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Short Definition : moment of calm; period of reduced activity; Ex. a lull in the rain; V: cause to become less active; cause to sleep or rest; Ex. lull the opponents into a false sense of security; CF. lullaby

(noun) a pause during which things are calm or activities are diminished
Synonyms : letup
Example Sentence
  • there was never a letup in the noise
(noun) a period of calm weather
Synonyms : quiet
Example Sentence
  • there was a lull in the storm
(verb) calm by deception
Example Sentence
  • Don't let yourself be lulled into a false state of security
(verb) become quiet or less intensive
Synonyms : calm down
Example Sentence
  • the fighting lulled for a moment
(verb) make calm or still
Example Sentence
  • quiet the dragons of worry and fear
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lull

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Lull: Calm by deception: The witch sang LULLaby to me to make me fall asleep with a false sense of security

tu LULLoo hi hai---not speaking anything


Short Definition : move heavily or clumsily; Ex. The bear lumbered through the woods; N: timber

(noun) the wood of trees cut and prepared for use as building material
Synonyms : timber
(noun) an implement used in baseball by the batter
Synonyms : baseball bat
(verb) move heavily or clumsily
Synonyms : pound
Example Sentence
  • The heavy man lumbered across the room
(verb) cut lumber, as in woods and forests
Synonyms : log
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lumber

Relate to the person who is "lamba" (lamba in Hindi language means tall person in English ) moves heavily or clumsily

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The lumberjack was lumbering with heavy lumbers on his back. Lumberjack comes in ageofempires

limber is moving swiftly...i.e to b flexible....lumber is to move heavily or awkwardly.....;)


Short Definition : unit of light energy (one candle's worth)

(noun) a unit of luminous flux equal to the amount of light given out through a solid angle of 1 steradian by a point source of 1 candela intensity radiating uniformly in all directions
Synonyms : lm
(noun) a cavity or passage in a tubular organ
Example Sentence
  • the lumen of the intestine
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lumen

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LUMEN=LOO+MEN...when all the MEN had gone for the LOO(LU) we switched off the lights to scare them....hope,this mnemonic might help u guys!...:)


Short Definition : celebrity (in a specific field); dignitary; object that gives light (as a celestial body)

(noun) a celebrity who is an inspiration to others
Example Sentence
  • he was host to a large gathering of luminaries
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for luminary

Luminary sounds like luminous(under light).So,a celebrity who is in the limelight inspiring others.

luminary=LOO MEIN NARI...imagine INDIA TV newz channel saying.."dekhiye aaj raat 9 baje...loo mein nari(a women in a bathroom)-the biggest sex scandel ever.."...then it has to be about some CELEBRITY only.....;)

remember luminous batteries used for lighting lamps and bulbs.


Short Definition : shining (esp. in the dark); issuing light; Ex. luminous paint/road signs

(adj) softly bright or radiant
Synonyms : aglow lambent lucent
Example Sentence
  • a house aglow with lights
  • glowing embers
  • lambent tongues of flame
  • the lucent moon
  • a sky luminous with stars
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for luminous

luminous = luminance ~ bright

remember LUMINOUS INVERTERS ad by dhoni...brightful


Short Definition : pertaining to the moon

(adj) of or relating to or associated with the moon
Example Sentence
  • lunar surface
  • lunar module


Short Definition : insane; Ex. lunatic asylum

(noun) an insane person
Synonyms : madman maniac
(noun) a reckless impetuous irresponsible person Definition
(adj) insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon
Synonyms : moonstruck
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lunatic

remember luna (the bike in india) ... if today somebody drives an outdated vehicle like luna , he will be called insane !

Synonym is Moonstruck that means only insane person will try to go to moon by truck.. :-P


Short Definition : wild; sensational; graphic; gruesome; horrible; Ex. lurid details of the murder

(adj) horrible in fierceness or savagery
Example Sentence
  • lurid crimes
  • a lurid life
(adj) glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism
Synonyms : shocking
Example Sentence
  • lurid details of the accident
(adj) shining with an unnatural red glow as of fire seen through smoke
Example Sentence
  • a lurid sunset
  • lurid flames
(adj) ghastly pale
Example Sentence
  • moonlight gave the statue a lurid luminence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lurid

lurid..concentrate on de last 4 letters-ur+id.so if someone hacks UR mail ID,he has gotta be a SENSATIONAL hacker and in response to this u would become WILD

lurid.....luri..similar to lure...lure means ..attract. charming...so something that lures you , and you are strongly attracted by it..you cant control your feelings, and at any cost you want to get it...and to get it you can do anything...so you are

lurid ~ horrid ; horrid , horrifying .. somewhat same .. horrible , wild , sensational ...


Short Definition : stealthily lie in waiting; slink; exist unperceived

(verb) lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive manner
Synonyms : skulk
(verb) be about
Example Sentence
  • The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square
  • Who is this man that is hanging around the department?
(verb) wait in hiding to attack
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lurk

lurk.... when pronounced rhymes like LOOK...so you must look to see if someone is waiting to attack you.?..you should look carefully at your surroundings....(basically it is taken from German lūren which means to lie in wait)

luka hua hai , attack karne ke liye

lurk=clerck....clerks in police station often lurk near the office of senior inspectors so that they can over hear some important newz and then leak them outside to the press and gain money.........:)


Short Definition : pleasing to taste or smell; delicious

(adj) having strong sexual appeal
Example Sentence
  • juicy barmaids
  • a red-hot mama
  • a voluptuous woman
  • a toothsome blonde in a tight dress
(adj) extremely pleasing to the sense of taste
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for luscious

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rhymes with delicious. and it means delicous. (in fact it is derived from delicious)

laziz khana hai

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