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Short Definition : unshakably calm; placid

(adj) not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure
Synonyms : unflappable
Example Sentence
  • hitherto imperturbable, he now showed signs of alarm
  • an imperturbable self-possession
  • unflappable in a crisis
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for imperturbable

imperturbabble--im + pertur (like tur tur) + babble ( just talking foolishly..). So, the person who never do any tur-tur and never babbles is a very cool, calm and peaceful guy.

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im-'not'+perturb(able), meaning not perturbed....so a person who is not perturbed stays calm and placid.

imperturbable- im+perturbable. Perturb has a rhythm with Disturb. Imperturbable is a person whom u can't feel disturbed/upset easily- that's why he is always calm.

imperturbable = imperturbare (old) = im- 'not' + per-'completely' + turbare (sounds like disturb)


Im(Not) + per( permiable) + tub(turbulance) , so not prone to turbulance,so marked by extreme calm steadiness...

Nothing that we could do to the imp in central park could perturb him, we were simply not able. The simple truth of the matter is that the imp in central park is imperturbable.

i m :i am and im: no; per:person; tur:torture; bable: babble ; i am person not affected by torture or babble cuz i am calm


Short Definition : impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed; incapable of being affected (in one's opinions); Ex. impervious to water/criticism

(adj) not admitting of passage or capable of being affected
Synonyms : imperviable
Example Sentence
  • a material impervious to water
  • someone impervious to argument
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impervious

im(not)+pravesh(enter) so unpenetrable...

"i m pervez(pervez musharraf)"...no matter wat u say, i won't be affected!!

A pervert is trying to rape me. But I'm not scared. He won't be able to penetrate me, because I'm impervious - immuned to perverts.

impervious = im-'not' + per-'completely' + vious 'via'[old] => not (completely via) => impossible to penetrate

impervious; here,{pervious= perversion}, thus im-pervious= which cannot be perversed with therefore which cannot be damaged or penetrated

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IM = not + PERVIoUS = letting things through


Short Definition : violent; hasty; rash; impulsive; without careful thought; Ex. impetuous decision

(adj) characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation
Example Sentence
  • a hotheaded decision
  • liable to such impulsive acts as hugging strangers
  • an impetuous display of spending and gambling
  • madcap escapades
(adj) marked by violent force
Example Sentence
  • impetuous heaving waves
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impetuous

im(not)-pet-tuo(to)-us...a dog which is not our pet will be very VIOLENT and RASH.

im+petu => i am petu (in hindi which means who eats a lot), so if you don't give me enough food, i'll get violent,harsh, rough etc.

sounds like impatient, an impatient person will be impetuous

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impetuous - imm+pet+u+ous means saying like "you are our pet", so the person will get violent and take hasty decision to beat you.

Impetuous..I am Piitu (Hindi for Beat) uous = use (him)..That means I will beat him...Who says that?? One who is very violent..

IMPETUS = impulse. Impulsive decisions are IMPETUOUS.

IM(not) petuous(pet)...an animal which is not pet is rash...

Impet ~ Impact uous means "full of" Full of Impact, very forceful

IMPET--> impatience.. hence violent and rash

ek petu admi ne kaha "I AM NOT PETU".. the way he said is so violent,

IMPetuous -- IMPulse; reacting without thought

impetuous,without thinking for sudden impact of somthing.doing things is rashly way


Short Definition : moving force; momentum; force of a moving body; incentive; stimulus; impulse

(noun) a force that moves something along
Synonyms : drift impulsion
(noun) the act of applying force suddenly
Synonyms : impulse impulsion
Example Sentence
  • the impulse knocked him over
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impetus

sounds like fetus which is an unborn baby... so at time of delivery a moving force(impetus) makes it easier for the mother to give birth...

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impetus=im+pet+us.....IM a PET in de US.such a statement would stimulate anyone

impet(impact) + us : Impulsion will always have an impact (on) us

IMPETUS is the opposite of IMPEDIMENT.

sudden INPUT

concentrate on PET...we have PT (playing time) or PET periods in school thts a stimulus or a moving force (imPETus) tht encourages students to go out n play

ComPETing with US is a bit difficult for any country, as it has a strong military FORCE.

impetus: something that beat-us with force

impetus,impact on us,think like that when we go to us what would be impact on us it will encourage our process of growth.


Short Definition : irreverence; lack of respect for God or piety

(noun) unrighteousness by virtue of lacking respect for a god
Synonyms : impiousness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impiety

im(not)+piety(sounds like deity which means god).. not showing respect for somebody who is "not god" ..

Im(not)+piety(pity) -- those who dont show pity to distressed people , have "lack of respect for god" too ,,

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impiety->divide it as "i m piet" which sounds like "i am right" which shows no respect to anyone even god..

act of being impious


Short Definition : infringe; encroach; influence; touch; collide with; Ex. The effects are impinging on every aspect of our lives.

(verb) impinge or infringe upon
Synonyms : encroach entrench trench
Example Sentence
  • This impinges on my rights as an individual
  • This matter entrenches on other domains
(verb) advance beyond the usual limit
Synonyms : encroach infringe
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impinge

impinge- im + ping(e)..Someone continuously pinging you while chatting means he or she wants to influence you and then touch your heart.

im + pinge (pinch). When someone pinches you they infringe on ur privacy and they touch u.

Someone IMmediately PINGs you whenever you come online, means he want to get your attention everytime .. Exceeding the normal limit


Short Definition : irreverent

(adj) lacking piety or reverence for a god Definition
(adj) lacking due respect or dutifulness
Synonyms : undutiful
Example Sentence
  • impious toward one's parents
  • an undutiful son
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impious

pious means religious...so with a -ve prefix,impious means not religious....so a person who is not religious lacks respect for god. synonym:IMPIETY

a person pee's on us then he lacks respect for us. Im PIo US

impious and impity means the same i.e, lack of respect to god


Short Definition : incapable of being pacified; impossible to appease; Ex. implacable enemy

(adj) incapable of being placated
Example Sentence
  • an implacable enemy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for implacable

Sounds like IMPLEASABLE -- some one who cannot be pleased or appeased -- not pacifiable

IM(Not) + PLAC(Place) + ABLE = You will not a place in her heart.

implacable = im (not) + play + cable; cable is not playingi.e not friendly environment.

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In general body IMPLANTS are INCAPABLE of satisfying / pacifying human desires.


Short Definition : unlikely (to be true); unbelievable; Ex. implausible alibi

(adj) having a quality that provokes disbelief
Example Sentence
  • gave the teacher an implausible excuse
(adj) highly imaginative but unlikely
Synonyms : farfetched
Example Sentence
  • a farfetched excuse
  • an implausible explanation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for implausible

implausible rhymes with impossible....something that is impossible is unlikely

Plaus = Plus , So 2+3 =4 , is implausible and improbable & as GRE student if you do it is also unbelievable.

im(not) plaus ible(able to be); not able to be plaused


Short Definition : put into effect; enforce; carry out; supply with tools; Ex. implement the plan/suggestion; N: tool or instrument

(noun) instrumentation (a piece of equipment or tool) used to effect an end Definition
(verb) apply in a manner consistent with its purpose or design
Example Sentence
  • implement a procedure
(verb) ensure observance of laws and rules
Synonyms : apply enforce
Example Sentence
  • Apply the rules to everyone
(verb) pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue
Example Sentence
  • Did he go through with the treatment?
  • He implemented a new economic plan
  • She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal
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