down in intensity; change the intensity or tone of; regulate; change from one musical key to another; Ex. modulate from E to G

(verb) change the key of, in music
Example Sentence
  • modulate the melody
(verb) vary the pitch of one's speech
Synonyms : inflect tone
(verb) fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of
Synonyms : regulate
Example Sentence
  • regulate the temperature
  • modulate the pitch
(verb) adjust the pitch, tone, or volume of Definition
(verb) vary the frequency, amplitude, phase, or other characteristic of (electromagnetic waves)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for modulate

MODEM: a device used to connect to the internet, it is made up of words MOdulator - DEModulator ; i.e it CONVERTS/ADJUSTS(modulates) computer signals into telephone signals and demodulates(the opposite)


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