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Short Definition : metric; written in the form of poetry; Ex. metrical translation of Homer

(adj) based on the meter as a standard of measurement
Synonyms : metric
Example Sentence
  • the metric system
  • metrical equivalents
(adj) the rhythmic arrangement of syllables
Synonyms : measured metric


Short Definition : large city

(noun) a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts
Synonyms : city urban center
Example Sentence
  • Ancient Troy was a great city
(noun) people living in a large densely populated municipality
Synonyms : city
Example Sentence
  • the city voted for Republicans in 1994
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for metropolis

A metro, or a subway (an underground electrical railway) is mostly found in metropolitan areas


Short Definition : courage (to continue bravely in spite of difficulties); spirit; ADJ. mettlesome

(noun) the courage to carry on
Synonyms : heart nerve spunk
Example Sentence
  • he kept fighting on pure spunk
  • you haven't got the heart for baseball
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mettle

METTLE - sounds like 'MEET' + 'HELL' To MEET HELL one should have the COURAGE TO CARRY ON

Sounds like metal and metals are obviously strong. So, can be related to a strong courageous person.

Reminds of Steel King industrialist Lakshmi Mittal: Symbolic of courage to carry on

We use Metal for waging war. Implying courage

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meet(guys lets meet up,we all will be a force then)+all(Unity is strength and seems courageous)

in the military they give you a metal for brave deeds

METTLE= MEnTaL courage and spirit....

MET(meat)+LE(in hindi le means take)....people who sell meat say MEAT LE....but they require COURAGE to carry on the business because everytime they have to kill innocent animals

it takes mettle to walk through a field of nettle


Short Definition : swamp gas; heavy vaporous atmosphere often emanating from decaying matter; pervasive corrupting influence; noxious atmosphere or influence

(noun) an unwholesome atmosphere
Synonyms : miasm
Example Sentence
  • the novel spun a miasma of death and decay
(noun) unhealthy vapors rising from the ground or other sources
Synonyms : miasm
Example Sentence
  • the miasma of the marshes
  • a miasma of cigar smoke
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for miasma

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swamp gas has a bad odor which causes me asthma (mi-asma)

It sounds like asthma..which is unhealthy environment or influence.

MIASMA - Read it like My ASS Smell - corrupting influence, noxious effects

Mal air Inhaled ~>ASTHMA...unhealthy and contaminated atmosphere...

mia log ... SHAKAL always smells very bad

miasma ~ magma releases unhealthy gases

MIA(husband)+MA(mother)....mia ki maa i.e sasu maa is HARMFUL(noxious) to any women....

"Mera"+"Aasma" is being polluted by harmful vapors.


Short Definition : small representative world; world in miniature; Ex. microcosm of English society

(noun) a miniature model of something
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for microcosm

micro = small + cosmos = universe


Short Definition : changing its habitat; wandering; Ex. migrant birds/workers; N: one that migrates

(noun) traveler who moves from one region or country to another
Synonyms : migrator
(adj) habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work
Synonyms : migratory
Example Sentence
  • appalled by the social conditions of migrant life
  • migratory workers


Short Definition : wandering; V. migrate: move from one region and settle in another; move periodically from one region to another

(adj) used of animals that move seasonally
Example Sentence
  • migratory birds
(adj) habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work
Synonyms : migrant
Example Sentence
  • appalled by the social conditions of migrant life
  • migratory workers


Short Definition : social environment; means of expression; Ex. feel out of one's milieu; Ex. His proper milieu is watercolor.

(noun) the environmental condition
Synonyms : surroundings
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for milieu

milieu sounds like: "maa illu" in Telugu - i.e., my home. Everyone wants a good home and hence good milieu (environment) My illam in tamil..

milieu sounds like MILE + U .. miles is the term that we use when we travel out somewhere .. that is we travel some miles near our SURROUNDINGS OR ENVIRONMENT and we get all excited=Means of expression :)


lieu means locus means place.. hence environment

in LIEU of = in place of. MILIEU = place/environment/location

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lieu is french for place.. so milieu=environment

mile+Eu(Europe) :miles(distance) surrounding the Europe;that illustrates surrounding and environment

in swedish language miljö (milyo) means environment.

meri loo .. sab taraf ganda environment kar deti hai

milieu mein mil aaun?

sounds like MILE + U .. when some loveable person is miles apart 4m u in a worst environment, u miss him n cares a lot which is a means of expression

a good place with million residents


Short Definition : combative; bellicose; N.

(noun) a militant reformer
Synonyms : activist
(adj) disposed to warfare or hard-line policies
Synonyms : hawkish warlike
Example Sentence
  • militant nations
  • hawkish congressman
  • warlike policies
(adj) showing a fighting disposition
Synonyms : competitive
Example Sentence
  • highly competitive sales representative
  • militant in fighting for better wages for workers
  • his self-assertive and ubiquitous energy
(adj) engaged in war
Example Sentence
  • belligerent (or warring) nations


Short Definition : work against; Ex. militate against the chances of promotion; CF. serve as a soldier

(verb) have force or influence; bring about an effect or change
Example Sentence
  • Politeness militated against this opinion being expressed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for militate

Military action often influences others to argue against the invasion.

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Military action always takes place when someone work against the other

one never gets satisfied by what it gets(MILI hui chiz) for ATE(eating)

militate - in pakistan military has many time ceased control by working against the government

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